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Forum > Prep Leagues > EAGLES VS ABD- PREP 2 Championship
VGG Eagles......This was such a tough season for prep 2. The East and West played their asses off. I give all the credit for ABD winning the Prep tourney and Prep 2 to our owner and OC Hero. ABD had a blast this season, and look forward to next season.
PS- 7Excuse, still laughing with our early boost??????? Also, I know 7Excuse has the GLB record of 94 wins in a row, but none of his teams, ever through a shutout in every game of the playoffs I know as DC for ABD I got lucky
See you guys next season
Vegas OUT
Originally posted by VegasABD
VGG Eagles......This was such a tough season for prep 2. The East and West played their asses off. I give all the credit for ABD winning the Prep tourney and Prep 2 to our owner and OC Hero. ABD had a blast this season, and look forward to next season.
PS- 7Excuse, still laughing with our early boost??????? Also, I know 7Excuse has the GLB record of 94 wins in a row, but none of his teams, ever through a shutout in every game of the playoffs I know as DC for ABD I got lucky
See you guys next season
Vegas OUT

BIG ROOT of Prep #3 allowed a very comparable 259.5 yards total in route to win our championship. Didn't get the 4 consecutive shutouts, which is extremely impressive, but I wanted to toot our horn.

Prep #3's Western division was also very tough. Probably not as tough as Prep #2, so don't get me wrong. But we feel we truly earned this one. Prep #3's Eastern division is another story but the Bogata Raiders showed they belonged in a tough finale.

Wasn't trying to one-up you, because well, we didn't one up you. But our league forum is pretty dead so I wanted to take a moment to toot our horn too.
Originally posted by revurb
BIG ROOT of Prep #3 allowed a very comparable 259.5 yards total in route to win our championship. Didn't get the 4 consecutive shutouts, which is extremely impressive, but I wanted to toot our horn.

Prep #3's Western division was also very tough. Probably not as tough as Prep #2, so don't get me wrong. But we feel we truly earned this one. Prep #3's Eastern division is another story but the Bogata Raiders showed they belonged in a tough finale.

Wasn't trying to one-up you, because well, we didn't one up you. But our league forum is pretty dead so I wanted to take a moment to toot our horn too.

Toot a way bro...And congrats. You will find out shortly....where Vegas is, the forum counts are huge.
I'm the white T.O.
Getcha Popcorn Ready

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