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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Tackler runs through ball carrier, no tackle attempt.. NOT A BUG
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by beenlurken
They are going to tell you that the ball carrier made a quick cut and made the FS over pursue and whiff (reason why the FS missed with a shrinking or without recording a missed tackle). It doesnt look like that in the replay because the dots are not a precise representation of where the dots are actually on the field

So... the dots really are drunk. Finally an answer we can live with. XD
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
So... the dots really are drunk. Finally an answer we can live with. XD

I can't live with that answer because its those representations on the field that determine where I place my defenders when creating defensive plays.

Personally......I think them saying that is nothing more than an excuse for them not knowing why that happened and nor do they have the time or inclination to look into it.

Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Indeed the reason it happened is because of the "Hard Cut/Fake" that the HB makes prior to the tackle attempt roll.
The FS has a roll to correct for this and if missed its a whiffed tackle (ie no tackle attempt is made)

This is not a SA or special situation so no pop up icon or shrunken defender.

This behaviour was actually turned down last offseason as part of the outside run game re-balancing (see for details :
specifically my feedback in Catch's OP under the section 6/7 update below the first Bort Quote, and the last bullet point in the second Bort quote) although links to replays wont work for you it is this same behaviour.

It is now pretty rare, so I'll check that Bort is happy with current level of occurance.

as for the "Dots dont represent precisely whats happening" question, the key word there is precisely and in this example its relevent in explaining that both the FS and the HB are actually a lot smaller in the sim than their Dot representations suggestio (They are bigger to make them easier to see in replays)

So the HB isnt running through the FS exactly, just passing close by him.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Jul 19, 2012 23:28:40
Guppy, Inc
Originally posted by Mike Rogers

as for the "Dots dont represent precisely whats happening" question, the key word there is precisely and in this example its relevent in explaining that both the FS and the HB are actually a lot smaller in the sim than their Dot representations suggestio (They are bigger to make them easier to see in replays)

the size of the dots seem realistic to me. in fact, i always thought that the dots were a little too small
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by Guppy, Inc
the size of the dots seem realistic to me. in fact, i always thought that the dots were a little too small

And they should have tiny little arms and legs too.
see now here is where I think that is not correct...countless times O lineman phase through each other or D lineman do too giving chase.....a hip move by a 300lber?....a bad roll when a DT walks through a DE...not complaining cause my dots do it and get away with it but...
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
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