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Honestly, winning playoff games gets no respect from me. I think the regular season is a much better indicator of talent. (And by that indicator, Tasmania is clearly a team to beat.)
Originally posted by Mornacale
Honestly, winning playoff games gets no respect from me. I think the regular season is a much better indicator of talent. (And by that indicator, Tasmania is clearly a team to beat.)

You give respect to people?

I didnt think that Washington was all that great... until they beat Samoa... then Portland. Now they are up a league and I respect them alot more.
Last edited Jul 9, 2008 08:22:37
Who in their right mind says something like this?? In the NFL, or any sport for that
matter, if you are ousted in the 1st round and have never won a playoff game, your
team doesn't earn any respect. Respect is earned in the playoffs.

Originally posted by Mornacale
Honestly, winning playoff games gets no respect from me. I think the regular season is a much better indicator of talent. (And by that indicator, Tasmania is clearly a team to beat.)

It's very easy to say you don't have respect for playoff wins when you don't have any.
No disrespect to the Devils, but if you wanted to talk regular season wins, Samoa or
LVSB are "clearly" the teams to beat. Also, they have been for the past 2 seasons.
Both teams also have won some playoff games. Are you saying they don't have your respect??
Or is it the Rain that you don't have respect for? I have even sent your owner
PMs congratulating your teams success. I have posted kudos in this forum as well.
Well, your team is having a breakout season with key wins over the elite in our division.
However, I guess in your book the Rain doesn't count as an elite team...
Right now you are writing a check with your mouth, that your team may or may not be
able to cash....
Last edited Jul 10, 2008 20:54:41
Originally posted by dviss1
Who in their right mind says something like this?? In the NFL, or any sport for that matter, if you are ousted in the 1st round and have never won a playoff game, your team doesn't earn any respect. Respect is earned in the playoffs.

Originally posted by Mornacale

Honestly, winning playoff games gets no respect from me. I think the regular season is a much better indicator of talent. (And by that indicator, Tasmania is clearly a team to beat.)

It's very easy to say you don't have respect for playoff wins when you don't have any.
No disrespect to the Devils, but if you wanted to talk regular season wins, Samoa or LVSB are "clearly" the teams to beat. Also, they have been for the past 2 seasons. Both teams also have won some playoff games. Are you saying they don't have your respect?? Or is it the Rain that you don't have respect for? I have even sent your owner PMs congratulating your teams success. I have posted kudos in this forum as well. Well, your team is having a breakout season with key wins over the elite in our division. However, I guess in your book the Rain doesn't count as an elite team... Right now you are writing a check with your mouth, that your team may or may not be able to cash....

This is not the NFL. This is an internet football game. They are different.

But let me give you an example from the NFL anyhow. You may have heard of the situation before: last season, the New England Patriots were 16-0, dominating the majority of their opponents. The New York Giants went 10-6, and...well, weren't really that dominant. The two teams met in the Super Bowl, and the Giants won. Now here's where I'm going to blow your mind: the 2007 New England Patriots were a better football team than the 2007 New York Giants. It is not even close. (Full disclosure: I fucking hate the Patriots, those cocksuckers.) In my opinion, the 2007 Cowboys and Packers were also better than the Giants, but they also lost to them in the playoffs. Many of the teams in the AFC, such as the Colts, Chargers, and Jaguars were also better, but they did not make the Super Bowl.

From this recent example, we can surmise that success in the playoffs does not determine the quality of a team. In part, this is because a team's route through the playoffs makes a huge difference to their ultimate success. In part, it is because there are too few games in the playoffs to form an accurate measure of the quality of any team (this is why other sports have series rather than single games). In part, it is because head-to-head matchups do not (necessarily) accurately determine team quality.

So, if playoff wins do not necessarily reflect team quality in general, does that mean that we ought not respect a team for winning? In the NFL, the answer is no. Players should get credit for making the most of their luck, for giving their effort and coming up big in big games, even--especially--if they are on a "worse" football team. But this is not the case in GLB: the players do not motivate themselves, because they are dots, and random events occur as they will--in fact, the playoffs typically seem to be much more random than the regular season. Therefore, a playoff game is at most equally important as a regular season game in determining a team's quality, and quite possibly less important.

So that is my reasoning. With that out of the way, you ask about my personal opinions, so I will address that as well. My previous statement does not say anything about what teams I do and do not respect, but merely about my reasons for respecting the teams that I do. I absolutely do have respect for the Rain (my strategy discussion in our team forum included a caution that our game against you was a losable one)...I simply have that respect because your performance in regular season football and the state of your roster cause me to do so, not because of how far you got in the playoffs last season.

Furthermore, let me clarify what I mean by "respect". In this context, I am using it exclusively to refer to ability. That is, I "respect" a team's ability to potentially beat mine. In the wider sense, I attempt to respect every team and player that does not prove themself to be either stupid, annoying, abusive, etc. For instance, I respect the members of the worst teams in the league for sticking around despite hard times, even though--to be realistic--they don't stand a chance of winning against Samoa right now.

tl;dr: Individual playoff games are much less important than the cumulative results of the regular season in evaluating the quality of a team. Also, I respect the majority of teams on a personal level, regardless of what I think their ability is.
Last edited Jul 10, 2008 22:05:31
General Terms
Originally posted by dviss1
Who in their right mind says something like this?? In the NFL, or any sport for that
matter, if you are ousted in the 1st round and have never won a playoff game, your
team doesn't earn any respect. Respect is earned in the playoffs.

Originally posted by Mornacale

Honestly, winning playoff games gets no respect from me. I think the regular season is a much better indicator of talent. (And by that indicator, Tasmania is clearly a team to beat.)

It's very easy to say you don't have respect for playoff wins when you don't have any.
No disrespect to the Devils, but if you wanted to talk regular season wins, Samoa or
LVSB are "clearly" the teams to beat. Also, they have been for the past 2 seasons.
Both teams also have won some playoff games. Are you saying they don't have your respect??
Or is it the Rain that you don't have respect for? I have even sent your owner
PMs congratulating your teams success. I have posted kudos in this forum as well.
Well, your team is having a breakout season with key wins over the elite in our division.
However, I guess in your book the Rain doesn't count as an elite team...
Right now you are writing a check with your mouth, that your team may or may not be
able to cash....

Who exactly are you talking about? The comment you quoted came from a Gangster not a Devil.
General Terms
Originally posted by Mornacale
Originally posted by dviss1

Who in their right mind says something like this?? In the NFL, or any sport for that matter, if you are ousted in the 1st round and have never won a playoff game, your team doesn't earn any respect. Respect is earned in the playoffs.

Originally posted by Mornacale

Honestly, winning playoff games gets no respect from me. I think the regular season is a much better indicator of talent. (And by that indicator, Tasmania is clearly a team to beat.)

It's very easy to say you don't have respect for playoff wins when you don't have any.
No disrespect to the Devils, but if you wanted to talk regular season wins, Samoa or LVSB are "clearly" the teams to beat. Also, they have been for the past 2 seasons. Both teams also have won some playoff games. Are you saying they don't have your respect?? Or is it the Rain that you don't have respect for? I have even sent your owner PMs congratulating your teams success. I have posted kudos in this forum as well. Well, your team is having a breakout season with key wins over the elite in our division. However, I guess in your book the Rain doesn't count as an elite team... Right now you are writing a check with your mouth, that your team may or may not be able to cash....

This is not the NFL. This is an internet football game. They are different.

But let me give you an example from the NFL anyhow. You may have heard of the situation before: last season, the New England Patriots were 16-0, dominating the majority of their opponents. The New York Giants went 10-6, and...well, weren't really that dominant. The two teams met in the Super Bowl, and the Giants won. Now here's where I'm going to blow your mind: the 2007 New England Patriots were a better football team than the 2007 New York Giants. It is not even close. (Full disclosure: I fucking hate the Patriots, those cocksuckers.) In my opinion, the 2007 Cowboys and Packers were also better than the Giants, but they also lost to them in the playoffs. Many of the teams in the AFC, such as the Colts, Chargers, and Jaguars were also better, but they did not make the Super Bowl.

From this recent example, we can surmise that success in the playoffs does not determine the quality of a team. In part, this is because a team's route through the playoffs makes a huge difference to their ultimate success. In part, it is because there are too few games in the playoffs to form an accurate measure of the quality of any team (this is why other sports have series rather than single games). In part, it is because head-to-head matchups do not (necessarily) accurately determine team quality.

So, if playoff wins do not necessarily reflect team quality in general, does that mean that we ought not respect a team for winning? In the NFL, the answer is no. Players should get credit for making the most of their luck, for giving their effort and coming up big in big games, even--especially--if they are on a "worse" football team. But this is not the case in GLB: the players do not motivate themselves, because they are dots, and random events occur as they will--in fact, the playoffs typically seem to be much more random than the regular season. Therefore, a playoff game is at most equally important as a regular season game in determining a team's quality, and quite possibly less important.

So that is my reasoning. With that out of the way, you ask about my personal opinions, so I will address that as well. My previous statement does not say anything about what teams I do and do not respect, but merely about my reasons for respecting the teams that I do. I absolutely do have respect for the Rain (my strategy discussion in our team forum included a caution that our game against you was a losable one)...I simply have that respect because your performance in regular season football and the state of your roster cause me to do so, not because of how far you got in the playoffs last season.

Furthermore, let me clarify what I mean by "respect". In this context, I am using it exclusively to refer to ability. That is, I "respect" a team's ability to potentially beat mine. In the wider sense, I attempt to respect every team and player that does not prove themself to be either stupid, annoying, abusive, etc. For instance, I respect the members of the worst teams in the league for sticking around despite hard times, even though--to be realistic--they don't stand a chance of winning against Samoa right now.

tl;dr: Individual playoff games are much less important than the cumulative results of the regular season in evaluating the quality of a team. Also, I respect the majority of teams on a personal level, regardless of what I think their ability is.

I think in regards to GLB, since the regular season is a round robin and the playoffs are not, the regular season becomes a better indicator of what team is the best IN CONFERENCE than the playoffs. Now league wide it is a different argument altogether.
Originally posted by General Terms

I think in regards to GLB, since the regular season is a round robin and the playoffs are not, the regular season becomes a better indicator of what team is the best IN CONFERENCE than the playoffs. Now league wide it is a different argument altogether.

Very much agreed. The regular season definitely indicates best team much better, I feel.

Personally, I respect teams for different reasons, too. The teams that probably won't win, I respect for sticking around. Pretty much anyone seeded 7-16, especially those that have gone to great lengths to rebuild, I have a ton of respect for. Ask the owner of most any of those teams -- I've followed their progress and was damned happy to see many of them progress as they did.

As for the top teams: God, I respect the hell out of LVSB, Portland, Tasmania, Wollongong...hell, any team in the top part of their league because they have proven success records. Hell, if I didn't respect half of them, why would I have gone off to Africa to make a team composed of multiple Oceania owners and their players?

Pretty much...just because people don't talk constantly on the boards about it doesn't mean they don't respect someone's team. However, if anyone feels a need to claim a lack of respect to motivate their team, by all means -- go for it. But know this -- Samoa pretty much respects anyone that is able and willing to bring it week in and week out, despite the results.

General Terms
Originally posted by MrMoose
Originally posted by General Terms

I think in regards to GLB, since the regular season is a round robin and the playoffs are not, the regular season becomes a better indicator of what team is the best IN CONFERENCE than the playoffs. Now league wide it is a different argument altogether.

Very much agreed. The regular season definitely indicates best team much better, I feel.

Personally, I respect teams for different reasons, too. The teams that probably won't win, I respect for sticking around. Pretty much anyone seeded 7-16, especially those that have gone to great lengths to rebuild, I have a ton of respect for. Ask the owner of most any of those teams -- I've followed their progress and was damned happy to see many of them progress as they did.

As for the top teams: God, I respect the hell out of LVSB, Portland, Tasmania, Wollongong...hell, any team in the top part of their league because they have proven success records. Hell, if I didn't respect half of them, why would I have gone off to Africa to make a team composed of multiple Oceania owners and their players?

Pretty much...just because people don't talk constantly on the boards about it doesn't mean they don't respect someone's team. However, if anyone feels a need to claim a lack of respect to motivate their team, by all means -- go for it. But know this -- Samoa pretty much respects anyone that is able and willing to bring it week in and week out, despite the results.

Ditto Moose!

However, I am waving my private parts at your aunties Moose. Also you reak of elderberries you empty headed wiper of other people's bottoms.

Unfortunately disrespect is often more entertaining than respect and since GLB's purpose (at least from our end) is for entertainment the disrespect will continue to flow unabated.
Originally posted by Mornacale
Honestly, winning playoff games gets no respect from me. I think the regular season is a much better indicator of talent. (And by that indicator, Tasmania is clearly a team to beat.)

Originally posted by General Terms

Who exactly are you talking about? The comment you quoted came from a Gangster not a Devil.

I have a lot of egg on my face now don't I?? I HONESTLY thought that was a Devil that
was making this comment. Without researching, (I could have simply clicked on the name)
I responded thinking this was the case. For this I GREATLY apologize. Clearly if
this was a Devil that was making this comment, it could have been taken as a slight.
Our teams have had some very close games. Tasmania has done an EXCELLENT job of
taking a decent season 2 and turning it into a top 3 season. Also, after seeing you
get beat 2 VERY GREAT teams that have both beaten mine, Your respect is definitely earned.
Last edited Jul 10, 2008 23:40:00
General, that's a good point about it being very difficult to determine which teams are best between the conferences. But then the playoffs don't help much there either, as there's only one inter-conference game there. too. The best you can really get is week 16, and checking out the individual rosters.
Originally posted by dviss1
Originally posted by Mornacale

Honestly, winning playoff games gets no respect from me. I think the regular season is a much better indicator of talent. (And by that indicator, Tasmania is clearly a team to beat.)

Originally posted by General Terms

Who exactly are you talking about? The comment you quoted came from a Gangster not a Devil.

I have a lot of egg on my face now don't I?? I HONESTLY thought that was a Devil that
was making this comment. Without researching, (I could have simply clicked on the name)
I responded thinking this was the case. For this I GREATLY apologize. Clearly if
this was a Devil that was making this comment, it could have been taken as a slight.
Our teams have had some very close games. Tasmania has done an EXCELLENT job of
taking a decent season 2 and turning it into a top 3 season. Also, after seeing you
get beat 2 VERY GREAT teams that have both beaten mine, Your respect is definitely earned.

Too late, now you just built up a big siege complex amongst us Devils...we've bugged the dame so if/when we play the Rain we can set our intensity to 'Chuck Norris' and obliterate your guys in a whirl of roundhouse kicks and general death. You'll be back to recruiting CPU players by the time we're finished with you...for disrespecting us, you see


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