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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > WTF is going on with Ft. Campbell ?? Chemistry Proof :) Thx ! Bye.
Originally posted by Bountytaker
I'm sure it has nothing to do with some significant changes in their lineup, lack of gameplanning, or even the fact that a significant portion of their team, including the owner, have been inactive for long stretches.

Nope, must be the low chemistry that's killing them.

Just like this team:

And this team:

Dont bring this garbage from weak a$$ leagues up in here to try and prove a point. Those are both very weak leagues. Try again. I know you had to look long and hard for those very bad examples, because the other hundreds of teams with bad chemistry all have LOSING RECORDS !

almost perfect chemistry and yet they're 4-8

low chemistry, yet has the same record as a team that has almost perfect chemistry

almost perfect chemistry and 5-7

and this was all from one league bitch
Last edited Jul 5, 2008 23:25:46
Originally posted by davitrav30
Originally posted by Bountytaker

I'm sure it has nothing to do with some significant changes in their lineup, lack of gameplanning, or even the fact that a significant portion of their team, including the owner, have been inactive for long stretches.

Nope, must be the low chemistry that's killing them.

Just like this team:

And this team:

Dont bring this garbage from weak a$$ leagues up in here to try and prove a point. Those are both very weak leagues. Try again. I know you had to look long and hard for those very bad examples, because the other hundreds of teams with bad chemistry all have LOSING RECORDS !

Well, actually, the first team is in A7...which is the same level league as us. So I don't know how that's "weak ass".

Second...I didn't really have to look very hard at all. I was double checking the "active" status of the owner of Ft. Campbell, and looked up the very first player he has listed on a team other than his own. Just so happens, it's a team with 30 some odd chemistry, and 10 bout that
Stop trying to argue with him with proof you guys, it takes more than logic to defeat davitrav!
Originally posted by davitrav30
Originally posted by Bountytaker

I'm sure it has nothing to do with some significant changes in their lineup, lack of gameplanning, or even the fact that a significant portion of their team, including the owner, have been inactive for long stretches.

Nope, must be the low chemistry that's killing them.

Just like this team:

And this team:

Dont bring this garbage from weak a$$ leagues up in here to try and prove a point. Those are both very weak leagues. Try again. I know you had to look long and hard for those very bad examples, because the other hundreds of teams with bad chemistry all have LOSING RECORDS !

Great logic. It occurs to me that crappy teams with terrible records might also have crappy owners who make pisspoor decisions with regards to chemistry and every other aspect of their team's operations.

I think the chemistry is a secondary problem in most cases. Bort has already said that chemistry is less significant, in terms of game outcome, than morale. If that's the crutch you want to lean on for last season's performance and the rest of your team buys it, more power to you.

I think it makes you sound like an assclown ... no ... an assclown who won't stop drawing attention to themselves acting like an assclown. I guess that'd be an attention-whoring assclown.
Just for the record Assclown may be my favorite insult. And for some people it works so well, I've only been in this league part of a season and well yeah I can see why the name fits.

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