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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Buggy LB behavior on QB runs from Goalline - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #693

the LOLB stops for about 3 seconds
Edited by Androth on May 24, 2011 05:54:51 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Originally posted by junglejuice
In that first replay of OP, one LB has 50ish speed, 20ish agility, the other one has 20ish of both. So very different speed/agility ratios and identical behavior (they basically mirror each other in the replay)

Actually I said it is very hard to tell what they are doing at that level, and if one has 20 of both that probably isn't what is happening. You showed some normal(not new or gl) plays where they were doing the same thing. Do they have the same progression/assignments in all these plays?
Edited by Androth on May 10, 2011 15:27:49
Originally posted by 68guns

the LOLB stops for about 3 seconds

LB is in zone and no one comes into his zone. The CB's bother me, the CB1 at minimum should be doing something. He appears dead
Edited by Androth on May 10, 2011 15:30:07
Edited by Androth on May 10, 2011 15:29:45
Edited by Androth on May 10, 2011 15:29:10
Originally posted by Androth
Actually I said it is very hard to tell what they are doing at that level, and if one has 20 of both that probably isn't what is happening. You showed some normal(not new or gl) plays where they were doing the same thing. Do they have the same progression/assignments in all these plays?

The ones I posted with Devil's Advocates in the OP do (man without move and either HB/FB or FB/HB), I can't speak for any of the other teams though as I was just looking around for replays that had the same behavior. I don't DC for any teams beside my own.

68guns owns one of the teams i posted replays for though and i'll ask him if he minds posting coverage assignments.

Originally posted by 68guns

the LOLB stops for about 3 seconds

That play is just bad on so many levels
Originally posted by 68guns

don;t really understand what the MLb and LOLb are supposed to be doing in respect of their tactics.

LOLB has TE or zone

SS and

MLB have the STRONG run or ZONE


the LOLB here is not doing too much until he decides to blitz.
Here's one from our league game yesterday. I'll post more if I find them.
MLB is set to man w/o move, FB--->HB--->Zone
SS is set to man w/o move, HB--->FB--->Zone

Here's another one. This one went to the strong side, and even though it's a different defense with different progressions, the LB's still acted the same way.
LOLB is set to man w/o move, HB Strong--->FB Strong--->Zone
LILB is set to man w/o move, FB Strong--->HB Strong--->Zone
RILB is set to man w/o move, FB Weak--->HB Weak--->Zone
ROLB is set to man w/o move, HB Weak--->FB Weak--->Zone
Edited by vtech9 on May 15, 2011 10:03:00
Edited by vtech9 on May 15, 2011 09:45:51
May 14, 2011
- Fix path waypoints on goal line QB rollout plays to fix some issues for high speed/low agility players

Let's see if this still occurs in today's sims and beyond to determine if this fix had anything to do with this.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
May 14, 2011
- Fix path waypoints on goal line QB rollout plays to fix some issues for high speed/low agility players

Let's see if this still occurs in today's sims and beyond to determine if this fix had anything to do with this.

In my replays, the average Speed is about 125, and the average Agility is about 85.
I'm not trying to patronize anyone, but I want to make sure we are all on the same page. I'm going to use vtech9's progressions only because they are nearest to quote.

Originally posted by vtech9
MLB is set to man w/o move, FB--->HB--->Zone
SS is set to man w/o move, HB--->FB--->Zone

Telling a player to cover FB-->HB only counts if the play is a pass. Therefore if the play is a rush they will revert to the default option, which in this case is "zone". Once in that zone they will stand there until they pass the vision check needed to pursue the ball carrier. The farther the ball carrier is out of their line of sight, the harder that vision check is to pass. Once they see the ball carrier, then they will begin pursuit.
Originally posted by Androth
Telling a player to cover FB-->HB only counts if the play is a pass. Therefore if the play is a rush they will revert to the default option, which in this case is "zone". Once in that zone they will stand there until they pass the vision check needed to pursue the ball carrier. The farther the ball carrier is out of their line of sight, the harder that vision check is to pass. Once they see the ball carrier, then they will begin pursuit.

I don't care if it is a run, the QB still has the ball, so the LB's first option is to follow their primary responsibility. For this not to happen says this is either a bug, or the people who make the plays don't know jack about football. The Vision check should not come into effect until the defenders realize the QB is running with the ball. Their initial reactions should be to follow their primary responsibility. This is not happening and needs to be fixed.
Originally posted by Androth
Telling a player to cover FB-->HB only counts if the play is a pass. Therefore if the play is a rush they will revert to the default option, which in this case is "zone". Once in that zone they will stand there until they pass the vision check needed to pursue the ball carrier. The farther the ball carrier is out of their line of sight, the harder that vision check is to pass. Once they see the ball carrier, then they will begin pursuit.

Is that really how that works? I see guys chasing the players on a run play that they're set to cover in m2m quite a bit.
Originally posted by PING72
Is that really how that works? I see guys chasing the players on a run play that they're set to cover in m2m quite a bit.

They first do a vision check to read run or pass. If they succeed they will read it as a run and chase the ball carrier. If they fail to read run they may start towards the assignment or zone until they pass the vision check.

Originally posted by vtech9
I don't care if it is a run, the QB still has the ball, so the LB's first option is to follow their primary responsibility. For this not to happen says this is either a bug, or the people who make the plays don't know jack about football. The Vision check should not come into effect until the defenders realize the QB is running with the ball. Their initial reactions should be to follow their primary responsibility. This is not happening and needs to be fixed.

This is a suggestion and not a bug. It is currently coded this way on purpose.
Originally posted by junglejuice - Both MLB and LOLB start doing a weird back and forth motion and are mirroring each other exactly - harder to see since the play ends earlier. looks like the LOLB reacts normally but the MLB is in the same loop as previous play - LOLB does the back and forth thing. MLB doesn't but completely freezes for a few ticks - pretty much same as last play but MLB freezing is more obvious

In all plays,
MLB is set to man w/o move, FB->HB->Zone
LOLB is set to man w/o move, HB->FB->Zone

I checked other goalline plays from same game and didn't see the issue on any pitches or screens, so I'm thinking just an issue with the QB rushes.

I'll try to find some instances in other games when I get a chance to make sure it wasn't something screwy with just the one game

This seems like normal zone behavior to me. The freezing is the player hitting his zone and waiting. The weird back and forth motion at the LOS I am fairly confident is them getting pushed back by a blocker. The fact that it happens to them at the same time is just an odd coincidence.


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