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Forum > Casual Leagues > Casual Rookie Leagues > Make your Picks here guys
Originally posted by hatchman
I think you are overlooking your opponent a little more than you should. they beat you guys at the end of the season it wasn't by much but they still showed they were capable of beating your team. I know that my teams game against Columbus will be a dog fight. and I am not looking past them at all. so I will say best of luck to you and our team. but if I were you I wouldn't just think that you are gonna win the championship so easily this season. alot of dang good teams left to beat.

I forgot to tell you I am a psychic I see the future. In about 12 mins I see my self going and taking a poop.

Also our game will be a little harder this time since they are now finally boosting.
Edited by Epik20 on Dec 6, 2011 11:59:07
Originally posted by shifty
pretty sure that unless the sim acts completely weird Detroit will take Rookie 3.

That is what the sim does on a regular basis, so I'm going with KC.
Originally posted by redeye831
That is what the sim does on a regular basis, so I'm going with KC.

either way, it's going to be a good game that is for sure.
Originally posted by hatchman
I think you are overlooking your opponent a little more than you should. they beat you guys at the end of the season it wasn't by much but they still showed they were capable of beating your team. I know that my teams game against Columbus will be a dog fight. and I am not looking past them at all. so I will say best of luck to you and our team. but if I were you I wouldn't just think that you are gonna win the championship so easily this season. alot of dang good teams left to beat.

Did we over look that win? We meet again!!! Get ready for a ball buster! I am glad you won so we can play again!
Goat Father
Originally posted by Epik20
Originally posted by hatchman

I think you are overlooking your opponent a little more than you should. they beat you guys at the end of the season it wasn't by much but they still showed they were capable of beating your team. I know that my teams game against Columbus will be a dog fight. and I am not looking past them at all. so I will say best of luck to you and our team. but if I were you I wouldn't just think that you are gonna win the championship so easily this season. alot of dang good teams left to beat.

Did we over look that win? We meet again!!! Get ready for a ball buster! I am glad you won so we can play again!

You are awfully Cocky for some reason. you guys beat a dang good team. and even you can't sit there and type that that team didn't worry you guys some. I figured you would get the win but I didn't see their defense giving up 80 points.
Typing trashtalk and doin things behind the mask are 2 pairs of shoes.

I assure you we`re not looking down on anyone
Originally posted by Daller001
Championsship games - and winner!
Rookie Casual #1 Europe Masters vs Diego Garcia Rats - Hopefully my team win this
Rookie Casual #2 Detroit Dump Trucks vs Death On Arrival - Detroit Dump Trucks with the victory
Rookie Casual #3 Detroit Rock City vs Texas BOLN Bandits - I cannot really say who wins... Dream match!
Rookie Casual #4 Badd Family vs South Bay Barracudas - Badd Family as a winner here.
Rookie Casual #5 Philadelphia Soul vs ???? - It could be any of these teams up against them.
Rookie Casual #6 Albany Bullets vs High Octane - I believe Albany Bullets should take this one

Ha, hopefully we'll make it. GA2 is gonna be coming after us hard. Our last game coulda gone either way..
Originally posted by hatchman
You are awfully Cocky for some reason. you guys beat a dang good team. and even you can't sit there and type that that team didn't worry you guys some. I figured you would get the win but I didn't see their defense giving up 80 points.

You watching me in the bathroom again???
DOA is taking that league for sure. Id bet money on it.
Originally posted by GimmeDaCheez
DOA is taking that league for sure. Id bet money on it.

We will see in 2 days if they even make the championship game... I love how not one person has even thought of us as being in the race for the championship game makes this even more fun I love being the underdog.
Goat Father
Originally posted by Epik20
We will see in 2 days if they even make the championship game... I love how not one person has even thought of us as being in the race for the championship game makes this even more fun I love being the underdog.

you may want to re-quote yourself here I picked your team at the start of the season. or was that some other person named hatchman?

And I did make the championship against your team so you are right we will see who comes away as the winner in 2 days. If I was a betting man I would bet on your team but I have also pull for the sentimental favorites and that would be my team . regardless of which team wins it will be a good game and the winner will have earned it that is for sure.
Goat Father
Originally posted by Taxy
Typing trashtalk and doin things behind the mask are 2 pairs of shoes.

I assure you we`re not looking down on anyone

seriously man stop taking stuff I say so seriously. I am just playing around with everyone no need to defend anything it is all just good fun. so take a chill pill eat you a good steak and lets have a little fun. I like a little trash talk personally as long as folks don't get to pissed when it gets thrown back.
Originally posted by hatchman
seriously man stop taking stuff I say so seriously. I am just playing around with everyone no need to defend anything it is all just good fun. so take a chill pill eat you a good steak and lets have a little fun. I like a little trash talk personally as long as folks don't get to pissed when it gets thrown back.

I like trash talk makes the world go round and makes the win that much better! So when Emperors run on the field and DOA doesn't want to come out of the locker room I don't blame them I wouldn't want to get beat by us either...
Originally posted by hatchman
you may want to re-quote yourself here I picked your team at the start of the season. or was that some other person named hatchman?

And I did make the championship against your team so you are right we will see who comes away as the winner in 2 days. If I was a betting man I would bet on your team but I have also pull for the sentimental favorites and that would be my team . regardless of which team wins it will be a good game and the winner will have earned it that is for sure.

You are correct you are the only one that has said we are a good team and a challenging team. Game day is coming! The funny thing is I am more worried about beating your team then the actual Championship game... I have something to prove that we are as good as we say we are with 30+ agents instead on 1 agent that alone to make it this far is a win in my book. Also with all of us not boosted to beat Legion was amazing and I am proud of my team.
Goat Father
Originally posted by Epik20
You are correct you are the only one that has said we are a good team and a challenging team. Game day is coming! The funny thing is I am more worried about beating your team then the actual Championship game... I have something to prove that we are as good as we say we are with 30+ agents instead on 1 agent that alone to make it this far is a win in my book. Also with all of us not boosted to beat Legion was amazing and I am proud of my team.

there is a possibility that if you beat my DOA team you get to face my other team in the championship. I mean both my teams could lose in 2 days but just think if both got lucky and won.

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