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Plan looks fine to me. Choco and I generally agree on most things with the exception of the importance of agi. I tend to think second cap is more than enough, and first cap on jum/spd is plenty too IMO. Spend the rest of the saved SP in the big 4 and/or getting all SAs to 10 with AE.
Edited by TheGreatPuma on Apr 11, 2011 10:58:34
Well, I've reassessed the plan and made amendments where I'll have 3 more jumping, confidence of 91.50 (natural - so 4 more there), 25 speed, 25 stamina, and 62 jumping (so two less in jumping). A strength will also be two points lower. Vision will be the same at 80.16.

I think this is better. I don't see any need to increase speed to the first cap... I could cancel the training on Agility at the end and keep agility around the 62/63 mark and probably have speed in the 30s.
So, best punt average 2nd year in a row, also most punt yards in a season, although I don't like that stat as it shows our team isn't that great.

Let's see if I can continue this with him.

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