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Originally posted by Draven
You know SAFS after we beat you on Tuesday we will be pulling for you guys the rest of the regular season and we would love to have all three of us tied at 15-1 by seasons end.

Gee, thanks mister! That's very kind of you ... if you win
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 05:14:26
Lucky us...we get to play the travelers for our out of conference game week 16!!!!! alright they should be completely leveled above 20 with their new 14 players from 2 or 3 gutted teams....they can spin it however they want but its gutting plain and simple. they just waited 2 or 3 seasons to ensure all of their players could get max XP on several teams and now that they are ready they will combine them by saying that we are releasing players and allowing them to go where they want...which Im sure has been talked about for a season or more on where to go so that when this happened they would risk losing very minimal players. and if the majority didnt agree to it they simply would not release the players on that team, they would have chosen another one.
Interesting reading...I know all of the conspiracy theorist' would have us loading up thru the org, but we only got three players from the transition, one of which I had to release, net two. I know all of you have made comments of gutting and colusion, my statement to that is we did it open, announced and above board. As many players went out of the org as we kept. If it was inappropriate, admin would have stepped in and voided the transactions. We were careful to keep it fair as we knew we would be scrutinized (as we have been).

It was unfortunated that SPROVO left, but stuff happens and we have to deal with it. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears, because it would leave everoyne with nothing to talk about, but thats the official version from the Travelers.
Originally posted by Twolf1
Interesting reading...I know all of the conspiracy theorist' would have us loading up thru the org, but we only got three players from the transition, one of which I had to release, net two. I know all of you have made comments of gutting and colusion, my statement to that is we did it open, announced and above board. As many players went out of the org as we kept. If it was inappropriate, admin would have stepped in and voided the transactions. We were careful to keep it fair as we knew we would be scrutinized (as we have been).

It was unfortunated that SPROVO left, but stuff happens and we have to deal with it. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears, because it would leave everoyne with nothing to talk about, but thats the official version from the Travelers.

just hurry up and win out so we can get rid of you guys.........

just cuz you guys "Announced" that you guys were going to gut a team doesn't make it o.k.

and the ONLY reason the admins don't say anything is because of the money you guys put into this......

USAORG is just a bunch of 45 yr old men who live at home in mommy's basement spending all their allowance on this game.....which makes them feel more like men since the're all a sorry excuse of a man....(But at least they can feel like men if they dominate a "Brand New League" with guys from "season one"..........
you guys are embarassing to this game!!!
Im keeping my mouth shut since USAORG beat us before the gutting happened.
Originally posted by joecabezuela
Originally posted by Twolf1

Interesting reading...I know all of the conspiracy theorist' would have us loading up thru the org, but we only got three players from the transition, one of which I had to release, net two. I know all of you have made comments of gutting and colusion, my statement to that is we did it open, announced and above board. As many players went out of the org as we kept. If it was inappropriate, admin would have stepped in and voided the transactions. We were careful to keep it fair as we knew we would be scrutinized (as we have been).

It was unfortunated that SPROVO left, but stuff happens and we have to deal with it. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears, because it would leave everoyne with nothing to talk about, but thats the official version from the Travelers.

just hurry up and win out so we can get rid of you guys.........

just cuz you guys "Announced" that you guys were going to gut a team doesn't make it o.k.

and the ONLY reason the admins don't say anything is because of the money you guys put into this......

USAORG is just a bunch of 45 yr old men who live at home in mommy's basement spending all their allowance on this game.....which makes them feel more like men since the're all a sorry excuse of a man....(But at least they can feel like men if they dominate a "Brand New League" with guys from "season one"..........
you guys are embarassing to this game!!!

Its your lie Joe tell it the way you want it. And I wish I were 40 again.
Originally posted by joecabezuela
Originally posted by Twolf1

Interesting reading...I know all of the conspiracy theorist' would have us loading up thru the org, but we only got three players from the transition, one of which I had to release, net two. I know all of you have made comments of gutting and colusion, my statement to that is we did it open, announced and above board. As many players went out of the org as we kept. If it was inappropriate, admin would have stepped in and voided the transactions. We were careful to keep it fair as we knew we would be scrutinized (as we have been).

It was unfortunated that SPROVO left, but stuff happens and we have to deal with it. I know this will probably fall on deaf ears, because it would leave everoyne with nothing to talk about, but thats the official version from the Travelers.

just hurry up and win out so we can get rid of you guys.........

just cuz you guys "Announced" that you guys were going to gut a team doesn't make it o.k.

and the ONLY reason the admins don't say anything is because of the money you guys put into this......

USAORG is just a bunch of 45 yr old men who live at home in mommy's basement spending all their allowance on this game.....which makes them feel more like men since the're all a sorry excuse of a man....(But at least they can feel like men if they dominate a "Brand New League" with guys from "season one"..........
you guys are embarassing to this game!!!

I'm 16, and I started in season 2. Twolf, the Travelers' owner, joined USAORG in season 3.

We don't "gut" or cheat, we play fair just like everyone else. We don't stack one team, we spread our good players around USAORG evenly so that every team can do well. Sprovo went inactive at a bad time, and there was nothing we could do about it. We managed to save of the 3 "Sprovo" teams, and the one team that USAORG is losing is giving it's players the chance to remain in USAORG only if they want to.
if you guys REALLY FEEL like you guys did nothing wrong....why even address what I said........UNLESS, deep down inside, you KNOW it was wrong......and now you guys are just trying to justify it.

Let's just leave it guys will be gone after this season anyways.
I'll be putting all my backups in when we play you guys so that way they get max playtime and points.
I would suggest everyone else do the same just to insure you guys leave. IMO
Originally posted by joecabezuela
if you guys REALLY FEEL like you guys did nothing wrong....why even address what I said........UNLESS, deep down inside, you KNOW it was wrong......and now you guys are just trying to justify it.

Let's just leave it guys will be gone after this season anyways.
I'll be putting all my backups in when we play you guys so that way they get max playtime and points.
I would suggest everyone else do the same just to insure you guys leave. IMO

They arent going to win it all. They arent making it to the championship game. They cant gameplan and their players have bad builds. They are just so much higher than most of the teams in this league that the score gets inflated. I dont even think they had to recruit. They were basically just given a new team and their "organization" put players on it.
Originally posted by Hard_Hitta
Originally posted by joecabezuela

if you guys REALLY FEEL like you guys did nothing wrong....why even address what I said........UNLESS, deep down inside, you KNOW it was wrong......and now you guys are just trying to justify it.

Let's just leave it guys will be gone after this season anyways.
I'll be putting all my backups in when we play you guys so that way they get max playtime and points.
I would suggest everyone else do the same just to insure you guys leave. IMO

They arent going to win it all. They arent making it to the championship game. They cant gameplan and their players have bad builds. They are just so much higher than most of the teams in this league that the score gets inflated. I dont even think they had to recruit. They were basically just given a new team and their "organization" put players on it.

Well Hitta, your correct with some of your post, we didnt have to recruit, we were given players, our players are higher, but your wrong in that we dont gameplan, and the guys have bad builds. We had our draft and players who wanted to play in the ORG enrolled and we divided them up. Sound like the NFL Draft? Joe, you can do what u want we will make the csip game and we will win.

Oh and one more thing for you to chat about, we HAVENT boosted yet, but will soon as a TEAM.
Originally posted by Twolf1
Originally posted by Hard_Hitta

Originally posted by joecabezuela

if you guys REALLY FEEL like you guys did nothing wrong....why even address what I said........UNLESS, deep down inside, you KNOW it was wrong......and now you guys are just trying to justify it.

Let's just leave it guys will be gone after this season anyways.
I'll be putting all my backups in when we play you guys so that way they get max playtime and points.
I would suggest everyone else do the same just to insure you guys leave. IMO

They arent going to win it all. They arent making it to the championship game. They cant gameplan and their players have bad builds. They are just so much higher than most of the teams in this league that the score gets inflated. I dont even think they had to recruit. They were basically just given a new team and their "organization" put players on it.

Well Hitta, your correct with some of your post, we didnt have to recruit, we were given players, our players are higher, but your wrong in that we dont gameplan, and the guys have bad builds. We had our draft and players who wanted to play in the ORG enrolled and we divided them up. Sound like the NFL Draft? Joe, you can do what u want we will make the csip game and we will win.

Oh and one more thing for you to chat about, we HAVENT boosted yet, but will soon as a TEAM.

DAMN! Take 2
I bet you guys feel real good about buying and cheating for a championship........
don't worry, I'm really hoping other teams put their back-ups in like us just so you guys can't say you "WON" anything.....we as a league "GAVE it to you just so you would leave"..........
you guys are just a bunch of punks.
No doubt USAORG is good in large part because they have a dedicated base of support and a lot of players at their disposal, but how is that any different from the many teams that are comprised of groups of people from other forums or groups of friends for that matter.

Now maybe what they did with regard to the trade offs from the disbanding teams will eventually be made against the rules, but as far as I know its not against the rules right now, provided the remaining teams only got a few players each from the disbanding teams.

The bottom line is that we only look down on USAORG's practices because the Travelers are so good. If they sucked and used these extra players to rise to mediocre status no one would care.
Originally posted by Twolf1
Originally posted by Hard_Hitta

Originally posted by joecabezuela

if you guys REALLY FEEL like you guys did nothing wrong....why even address what I said........UNLESS, deep down inside, you KNOW it was wrong......and now you guys are just trying to justify it.

Let's just leave it guys will be gone after this season anyways.
I'll be putting all my backups in when we play you guys so that way they get max playtime and points.
I would suggest everyone else do the same just to insure you guys leave. IMO

They arent going to win it all. They arent making it to the championship game. They cant gameplan and their players have bad builds. They are just so much higher than most of the teams in this league that the score gets inflated. I dont even think they had to recruit. They were basically just given a new team and their "organization" put players on it.

Well Hitta, your correct with some of your post, we didnt have to recruit, we were given players, our players are higher, but your wrong in that we dont gameplan, and the guys have bad builds. We had our draft and players who wanted to play in the ORG enrolled and we divided them up. Sound like the NFL Draft? Joe, you can do what u want we will make the csip game and we will win.

Oh and one more thing for you to chat about, we HAVENT boosted yet, but will soon as a TEAM.

What the fuck is the fun in that? You didnt build a team, you were given it.

Everybody gameplans, but not everybody does it well. You dont gameplan well. It's obvious. Against us, you had a huge level advantage. We had the lead the ENTIRE game before the final six seconds left. You either had an extremely bad gameplan to allow that to happen, or you had extremely bad builds. There is no excuse for having a couple level 20 starters and then to be down nearly the enitre game against teams with on average 3-5 levels lower than you.

Mich, I'm not pissed off at them because they are "so good". It's the fact that they were just given a team. They didnt work for anything. Your situation, while similar, isnt the same (I know it will be brought up so I might as well answer it now). You at least payed for your team, because you bough all of the players with real money. This joke of an organization was just given the team for free, other the players that are owned by the owner.

You guys take the fun out of the game, and it is sickening. You come into the league, a new league at that, and you start out with high teens level starters? To top it off, you were given them by other teams, not even having to recruit.

I could care less if you havent boosted, because you dont know where to put the skill points in the right places. Your whole organization is a joke, and I guarantee that you are still in this league next year because you fucking suck at gameplanning and your builds are garbage.
Eh, I guess I shouldn't talk since I'm sure I'd be bent about USAORG if they were in my conference. Plus if I'd actually suffered through the soul-sucking process of recruiting I'd be doubly pissed about their draft process.

I shouldn't have tried to impute motivation onto anyone else's comments. Its just that I know I wouldn't care what they were doing if their team sucked.

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