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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Power Rankings for week 8
Originally posted by BlooDOmeN
So is it an honor for you people to play with the best CB in GLB?

<me do have some nice stats, Blood. But nobody is better than my boy Poe!
Rod Long
For some reason the sims throw at some guys and not others regardless of how good they are. Its weird. Some guys get more chances.

And damn those are ridiculous stats and those are non-scorpioned.

Although my LB is close to yall in PDs
Last edited Jun 28, 2008 11:06:00
Well theres our #1 CB he has less ints but he also doesnt give up all those passes so he has less tackles and has more PDs than tackles

then you put together our top three CBs and we combine for 22 ints
He and your team has had an oppurtunity against the scorpions also, regardless of him not getting any ints. I was also going off individual performance.

Scorpions game = 6 ints for yall.

I cant see us getting less than 10 ints that game.
Last edited Jun 28, 2008 12:43:05
your still not considering that he has 1/3 the tackles that blood omen has and more pds than tackles

oh look at that he had no tackles or ints in the pheonix game and he also caught 1/3rd of the interceptions your team threw this year
Last edited Jun 28, 2008 12:46:12
Also Banned
20th. seem kinda high for us.
Tackles meaning he is faster and can surf the field better?

He has more of everything...where is your arguement?
Last edited Jun 28, 2008 12:47:25
ok so your saying that those 26 more tackles he has all came from run support and none from tackling the man he was covering because he caught a pass
your an idiot if your arguing having more tackles is better for a CB, it just shows that his man is getting more catches
He has more PD/INT/Tackles, everything.

Where is YOUR arguement.

NOT TO MENTION, that CB you mentioned has 3 MTK.
Last edited Jun 28, 2008 12:58:49
i was actually going to throw Matt Elliot's name in the mix as one of the top CBs. One thing I noticed is that among all of the top INT guys in our league, the only guys that are #1 on their teams depth charts is me and Matthew Elliot. we're covering the other teams (usually) top WR, while everyone else is the #2 or even nickle CB covering weaker WRs. Regardless of being the #2 CB though, 13 INTs midway through the season is nothing to scoff, so i definately give Blood Omen his props, hes a legit CB.

as far as the tackles argument, you have to really watch the games to see where the tackles come from. Generally if you have alot of tackles you're giving up alot of passes, but not always. in our game yesterday against the texas biggabois, I had 4 tackles, of which 1 was on a short passes completed on my CB, 1 was a tackle in run support, and 2 tackles were my CB making the tackle on a WR that beat our #4 CB.

With all that said, ain't none of y'all CB fucking with Allen Poe. 2/3 of the planet is covered by water, and water learned it's coverage techniques from me. I got fucked out of the INT trophy last season and i'm not going to let it get away from me this season. Blood Omen i'm coming for your head. Thankfully we still get to play the Scorpions so i can close that gap on you.
Originally posted by allenpoe
i was actually going to throw Matt Elliot's name in the mix as one of the top CBs. One thing I noticed is that among all of the top INT guys in our league, the only guys that are #1 on their teams depth charts is me and Matthew Elliot. we're covering the other teams (usually) top WR, while everyone else is the #2 or even nickle CB covering weaker WRs. Regardless of being the #2 CB though, 13 INTs midway through the season is nothing to scoff, so i definately give Blood Omen his props, hes a legit CB.

as far as the tackles argument, you have to really watch the games to see where the tackles come from. Generally if you have alot of tackles you're giving up alot of passes, but not always. in our game yesterday against the texas biggabois, I had 4 tackles, of which 1 was on a short passes completed on my CB, 1 was a tackle in run support, and 2 tackles were my CB making the tackle on a WR that beat our #4 CB.

With all that said, ain't none of y'all CB fucking with Allen Poe. 2/3 of the planet is covered by water, and water learned it's coverage techniques from me. I got fucked out of the INT trophy last season and i'm not going to let it get away from me this season. Blood Omen i'm coming for your head. Thankfully we still get to play the Scorpions so i can close that gap on you.

We haven't played the scorpions
WHAT!?!?! goddamnit!!! i could've sworn you guys played them... *sigh*
Not to mention, he had 1 high tackle game, against the wildcats. Our schedule has not been the hardest so far? Lets see you not give up a passing TD against them.

13 Tackles > Giving up several passing TD's.

So, if he didnt register the 13 tackles, and we lose. The CB would look better for not having high tackles, but a team loss.

Assuming all tackles come from completions is a jackass assumption, jackass.

Last edited Jun 28, 2008 13:10:27
is that directed at me or vegeto?

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