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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > Week 10 Hitmen vs Purples
All I can say is wait and see. Everyone thought we would blow out our division opponents and we barely squeaked by. Everyone thought we would blow out Dallas in the league championship and they should have beaten us. We are really not that good. No false modesty, just a realistic outlook. I will be very surprised if this game is close and I will be SHOCKED if we win.
Originally posted by ccgarland
All I can say is wait and see. Everyone thought we would blow out our division opponents and we barely squeaked by. Everyone thought we would blow out Dallas in the league championship and they should have beaten us. We are really not that good. No false modesty, just a realistic outlook. I will be very surprised if this game is close and I will be SHOCKED if we win.


Lies all lies
Originally posted by ccgarland
All I can say is wait and see. Everyone thought we would blow out our division opponents and we barely squeaked by. Everyone thought we would blow out Dallas in the league championship and they should have beaten us. We are really not that good. No false modesty, just a realistic outlook. I will be very surprised if this game is close and I will be SHOCKED if we win.

You'll be shocked if both of you win...? lol
Last edited Jun 29, 2008 22:21:48
Originally posted by danchrism
Originally posted by ccgarland

All I can say is wait and see. Everyone thought we would blow out our division opponents and we barely squeaked by. Everyone thought we would blow out Dallas in the league championship and they should have beaten us. We are really not that good. No false modesty, just a realistic outlook. I will be very surprised if this game is close and I will be SHOCKED if we win.

You'll be shocked if both of you win...?

Not this bullshit again. Dont pretend we (the 5 of us) have some kind of huge advantage over you guys. You out-level us at most positions. You have alot more people to scout and recruit. Your sarcastic remarks make you look small and do nothing but give you some kind of built in excuse if you lose and something to pump your chest out if you win. I wish we could crush you guys because of this type of stupid comment and I'll be perfectly honest... if we do beat you I will come to this board and rub your noses in it as severely as I can (but not as much as you will if you win).

Peat is a clown and semi-funny. But the whining he and his teammates continue to do show what he truly is- small.
Dude, I'm also clowning. Hell, Peat and I go back and forth with each other on our team board. Out here, I've mixed between downplaying our success and wishing others well. But, as my great-grandmother (G*d rest her soul) said, a hit dog will holler.

Best of luck to you and yours =)
Last edited Jun 29, 2008 21:14:15
BTW, the people who have a right to complain haven't said a freakin word. You guys along with Dallas have the best squads in the league but you (Nola) cry like a bunch of little bitches.

I think you would be happier if the 5 of us had 3 accounts each so we could have 15 gm's. Too bad, because we are going to consolidate accounts. Then you can wet your bads because you will really be at a disadvantage- sheesh!
Originally posted by ccgarland
BTW, the people who have a right to complain haven't said a freakin word. You guys along with Dallas have the best squads in the league but you (Nola) cry like a bunch of little bitches.

I think you would be happier if the 5 of us had 3 accounts each so we could have 15 gm's. Too bad, because we are going to consolidate accounts. Then you can wet your bads because you will really be at a disadvantage- sheesh!

Cry? Read it twice if you have to.

You and Peat can go at eachother all you want. But I don't know you well enough to clown around so -
Originally posted by danchrism
Originally posted by ccgarland

BTW, the people who have a right to complain haven't said a freakin word. You guys along with Dallas have the best squads in the league but you (Nola) cry like a bunch of little bitches.

I think you would be happier if the 5 of us had 3 accounts each so we could have 15 gm's. Too bad, because we are going to consolidate accounts. Then you can wet your bads because you will really be at a disadvantage- sheesh!

Cry? Read it twice if you have to.


I didn't see a smiley face or a hah haa. Looked like you were serious to me.

So you get all serious and defensive?

I mean, I can understand being upset when awful teams try to call you on that or whatever, but we've attained the exact same amt. of success as you guys have this year, so what would be the point? What would I (or we) gain from that?

We're playing for the same thing this week and I thought I'd do a bit of good-natured jibing with you. Come on, make a joke back!! lol
Originally posted by ccgarland
Originally posted by danchrism

Originally posted by ccgarland

BTW, the people who have a right to complain haven't said a freakin word. You guys along with Dallas have the best squads in the league but you (Nola) cry like a bunch of little bitches.

I think you would be happier if the 5 of us had 3 accounts each so we could have 15 gm's. Too bad, because we are going to consolidate accounts. Then you can wet your bads because you will really be at a disadvantage- sheesh!

Cry? Read it twice if you have to.


I didn't see a smiley face or a hah haa. Looked like you were serious to me.

Now you're just arguing semantics. I've made crystal-clear my intent, multiple times now. Let's move forward now, sweetheart -- I promise it won't hurt.
Hmm. Semantics on a forum is pretty much all one can go by. I can't see your face nor hear inflection in your voice. I have to go by what is typed. So come to the board, make snide hit and run comments, and then act like I am thin skinned when I am offended. The MO is weak and your attempt to be "the civil one" doesnt hide your bitchiness. If it wasn't a sore spot with you guys you wouldn't bring it up everytime you speak of us. It would make some sense if we had a superior team, but the jealousy is misplaced my friend.
Originally posted by ccgarland
Hmm. Semantics on a forum is pretty much all one can go by. I can't see your face nor hear inflection in your voice. I have to go by what is typed. So come to the board, make snide hit and run comments, and then act like I am thin skinned when I am offended. The MO is weak and your attempt to be "the civil one" doesnt hide your bitchiness. If it wasn't a sore spot with you guys you wouldn't bring it up everytime you speak of us. It would make some sense if we had a superior team, but the jealousy is misplaced my friend.

I'm not even jealous of you guys. We've attained the exact same amount of success this season. Again, what's the point of being jealous? How could my team somehow benefit from that? Could we get a winning %age of 1.001 to edge out your 1.000? Them dots ain't connecting, amigo. Maybe I shouldn't have poked at what's obviously a soft spot for you, but I don't run around monitoring what my teammates' agents say. I can't define their intent, but I can define mine, and I think neutral third parties can read the multiplicity of "I was joking" posts and deduce that I was... joking.

At this point, you're left with two options: Drag out something that I'm now telling you for the FOURTH time doesn't even exist, or don't and roll with the original intent of my post. I can't make that decision for you.

[edit] I've taken the liberty of editing my first post to FURTHER align my defense to my intent. This shouldn't even be a choice anymore. If your next post back to me doesn't rib my player for wearing purple shoes or me for having a video game character as my avatar, then I can't help you...
Last edited Jun 29, 2008 22:23:23

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