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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Tackles let DEs go? - NOT LIKELY A BUG
Originally posted by Dr. E
they are fast though, so same issue with a slow QB. Bet if he puts on his basic equipment and jacks up the agility/speed on that QB the issue goes away. Simple little test.

Shouldn't the tackles adjust to the drop-back speed of the QB?
Dr. E
Originally posted by JoeRule124
Shouldn't the tackles adjust to the drop-back speed of the QB?

Should.....that's a funny word. In behavior circles, the use of the word generally indicates irrational thinking, bet you didn't know that. Well, enough useless facts huh. Lots of talk for as long as I've played this game about the O line and what it does or doesn't do. Have to talk to Bort if you want some more code. Otherwise, got to play the game and not design a new one, but I'm with ya.

Originally posted by Dr. E
Should.....that's a funny word. In behavior circles, the use of the word generally indicates irrational thinking, bet you didn't know that. Well, enough useless facts huh. Lots of talk for as long as I've played this game about the O line and what it does or doesn't do. Have to talk to Bort if you want some more code. Otherwise, got to play the game and not design a new one, but I'm with ya.

I'm a software engineer. "Should" is used a lot by users
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by JoeRule124
I'm a software engineer. "Should" is used a lot by users

In GLB, "should" goes in the suggestions forum.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
In GLB, "should" goes in the suggestions forum.

Doesn't mean it isn't a bug though. If it's a programming mistake, it's a bug. To me, this looks like a programming mistake.
Originally posted by JoeRule124
Doesn't mean it isn't a bug though. If it's a programming mistake, it's a bug. To me, this looks like a programming mistake.

You must be new to the software engineering field otherwise you would know that it isn't a bug. Just an undocumented feature that some may not agree with and thus needing some adjustments to make people happy
Originally posted by bigtisme
most all single back pass plays run the risk of the LT dropping back way too far too fast and giving up the hurry/sack.

they should be able to control it though or does that depend on vision or something GLB might look at fixing

Edit: Just saw it was only singleback plays
Edited by GroovyCheetah on May 31, 2012 19:36:14
What really needs to be looked at is the fact that this does not happen on every play. The OP has selected instances where his/her OT's did not behave the way the OP expected. If you scout his team, and look for these same plays, you will see that most of the time the OT's react 'correctly'. It is wrong to expect every dot to play perfectly each play.
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
It is wrong to expect every dot to play perfectly each play.

true but a fast person can slow them selves down i can see them dropping back to far because of lack of vision or a failed vision check but a player not being able to control how fast they are is a little weird
But a slow person cannot speed themselves up...I'm interested to know the speed of the QB. Marino was a great QB but he was also sacked a lot. This QBs 3 step drop basically equaled 1 step. If he dropped back faster pathing would put the OTs right in the way of the DEs.
Originally posted by Nokturnus
But a slow person cannot speed themselves up...I'm interested to know the speed of the QB. Marino was a great QB but he was also sacked a lot. This QBs 3 step drop basically equaled 1 step. If he dropped back faster pathing would put the OTs right in the way of the DEs.

Speed is only 6.

It's not even a secondary attribute for a pocket passer, so I was waiting until last to start training it.
Originally posted by Westwind
You must be new to the software engineering field otherwise you would know that it isn't a bug. Just an undocumented feature that some may not agree with and thus needing some adjustments to make people happy

Gotta love that word! I think bug = feature in more than a few cases!
Lead Bugs Mod
This ...
Originally posted by TruthHammer
That team's DEs only had 20 sacks on the season

... this ...
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
If you scout his team, and look for these same plays, you will see that most of the time the OT's react 'correctly'. It is wrong to expect every dot to play perfectly each play.

... and especially this ...
Originally posted by JoeRule124
Speed is only 6.

... have me thinking this is not a bug. I might support a suggestion that OTs drop back speed be capped at some percentage of the QB's drop back speed, but I think that this is just a case where two dots' attributes to not compliment each other.
Edited by TruthHammer on Jun 7, 2012 10:56:50
Originally posted by TruthHammer

... have me thinking this is not a bug. I might support a suggestion that OTs drop back speed be capped at some percentage of the QB's drop back speed, but I think that this is just a case where two dots' attributes to not compliment each other.

How about just react to the defender? It's almost like the OT turns around, runs to the spot that they need to be, turns back around and tries to locate the defender, realizing the slow ass guy they are defending is sneaking through between them and the G. I know its a difficult thing, especially with the difference between the Speed DEs and the Strength DEs
time to start training speed on my PP

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