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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Game Viewer issues - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
It always changes for me.

Sometimes the QB vision line appears, sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes the morale/energy animations appears, sometimes they don't.

Sometimes things like surge animations appear, sometimes they don't.

When I tried to turn the field view horizontal, the on field action still plays vertically.

I don't complain about these things, because I quite honestly fully expect everything to be one big bug.

I'm thinking each time someone buys $100 flex pack or larger, they should be able to send a special request for Bort to fix a specific bug.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Originally posted by Heathcoat

Also, I cant tell if you are talking to me or the guy who hijacked my post. I have changed nothing and all of my other flash apps work great

Nobody hijacked your post. It's required that in order for the bugs mods to file a bug, it must be occurring with some frequency. If the problem only affected you, you would be redirected toward support. C1NRB's comments are appreciated and encouraged.

Well, since we dont have the exact same problems, and you dont seem to address anyone in particular, it seems we have differing opinions on what a hijack is. By smooching his bottom and admonishing me for wanting you to actually address the problem in the original post you have chased away another paying customer. That is the one cthing GLB excells at, at know it or not, this game is the laughing stock of the I-gaming community. Dont bother responding to me I wont be back to see whatever insipid remark you lay down.

Check your settings? Seriously? You must think everyone is a moron.

Originally posted by PING72
Originally posted by C1NRB

Originally posted by TruthHammer

What do have set under "Replay Settings" here:

Have you tried modifying the settings to see if there's any improvement?

Replay Settings
Replay Style
20 frames/sec Replays

Home Page View Settings
Use Advanced Javascript Interface (disable for slower computers)

I haven't touched them. I'll try changing the Replay Style and will report back.

I have the same settings and also IE8. I also do not get passing lasers, play name, auto-replay (in fact they don't start on their own. Each new play I have to hit pause and then play for it to work).

And I forgot to add that the energy/morale bars for the individual players are both way off to the right as well.
I can verify not getting vision lasers in IE9. I haven't seen anything like the other problems reported however.
Lead Bugs Mod
OK, I noticed that I'm occasionally not seeing the vision lasers when I watch on my netbook, though I'm not having the other issues. Since it and my desktops at work and home all use Windows 7 and I view them on Firefox, really the only difference is the quality of the machine. To those of you having issues, are you using older rigs?
Lead Bugs Mod
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Originally posted by C1NRB
I've had a few issues for the past couple seasons:

The QB progression lines don't appear.
The plays don't automatically replay.
The play summary doesn't automatically come up after the play. The play just ends.

I've checked, unchecked, and re-checked the Replay options and nothing changes.

I'm using IE 8.0, no greasemonkey scripts installed.

Just to add - this is me as well. I have the exact same problems, and use IE 8.0 with no greasemonkey.

For me, the problem with plays not progressing automatically occured right after the option of Vertical / Vertical Centered on Ball was added.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Aug 12, 2011 11:36:21 (Nothing new in 2 months)
Nothing new in 2 months.
Thread moved by moderator.
Thread moved by moderator.

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