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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Big Game Coming Up
Originally posted by Florida__boi08
I have benn with the Flying E since day 17 of last season. ever since then we have always been picked to loose the big games. well we didnt and thats why we are here. Vegas__bronco is a tactical genius. We lead the leauge in sacks and picks,and we dont plan on not getting any of those. I feel sorry for there qb because Harvey and Headslap will be in the backfeild more times than the statititions can keep track of.
So far there qb has been sacked 3 times and hurried 18, i project those stats doubling.

Vegas wins 28-6

Good dresser too! If we could only get him to leave those damn broncos!
Last edited Jun 24, 2008 17:32:56

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