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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Buggy Logic on INT returns - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #629
Originally posted by robponce
Looks like what is happening, is the Defender is judging their "threat to being tackled" as the nearest player. They're thus avoiding the WR by jumping towards the center of the field.

Nearly 100% of passes will come from the QB at the middle of the field passing to a WR/TE/HB outside of the box. The defender obviously must "Jump" the route and by rule, be closer to the middle than the receiver.

They then determine the receiver to be the nearest threat and run away which, as stated before, would be, by rule, towards the middle of the field. Only when another player (o-linemen) in these cases become the closest threat do they run an alternate route.


Yeah, it very well could be something like that.

But say when a RB is approaching a defender that he needs to avoid, he changes direction much quicker than when a defender has intercepted a pass. A lot of these defenders don't even seem to notice the offensive player they are about to run into, until they are right on top of them.

It is something to do with the open field pathing bug, probably. I was just trying hard to keep it out of that never ending trap.

I don't think it was always like this though, although it is something that I've been noticing for a long time.

See, the open field pathing thing usually isn't a big deal on offense, because it usually only happens in really long TDs. But this, or at least to me, is a much bigger problem, because these run backs could very well be the difference in winning a game or not.
Robponce nailed it.

Here's another replay that shows it well
Diamond Spade
would this qualify

im not saying he would of scored but he would of gotten more yards if he just ran straight
If you ever watch football, when a defender gets an INT, they almost always head to the sideline (in case they fumble). These guys are going the other direction. Something needs to be coded or adjusted to make the defender make the nearest sideline a priority, not just evading that chasing offensive player. Hell, you'd still get the evasive maneuvers, just in the correct direction.
Originally posted by yankee242B
If you ever watch football, when a defender gets an INT, they almost always head to the sideline (in case they fumble). These guys are going the other direction. Something needs to be coded or adjusted to make the defender make the nearest sideline a priority, not just evading that chasing offensive player. Hell, you'd still get the evasive maneuvers, just in the correct direction.

Then make this a suggestion.
Lead Bugs Mod
I was thinking it had to do with running away from that offensive player too, since they seem to always start outside of the defender, but this one doesn't make any sense:
The WR is actually inside the CB for several ticks at the beginning of the runback. I would have expected the CB to head outside then.
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 24, 2011 11:29:28
I posted something on this several months ago.... they deemed it basically, code could be reworked... but not a bug...
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I was thinking it had to do with running away from that offensive player too, since they seem to always start outside of the defender, but this one doesn't make any sense:
The WR is actually inside the CB for several ticks at the beginning of the runback. I would have expected the CB to head outside then.

I'm going to move this to needs more information. I think the movement in every replay here and in gndzylak's thread can be explained except for this one, and as we all know by now, we can't file a bug report based on one replay.
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 24, 2011 11:29:47
What are you talking about?

Just because it can be explained, doesn't mean that it is working correctly.

Pretty much everyone seems to agree that this is a bug, except for you?

What "more info" do you want?
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Bukowski
What are you talking about?

Just because it can be explained, doesn't mean that it is working correctly.

Pretty much everyone seems to agree that this is a bug, except for you?

What "more info" do you want?

I'd like more replays like the one I linked. It seems to be the case in every other replay that the defender is running away from the man closest to him. Perhaps his threat analysis should be adjusted to put a higher priority on the guys in front of him even if they are further away, but that would be a suggestion. Only the one I linked looks like it may be buggy.

Btw, here's one from today that shows the defender intercepting outside of the WR, and then running outside:
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 24, 2011 10:40:10
All of them are buggy.

All of them.

It does not matter if someone can possibly explain what it happening, the CBs shouldn't be running in a direction that doesn't benefit them. This is directly affecting gameplay.

When a CB, on multiple plays, is running right towards the offensive line, instead of hitting the sideline, then that is called a bug.

PM Catch, or whatever you got to do. But this needs another opinion.

Seriously look at this.

You cannot tell me that this is working like it is supposed to.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Bukowski

Seriously look at this.

You cannot tell me that this is working like it is supposed to.

Thatt was the one I meant to link in my comments (copy/paste fail), and it does look buggy. So we still have one replay. I corrected my comments.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Bukowski
All of them are buggy.

All of them.

Originally posted by Catch22
Rule #3 of the Bugs Forum - we have a Bugs Moderation Team for a reason. It is fine to post examples of issues you believe are bugs or to help identify a bug. It is, however, not your place to state whether an issue is a bug or not.

Originally posted by Bukowski
PM Catch, or whatever you got to do. But this needs another opinion.

We have a process here. Others will get an opportunity to voice their opinions.

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