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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > Pro Bowl: Nominate Pro Bowl Council - Action Required by 07-05 12 PM CST
e-mail sent with our reps.

I'm not really interested in trying to coordinate with 10 guys on my team to do this...or even 5. If it ever changes to a 1-vote per team system, with however we choose to generate that vote being our own perogative, let me know.

Last season was simple..I just post the noms in our forum and people vote, then I collate the votes and pass it on as our team vote...
FYI: I won't be following through with the plan due to disappointing participation. I cannot justify putting in the effort when there is no interest/response from the others. Maybe my format was flawed.

So if anyone else wants to pick this up, i'll be all for it.
Originally posted by Doggg4
e-mail sent with our reps.

Thankyou...for participating!
This is exactly why I didn't do it this year.

If this is going to get done, EVER, you have to just decide on a format and say "This is how it is"

When you get people 30 fucking choices on how it will be run, then it's gonna get dragged out for weeks an nothing will get accomplished. Then, at the end people get frustrated with the complete lack of progress and say "Who really gives a rats ass about the Pro Bowl"

Everybody can do it better, and everybody thinks everybody else is a moron. Welcome to the Internet - where everybody has a 185 I.Q.

Now I'm going to take this time to say "I told you so" because nobody other than a couple of people appreciated the format I set up last year.

Bort will have to include a system in the game and force people to do it the way it's in the game for it to ever work. And that's just a harsh, time consuming lesson for everybody this year who made the same mistake that I made last year.
I appreciated how you did it last year. Simple and easy. Hence, I participated.

I simply had no interest in trying to round up 5, 10, whatever people from my team and force them to take part in a pro bowl most of them could care less about.
Yeah, I also enjoyed last year.
Originally posted by Teh_Cheat23
Yeah, I also enjoyed last year.

Originally posted by makbeer
I appreciated how you did it last year. Simple and easy. Hence, I participated.

I simply had no interest in trying to round up 5, 10, whatever people from my team and force them to take part in a pro bowl most of them could care less about.

Thanks for speaking up now guys. You could've at least said you wouldn't participate during the initial discussions and saved me the trouble of setting this up.

When did I ever say I would participate? I was just stating that I enjoyed the Pro-Bowl last year, but that doesn't mean I disagree with it this year.

I'm not the rep for my team, and I thought the rep was supposed to delegate other people to vote, and so far I have no idea who those people are so before you get your panties in a bunch, stop, think for a second, and realize that I said nothing negative towards you and what you're doing and I assume the same for makbeer.

I think you're doing a fine job this year with it, it's a little complicated, but it's not bad. Last year hardly anyone voted, but the format was good.
Originally posted by Teh_Cheat23
Last year hardly anyone voted, but the format was good.

Last year we had 17 voters out of 32 teams - that's 53% participation.

If he wants 10 people from every team to vote, then he needs to get roughly 170 people to vote to match last years results.

Just saying...
My two cents:

I think the one vote per team lends itself to the best chance for success. On our own team boards the reps are probably running into the same thing you are running into on the league board and not getting enough people signed up for the deadlines.

This could all be salvaged. Just have one rep vote and set up a site like last season to do so. The rep could still have a council or whatever, but their votes would all count as one team vote. PM all the team owners of the teams of the new system and new deadline. There is already a better turnout than last season as far as team reps go (not a slam on last season). I think it would be a huge success to have anywhere close to 32 voters.
Not to mention the entire thing was thrown together, posted, voted, tallied, and released in 8 days.

The reason for that is I didn't give the entire league the opportunity to discuss how the format should be done. After about 2 hours of watching that mess, I just made the executive decision and told people how it would work.

That's the only way you will get results when you're dealing with a large number of individuals. Set the format, explain it, and then fucking do it.

I can tell you right now with 100% certainty that Windsor won't have 10 people voting. We won't have 5 people voting. And it's not to spite your format, it's because most of us just don't have the time to invest in going through all the players and voting on them. That's why a lot of us are playing a browser game - we don't have that much free time.

I'm pretty sure there are a LOT of people just in A#2 that are in the same boat. 1 voter per team, set a deadline and when that person will be designated, and then start the voting.

The season will be over next week.
I had no problem with how it turned out last year, nor do I have any problem with how Reelss is doing it this year although the point that is being made is legit. I think he deserves some sort of thanks for at least making an attempt and could only hope he will still go through with it now with 1 vote per team. It would be nice to have a pro-bowl selection this year no matter who it is that wins each spot.
Originally posted by Doomsday
I had no problem with how it turned out last year, nor do I have any problem with how Reelss is doing it this year although the point that is being made is legit. I think he deserves some sort of thanks for at least making an attempt and could only hope he will still go through with it now with 1 vote per team. It would be nice to have a pro-bowl selection this year no matter who it is that wins each spot.

Thanks...i'll take a page out of PhireHawk's book and just go ahead with this. I will have something ready by this weekend and we can start voting.
Sweet =]

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