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Forum > Game Recaps > I build the best Tebow.
Originally posted by hokegoalie

I love this play. Completely no movement going on in front of him, defense has it totally wrapped up, so he says, 'here you go, fullback, I throw the ball over your head in such a way that you have to leap up and grab it, and then you're going to get absolutely stuffed by the three defenders who are now coming for your ass. In the meantime, I think I need to throw a block over the other side of the field. Good luck!'

His Mechanics are terrible, and he runs in a gimmick offense. What happens to Gimmick offenses. They are great for a season to a season and a half. Then people figure it out, just like the Pats. The Steelers was playing without a FS. Ryan Clark great coverage skills allows Troy Palamalou (ouch! I screwed that name up) to do whatever he wants. Against the Pats Tebow broke down, when the Pats put up points. Tebow turned the ball over. I mean, come 'on even Jhon Fox don't want him to be his QB, and this man let Jake Delhomme throw more INT TD's than TD's to his own team.

"When the offensive system change because of the QB, then your QB shouldn't be starting" - Sure someone on NFL Live said that. While I think NFL Live is a joke, that was one thing they said was right.

PS: Also his decision making is bad too.
Edited by CatHowler on Jan 30, 2012 07:23:33
Originally posted by CatHowler

His Mechanics are terrible, and he runs in a gimmick offense. What happens to Gimmick offenses. They are great for a season to a season and a half. Then people figure it out, just like the Pats. The Steelers was playing without a FS. Ryan Clark great coverage skills allows Troy Palamalou (ouch! I screwed that name up) to do whatever he wants. Against the Pats Tebow broke down, when the Pats put up points. Tebow turned the ball over. I mean, come 'on even Jhon Fox don't want him to be his QB, and this man let Jake Delhomme throw more INT TD's than TD's to his own team.

"When the offensive system change because of the QB, then your QB shouldn't be starting" - Sure someone on NFL Live said that. While I think NFL Live is a joke, that was one thing they said was right.

PS: Also his decision making is bad too.

its not a gimmick offense its called a read option and it has been around forever.
Originally posted by Bullet03
Why does everyone mouth Tebow so much. He is a great QB. He may even be HoF great some day.

If Denver didn't have one of the best defenses in the league Tebow might not have won a single game. 4 of 10 2 of 8 6 of 22

The guy is the worst passer I have ever seen start in the NFL. He routinely misses easy throws and looks to run before he looks to pass. This season in the 14 games he started (including playoffs) he was under 50% completions in 10 games. He had two games this season when he threw for less than 30%. He can run pretty decently but as a passer he is atrocious.

Denver's defense was truly lights out this season which made it possible for Tebow to win despite being terrible not because he was "putting the team on his back". 5 of Tebow's 8 wins came in games where the D held the other team under 16 points. You put him on a team with a mediocre defense and he'd be lucky to not go 0-16.
Edited by merenoise on Jan 30, 2012 11:58:24
I can pass better than Te-Bow.
But he did turn down the Skanky Cow chick. For that he is ok in my books!
lol at HOF.

Didn't Tebow lead the league in fumbles once he started starting
def will never be a 1st round pick, should convert to FB imo.
I never said he was a good passer, I said good QB. He adds the ability to use the option in the nfl, and with work, his passer abilities will come. He may not be an elite passer like Bree's, Romo, or as much as I hate to say it, Brady. But he still finds his own way to get work done.


Originally posted by AbCat

Because he's as square as a waffle.

As long as he wins games I say hes doing his job. IMO
Edited by Burns1221 on Feb 3, 2012 15:32:31

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