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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Zone Coverage Bug - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #654
Originally posted by Rikkhen
CB5 & FS are set to cover Shallow Zone so there first instinct is to move fwd. Dont think this is a bug at all.

And to add to it - in my exp as a DC even if you try and position it to where the dots just sit there and don't move at the initial snap of the ball, they will move in accordance to how you set the zone.

I've had Safeties in Cover 2 where there was no white line visable for them to move and they still did anyways - Don't have a screen shot but trust me that I have it where the safeties should be sitting there but since I have them set to Cover Zone Medium - they make an initial back step.

The white line as I've always interpreted it will always take you to the center of your zone you want the dot to be in but then the actual distance will make him make that initial reaction.

Really don't see anything wrong with the above.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Dots will always start moving as they react to whats happening around them, its more or less impossible to make them stay still for the first X amount of ticks when they are in zone.
You can position them so they are in the exact right place to not have to move to get to their initial spot in the zone (as designed by DPC) but that just means they start reacting to the play right away.

But this shouldnt hurt the play call as their movements are inline with the design.

There are ways to artifically manipulate the dots if you want, for example, if you want them in a Deep Half Shallow AND you want them to loiter early as the play develops, actually set them below the zone so they drop back, then have to step up to meet the inbound threat, etc.

But stuff like that is rarely if ever in the D's best interest.
Originally posted by Mike Rogers
Dots will always start moving as they react to whats happening around them, its more or less impossible to make them stay still for the first X amount of ticks when they are in zone.
You can position them so they are in the exact right place to not have to move to get to their initial spot in the zone (as designed by DPC) but that just means they start reacting to the play right away.

Yeah but it doesn't make sense that "reacting" to the play is jumping forwards and outside 3 yards when receivers are streaking towards them. You can see the CB on the strong side basically jumps himself out of the play, while if he had just hung in his area he would have been in position to make a play.

Here's the same D, run against a different play

the players do the exact same the "reacting to the play" explanation cannot be the answer. How is that behavior not buggy? Certainly, there could be some glitch in the way zones work vs the player position that makes them react like that? Or is that just impossible in the eyes of GLB?
Edited by SeattleNiner on Apr 5, 2011 13:27:13
I am going to get the ball rolling here. If you have anything different that you saw in the DAI Pwned please post it

From the replays, screen shots and what not I am going to have to go with Rock. Marking as Not Likely A Bug
Are they listed as run or pass focus?

I've noticed run focused players run up quicker and more aggressively than pass focused.
Originally posted by Husker2
I am going to get the ball rolling here. If you have anything different that you saw in the DAI Pwned please post it

From the replays, screen shots and what not I am going to have to go with Rock. Marking as Not Likely A Bug

I took a quick look at it and didn't really see anything suspicious or worth adding.

Edit - I'm still uncertain on this..

When you set up a play in the DPC, and you set to shallow, or deep zones, the white line does adjust to show you shallow, med, or deep but I'm not sure if it's exactly what is going to happen? Shouldn't it be?
Edited by Pwned IRL on Apr 12, 2011 15:25:58
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Mike Rogers

But stuff like that is rarely if ever in the D's best interest.

Depends on how well you have scouted opponent and whether or not you know what the dot will do. For instance, putting the FS close to LOS on weak side, but assigning him to cover deep strong 1/2 zone can be a very good defensive maneuver vs some of the single back routes that go over the middle.
Originally posted by SeattleNiner
Yeah but it doesn't make sense that "reacting" to the play is jumping forwards and outside 3 yards when receivers are streaking towards them. You can see the CB on the strong side basically jumps himself out of the play, while if he had just hung in his area he would have been in position to make a play.

Here's the same D, run against a different play

the players do the exact same the "reacting to the play" explanation cannot be the answer. How is that behavior not buggy? Certainly, there could be some glitch in the way zones work vs the player position that makes them react like that? Or is that just impossible in the eyes of GLB?

I don't even think it's reacting to the play - those initial steps are what the FS/CB are gonna take simply b/c you have them in Cover Zone Shallow and unfortunately it really does take them out of the play BEFORE they then can make their reaction which is why I recommend setting them in Medium (that's a whole different story).

The way I see it, by the time they do react after taking the initial step forward - it's too late they're out of position.

Still not seeing this as a bug
Originally posted by rocklee711
I don't even think it's reacting to the play - those initial steps are what the FS/CB are gonna take simply b/c you have them in Cover Zone Shallow and unfortunately it really does take them out of the play BEFORE they then can make their reaction which is why I recommend setting them in Medium (that's a whole different story).

The way I see it, by the time they do react after taking the initial step forward - it's too late they're out of position.

Still not seeing this as a bug

I guess my angle on this is when you are creating a play. You want your player to sit near the shallow end of the zone. So you select Zone - Shallow. You then move the dot to where the line on the DPC shows a shallow zone is and you want him to be there at the start of the play until he has something to react to.

So the play starts, and he moves forward, outside of the zone area that you designed him to play shallow in.

I am leaning towards this being buggy.
Do we have more than one replay?

Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Do we have more than one replay?

Yea there is three total in this thread.
Was gonna bump this as well but looks like Hikariu voted on this issue in Bugzilla.

I'll get him to close it out.
Thread moved by moderator.

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