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Originally posted by 7steeladonis
I expect better from a troll such as yourself. You've gotten soft and need to recharge.

People confuse my posts, I'm not trolling. I think you are a " know it all " with not a god damn thing to show for it. You barely won a shitty pro conference in your 3rd try. Seriously I don't see how anyone stands being around you. From what happened with the widows last season after you threw bhall under the bus when they lost the playoff game but " you only had time to tag" boo hoo. Ugh I hate people like you. Its always someone else's fault. Just curious, who's fault has it been that you guys have been stuck in pro the past few seasons, not yours right. Couldn't be, your the best DC in glb. You have a season 29 apl silver to show for it. Don't confuse any of this for trolling, consider it your challenge for next season chump.

Welcome to the world league
Edited by O' HappyCow on Sep 7, 2012 09:38:37
Edited by MadCow DTD on Jul 29, 2012 07:17:20
Oh, I'm not confused. I know it all? I do know that it takes a bitch to run around talking about stuff that is said in a private team forum between two agents, coming on a league forum to share with everyone. You are either a girl or a kid, which? Grow the fuck up or get some balls. I wasn't even aware bhall was butthurt and don't care enough to set it straight if he's just gunna whine about our conversation last time, he'll do it again. So you hate me for saying it, what does that mean about the ones running around crying about what I said? If he got offended over that conversation then what ev, he lost this time too, right? Good strategy, he was probably saving his tricks for the title game, oops.

I lost to Excel last season and still went on there, swallowed my pride, and said GG, they went on there and belittled me. Guess that makes me the bad guy and people like you go suck their dicks. I didn't cry about how I lost to anyone at any time. If want access to my team forum then be my guest, you'll find no excuses for that loss other than I fucked up. Losing to a multiple WL title winner must mean I must suck, obviously. I didn't run around crying to everyone saying "they didn't say GG" That's their choice and one that I have no control over. I thought it was funny.

Thanks for paying so much attention to my shitty team and caring so much to share. You are spending a lot of effort to make me look bad considering we suck so bad. When I beat a team I am supposed to beat I just say GG and move on, they aren't worth any more effort. Guess that makes me a bad guy too, and I don't need any help looking bad, I can do that on my own.

Good luck to you Mr Know it all
Lol I don't know or care if bhall is butthurt over that. I just heard you were a giant douchebag about the whole thing and you didn't even gameplan. I just think its funny, classless, but funny.
And after reading your last paragraph, its obvious you have never met me before. Hi steeltard, my name is madcow. That's what I do. And stop bringing bhall into this. I don't know or care how he feels about you. Im sure he will let you know himself. I just used it as an example. Is everyone from Pittsburgh this fucking stupid. Jesus im starting to think you might be a little downsy. When people don't like you, expect more than just a GG when they beat you. So when you talk crap to ds and they keep your crap team in pro expect them to talk alot of shit. If you beat me next season, talk all the crap you want, because I will.
o The Boss x
Originally posted by 7steeladonis
I lost to Excel last season and still went on there, swallowed my pride, and said GG, they went on there and belittled me. Guess that makes me the bad guy and people like you go suck their dicks. I didn't cry about how I lost to anyone at any time. If want access to my team forum then be my guest, you'll find no excuses for that loss other than I fucked up. Losing to a multiple WL title winner must mean I must suck, obviously. I didn't run around crying to everyone saying "they didn't say GG" That's their choice and one that I have no control over. I thought it was funny.


still don't understand how sadcow thinks this is classless, Steel is one of the classy teams left in GLB.
Not wanting to game plan and not having time are two different things, I did what I could at the time. But you think what you wanna, I care not. Thanks for this little get to know the trollcow session. You are who we thought you were

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