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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > HITMEN WORLD DOMINATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Last edited Jul 3, 2008 13:39:22
The issue would be dead if the two of you would go about your business and be cool. This issue was brought up at the beginning of the season, and dropped. It really didn't re-surface until the two of you lost your minds one day and started acting like assholes. You'll notice there was no flood of complaints until that day. Maybe a pot shot or two, and you guys got your panties in a bunch over it. Now, no one really wants to accept it ... because you're assholes. If anyone needs to "man up", it's you.
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Last edited Jul 3, 2008 13:39:07
Please charlie stop this.
I just hope that when you get to a "competitive" league, you don't act like pricks like you have here. Because even if you start losing, you're going to catch shit for having your team the way it is and still losing. If you win, you'll get the same treatment you have here ... unless by that time you've managed to grow a pair, and some skin.
Please don't respond.

good luck (you don't need it but, I'm not "that" guy) and I wish you the best...

You can not expect to come here and snap and not expect guys to come to our side. We built our team the way everyone else built their team and I have been a staple in the USA A 8 forums. Our team has also been the epitome of good sports, taking wins and losses in stride. You Nole, acted like a douche and then threw Katrina on the table. Did you think that would win you support?

You guys run things the way you run it, but I would advise you keep the comments to a minimum. Perhaps you will have better luck in the next league with the way guys respond, but I doubt it. There are some guys up there that have kept an eye on things, and they sorta have a soft spot for us Purples...

it should be mentioned, both guys are online at the same time, so that talk should die down...

Last edited Jul 3, 2008 13:53:20
Forget it
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 13:55:29
too easy.
Originally posted by DeathKnight000
Why get so defensive? I did not accuse you of abusing anything, i only stated that with you spending so much money you can buy a team entirely, fit it with all the same level type players of your own and basically have a huge advantage over every other team in any league.

I can dream, can't I?

How I wish I had enough money to do this. I'd fire virtually everyone and stock it with all of my players. This isn't because I dislike anyone on my team - I rather really enjoy all of the different guys - but we are currently stuck with linebackers playing at defensive end. Why? Because it is fucking impossible to sign free agents anymore; and I don't mean virtually impossible ... actually impossible, I've signed all of ZERO FA's this season.

No matter what I do - long-winded messages, shorter messages, huge offers, logical offers, starting spots, depth spots, chat rooms - I cannot sign players. Meanwhile, I have players leaving left and right because they (or their friend) got a team. The only solace is that they also cannot sign people. I sort of chuckle and I can't feel too bad ... since the playoff last season, I've lost a combined 77 levels of defensive ends.

So, these two are kicking the shit out of everyone while experiencing very little stress. To me, they are winners twice over.

Last edited Jul 3, 2008 16:39:47
Whoever said money cant buy love Dont worry trendon if ever the massacre fall apart you will have a level 22 DE FA you could sign
Originally posted by trendon
Originally posted by DeathKnight000

Why get so defensive? I did not accuse you of abusing anything, i only stated that with you spending so much money you can buy a team entirely, fit it with all the same level type players of your own and basically have a huge advantage over every other team in any league.

I can dream, can't I?

How I wish I had enough money to do this. I'd fire virtually everyone and stock it with all of my players. This isn't because I dislike anyone on my team - I rather really enjoy all of the different guys - but we are currently stuck with linebackers playing at defensive end. Why? Because it is fucking impossible to sign free agents anymore; and I don't mean virtually impossible ... actually impossible, I've signed all of ZERO FA's this season.

No matter what I do - long-winded messages, shorter messages, huge offers, logical offers, starting spots, depth spots, chat rooms - I cannot sign players. Meanwhile, I have players leaving left and right because they (or their friend) got a team. The only solace is that they also cannot sign people. I sort of chuckle and I can't feel too bad ... since the playoff last season, I've lost a combined 77 levels of defensive ends.

So, these two are kicking the shit out of everyone while experiencing very little stress. To me, they are winners twice over.

I dont mean to rain on your parade, but although it is very difficult signing FA's, its not impossible. You gotta get in early before 100 other owners talk to them and taint them, and make them feel comfortable about you yourself, and not so much the team. After that it becomes a lot easier to sell the deal to them, and ive signed a couple of FAs in the past few weeks that i really didnt expect to get, because my team isnt anything outrageous, and we dont look like a shoe in for a championship. Im not trying to tell you you're doing it wrong, but maybe a few things that help to do it right.

People skills ftw!
Shit, I am a bartender, I have exceptional people skills! I actually contacted one of the owners that beat me out for two or three FA's and asked him what he is doing to snag guys. He asked to see my sales message and thought it was fantastic aside from being a bit long-winded. So, I've since shortened it. We shall see how this works. Since my revamped message format, I've gone 0-for-5; hitting the phones again in a few minutes.

All in all, if I wasn't emotionally invested in the team's players - because you start to like these guys after three seasons - and I had a little extra scratch, I'd go the Hitmen route. As it is, I am merely creating players for the purpose of being trade bait. It is the next best thing I can do.
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 17:14:43
Originally posted by DeathKnight000
Whoever said money cant buy love Dont worry trendon if ever the massacre fall apart you will have a level 22 DE FA you could sign

Rockstar Games Stadium is located right next to Empire City at Yonkers Raceway. Take a ride up the Deegan if you are ever interested! I'll be at the slot machine next to the bathroom that says it pays at 97%, but that is complete bullshit. More like 9.7%
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 17:16:38

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