Originally posted by _OSIRIS_
Doubt it. Our OL isn't that great but no other team we played dominated the LoS against us quite the way his did.
I think there was some kind of stealth nerf to offense sometime in the last three seasons. Sims haven't seemed much fun lately, flashback to season 28 for me. Completion rates in the 20s to low 30s. Outside runs are dead. Inside runs don't work well. ...I have to comment on this now that I have the time to give an in depth response...
...there is no differential between whether your Oline lost it or gerr's Dline won it ...it was both, which is why I threw that comment out there ...not taking anything away from gerr's bold reach ...his gamble paid off and he deserves to be commended for that!
...this isn't directed at you OSIRIS, but directed at those that have been sticking with this blind faith in these 'cookie-cutter' builds that it seems that most the 'high roller' teams take ...scared to go against the 'traditional' build plans that have gotten them there in previous seasons and try something more radical? ...enter RR and it's ability to brush aside boosted teams and make it to the big dance! ...been beating boosted teams in playoffs for the past few seasons in PWG, just needed a BK to get to go the distance for a gif! ...the truth is that most you 'elite' coordinators have fallen behind the times! ...haven't been exploring possibilities with builds, too scared to take these risks and/or not enough cares to explore other options?!? ...or maybe yas just got bloated on your gifs and became lazy?!? ...maybe yas were already lazy and still using LE/jkid/gerr's build guides from 10 seasons ago?!? ...this is why I welcomed whodeys 'building methods' and showing his builds like he knows the best way coz it contributes to throwing yas off the scent of what I've been exploring! ...unfortunately for RR, it didn't throw gerr off the scent! ...he actually was able to go a few steps further with his DEs coz of the boosts
...as far as sims not favoring offense ...hello?!? ...since when was the sim favoring defense?!? ...there was a 'stealth change' to zone coverage over last season's break that hasn't done zone coverage at low levels any favors either!