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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Low Level Overpursuit Issue - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
The Eagle
Originally posted by Dr. E
Too much speed, not enough agility and/or vision.

Put your safety up on the LOS, he wont have that issue.

Did your level 8 center teach you that? When is the last time you build any pee-wee dots or coordinated low level dots?

Sorry, not to sound like a dick, but all of pee-wee has been having problems with this for 3-4 seasons. to higher level coordinators, it probably looks "solvable," but so far it isn't. There are some great coordinators in pee-wee, especially pee-wee gold...and there is not a "good" solution to this problem. yes, there are a few tricks to avoid the overpursuit problem...but they'll leave you in serious trouble against other plays.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Aug 6, 2011 18:09:37 (3rd.)
Edited by Androth on Aug 4, 2011 04:40:04 (VERIFIED)
The Eagle
forgot to post one of the overpursuits from a game we had today.

(forgot to finish typing

in thsi case both inside LBs overpursue. The RI ends up on the side line, and the LI only misses by the width of a dot or two.
Edited by The Eagle on Jul 25, 2011 15:30:50
Originally posted by The Eagle
Originally posted by Dr. E

Too much speed, not enough agility and/or vision.

Put your safety up on the LOS, he wont have that issue.

Did your level 8 center teach you that? When is the last time you build any pee-wee dots or coordinated low level dots?

Sorry, not to sound like a dick, but all of pee-wee has been having problems with this for 3-4 seasons. to higher level coordinators, it probably looks "solvable," but so far it isn't. There are some great coordinators in pee-wee, especially pee-wee gold...and there is not a "good" solution to this problem. yes, there are a few tricks to avoid the overpursuit problem...but they'll leave you in serious trouble against other plays.

Isnt that the idea?
bump for actual answer
can I get a response from an admin or bug mod?
Originally posted by jkid2
can I get a response from an admin or bug mod?

i think this sums up the care for PW

all those high level coordinators thinking the fix is simple and that its just a case of moving a dot here or there, i would love you guys to come to PW next season and show us, we have had higher level coordinators come down to PW before and the result has been the same over and over again, demoted and quit the next season saying lolPee Wee.
Please fix this. It happens way too often. I don't expect low level players to react the way a pro player would, but some of this is just bad sim mechanics. It needs to take into consideration low level players.
Fix what?

So far -- I see a bunch chatter, a few replays (that don't look buggy to me at all) but I have yet to see a 'bug'. Yes, I read where most of the posters here would like a change in what they are referring to as "a low-level over-persuit issue".

I wonder -- do we build our PW dots incorrectly? We load up on speed first and then try and get to agility -- maybe our entire approach to PW dots is the culprit?

I'd be curious to see a PW team who's dots have balanced attributes.

Not a bug in my opinion.

Dr. E
Originally posted by The Eagle
Did your level 8 center teach you that? When is the last time you build any pee-wee dots or coordinated low level dots?

Sorry, not to sound like a dick, but all of pee-wee has been having problems with this for 3-4 seasons. to higher level coordinators, it probably looks "solvable," but so far it isn't. There are some great coordinators in pee-wee, especially pee-wee gold...and there is not a "good" solution to this problem. yes, there are a few tricks to avoid the overpursuit problem...but they'll leave you in serious trouble against other plays.

Nope. Learned that through many seasons of watching Dots, how they move and why.

I have low level dots now, two seasons back they were rookie Dots. The Dots level doesn't change the fact you need agility and vision to go with speed or the Dot ends up over running his assignment. If you are good and spend a lot of time scouting, you can overcome the speed/agility issues by positioning your Dot starting points.
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
I wonder -- do we build our PW dots incorrectly? We load up on speed first and then try and get to agility -- maybe our entire approach to PW dots is the culprit?

I'd be curious to see a PW team who's dots have balanced attributes.

I've seen these teams...they lose by 100 points b/c they're too slow.
Rocky Top
The general problem here, as has always been the case since I've been reviewing these plays, is that there is no specific sim for PeeWee and the dots in that league are going to perform to their attributes and in the existing sim that performance is set up to see success with balance and not extreme. In other words, 85 speed and 15 agility is going to do this every single time. There is no bug, it's just the way these builds work when they are that far out of balance. Bort can do things like buff or nerf passing for low-level dots or blocking, etc but that is across the board, not specific to PeeWee, and he can't make a dot with 15 agility cut like one with 73.

This isn't a bug, but I'll give it the standard procedure and wait for verification by another mod for closing.

Not likely a bug.
VolBrian is right here. They are coded to make these sort of mistakes with the builds they have. I understand this causes problems in PeeWee, but PeeWee is not the only sim happening at this level. As stated above, unless GLB decides to make a PeeWee specific sim they are going to make these mistakes.

Not Likely a Bug.
Thread moved by moderator.

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