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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > QB afraid of the blue line - NOT A BUG
Originally posted by Cael87
this would make a lot of sense... if it ever happened to a RB. I mean I have seen HBs with 5 vision make better decisions... there is a certain point where 'the build is the issue' can't just be the default answer. There's a lot to be done with the sim still and things get broken all the time, having a quick look into this isn't a bad idea, especially since this isn't an issue of him not seeing a defender, but seeing ALL the defenders and trying to avoid them by running backwards. I know confidence plays a big role in this kind of stutter stepping and in lower leagues it can be a bit drastic, but these are just ridiculous and could be a way of alienating new players from joining the GLB community if they see such glaring problems and are dismissed because their players are too low a level.

just my 2¢.

Thanks for your 2¢.
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