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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > blocker accepts kickoff - Issue Determined Not A Bug - #758
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by fogie55
I still think the prudent thing would be for the blocker to have let the ball go out of bounds--is GLB coded for that at all? has anyone ever seen a replay where the KO went OOB?

It didn't have much speed when it got to the ground. It probably doesn't go out of bounds there. I've never seen a KO go out of bounds, but until now I'd never seen one caught by a blocker either.

It looked pretty realistic, and for now there are no examples of an exploit. If we get some, we can address this again. For now, I'm going to say it's not likely a bug.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
It looked pretty realistic, and for now there are no examples of an exploit. If we get some, we can address this again. For now, I'm going to say it's not likely a bug.

Hang on, though... this is the first time we've seen anyone other than the KR catch a kickoff. In seasons-past, only the KR would catch kickoffs, while everyone else would ignore the ball.

Therefore, that means something has changed that allows anyone to catch kickoffs.

However, the Changelog doesn't show ANYTHING about such a change to kickoffs.

Therefore, either Bort did a stealth-change, or Bort was testing something and accidentally made it go live by mistake -- which he's done at least once before.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Sep 9, 2011 09:50:08
I agree with Truth. This replay feels very realistic to me and I don't think it is a bug. I'll verify.

Novus -- I hear what you are saying. But even if this went forward to the live server without announcement, that does not make it a bug.


Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Novus -- I hear what you are saying. But even if this went forward to the live server without announcement, that does not make it a bug.

I hear what you're saying too, but if this is a legit change, shouldn't it be listed on the Changelog?

One of you guys needs to at least nudge Bort and say, "Hey, big guy, anything you forgot to put on the Changelog? Like, say, a certain recent change to kickoffs, perhaps?" As a Moderator, you have access to Bort that us peons don't have. So please don't just say "Not a bug" and walk away brushing your hands off.
Originally posted by Novus
I hear what you're saying too, but if this is a legit change, shouldn't it be listed on the Changelog?

One of you guys needs to at least nudge Bort and say, "Hey, big guy, anything you forgot to put on the Changelog? Like, say, a certain recent change to kickoffs, perhaps?" As a Moderator, you have access to Bort that us peons don't have. So please don't just say "Not a bug" and walk away brushing your hands off.

No, we do not have access to Bort like you think we do. We have a very specific process that we follow. You are witnessing that process.

Set aside your opinion that there should have been a Changelog entry for this -- why would you call the play you witnessed a "bug" ?
Bugs Moderator
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
No, we do not have access to Bort like you think we do. We have a very specific process that we follow. You are witnessing that process.

Set aside your opinion that there should have been a Changelog entry for this -- why would you call the play you witnessed a "bug" ?

a bug is something that is not intended, in the past this wasnt intended since it never happened before. Based off of previous kickoffs and past seasons by definition as we know it, this is a bug. If there was an unknown change to the game allowing OL to return short kicks, then it is not a bug, but that information was never disclosed to us.

its not a game changer, but definitely can be exploited.... if a play can be exploited, it will be, we all know that first hand.

A bug is something that is not WORKING as intended.

In my opinion, this is working as intended.
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
No, we do not have access to Bort like you think we do.

You have more access than we do. You can add things to the Bugs list. We can't. You can flag things for his attention. We can't. That's "more access."

I know you don't have a flashing red "Bort Hotline" phone on your desk or his home address or anything like that. But as a Bugs Moderator, you do have more access to Bort than we do. It may just be a little more, but a little more is still more.

Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Set aside your opinion that there should have been a Changelog entry for this...

If something changed, there should be a Changelog entry for it.

Something changed. If that change was intended by Bort, it should be on the Changelog.

If that change was NOT intended by Bort, well...

Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
...why would you call the play you witnessed a "bug" ?

A bug is an outcome that was not intended by Bort. If Bort didn't intend for this to be possible, that would make it a bug.


Basically, one of two things needs to happen here:

1.) If Bort intended for this change to occur, it needs to be listed on the Changelog.

2.) If Bort did not intend for this change to occur, it needs to be logged as a bug.
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
A bug is something that is not WORKING as intended.

In my opinion, this is working as intended.

Okay then. If Bort intended for this change to occur, it needs to be listed on the Changelog.

Unless you've seen other plays in the past where someone other than the KR was allowed to field a FG. I sure haven't. That tells me something has changed.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Novus
I know you don't have a flashing red "Bort Hotline" phone on your desk or his home address or anything like that.

The "Bort Signal" is on the roof.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Originally posted by Novus

I know you don't have a flashing red "Bort Hotline" phone on your desk or his home address or anything like that.

The "Bort Signal" is on the roof.

Quality reply.

I think I've made my point though, so I'll just let it play out from here.
Rocky Top
I actually DO see this as a potential bug and only Bort would actually know, but I am 99.9% sure this is unintended unless it was an unannounced change. I know that kickoffs have always been under a "yeah, we know they aren't perfect, but we'll recode down the line when we have time" type philosophy, but this isn't something that I think would be done as a recode. Especially an unannounced one at that as Novus points out.

While it may be a good idea to have the upbacks be capable of falling on or fair catching or even returning a kickoff, I don't think it's intended as is and only Bort knows that answer so I wouldn't close this out too quickly.

All that said, we're gonna see if this issue replicates itself before we can really move on.

Needs coordinator - more replays.
Rocky Top
Originally posted by TruthHammer
The "Bort Signal" is on the roof.

nah, we just release yellow balloons when we need him.

Here's another example:

Kickoff goes to the left, the KR takes a bad angle and overshoots the ball, and the left-most upback gets to the ball before the KR and picks it up. Got a decent 20-yard return too, with the KR blocking for him.
Third example:

Very short kickoff goes to the right and basically lands right on top of an up-back, who catches it and makes a short return. Meanwhile, the KR is about 12 yards away.

Not hard for me to find examples of this happening... I just pulled up a random league's League Leaders page, clicked on the Kick/Punt Ret tab, sorted the list by KR, and scrolled to the bottom and looked for dots with a weird position like DT or DE with just 1 or 2 returns. Then I just started plugging in different league numbers in the address bar. Took me about 15 minutes to find these 2, so they suddenly don't seem to be all that rare.

But again, I can't remember ever seeing this happen in any past season -- and suddenly, boom, 3 examples, maybe more if I keep looking.

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