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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > WR blocks 2 ans 3 players at once. - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #613
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Androth
At no point in any of those replays were 5 guys stopped by 2 players. Just because a player slows near a blocker doesn't mean he was blocked.

Whether he is blocked or not, the slow down is ridiculous. A slight slow down to alter angle and go around the blockers would be one thing, but they come to a dead stop. The ROLB basically stops pursuing the HB. The FS and RILB basically come to a complete standstill. And to make it more ridiculous, the RILB knocks the CB off the block so that the WR can block him instead.

It is complete nonsense. If the players were in a tight space bunched up near the LOS in the middle of the field, it would be one thing. However, this is the open field and defenders just run right into engaged blocks like they don't exist.

Whether they were actually blocked or not, 5 defenders were effectively stopped by 2 blockers.
Slow it down and watch again. If these players had agility to adjust pursuit angles or vision to take better initial angles they wouldn't be stopping or slowing near the blockers. They have to slow down that much to avoid an object in their path.
Edited by Androth on Mar 17, 2011 20:55:20
what they are trying to tell us is...the O players are allowed to run and see threw a blocking exchange but....the D players are not allowed to run or see threw the same exchange.

O players can run threw other O players.
D players cant run threw other D players.

Thus a built in advantage for the Offense....which is working as intended and might have been communicated to defend it at all cost, no matter how apparent it looks to be.

bottom line....its a horrendous code, but its their sim.
Edited by DTRAIN on Mar 17, 2011 21:44:51
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Androth
If these players had agility to adjust pursuit angles or vision to take better initial angles they wouldn't be stopping or slowing near the blockers. .

Originally posted by Catch22

Rule #3 of the Bugs Forum - we have a Bugs Moderation Team for a reason. It is fine to post examples of issues you believe are bugs or to help identify a bug. It is, however, not your place to state whether an issue is a bug or not.

Rule #4 of the Bugs Forum - you will not always agree with the final resolution of a bug. That is completely understandable. If you have a problem with anything in the Bugs Forums, please contact one of the Leads or Bugs Coordinators. If they do not address your issue to your satisfaction, then contact Catch22 via private message. If you are unhappy with how a bug was classified or what my final determination was, please contact me via private message and we will discuss it. It's possible that the process is wrong and if that is the case, I'll be more than happy to revisit our determination. Please, however, do not create a new thread about the issue - it will be locked without any further consideration.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
Also, for everyone, a bit of a reminder of what real football looks like.

There are a bunch of plays in this Adrian Peterson highlight video from his high school days with a ton of players taking bad angles, I will find a few from the NFL to show you guys the proof is in the pudding.

Here's one..
Barry Sanders video showing players running into each other and falling over on the very first run..

To conclude..

A player aligned on one half of the field typically can't make it over to tackle outside pitches to good HB's, and part of the reason is due to getting stuck inside. Hell, there's no referee dots on the field to get stuck on either, imagine if it was more realistic and that was another thing your players had to dodge?

My response to your responses..

Players naturally on the weak side of a play aren't supposed to just high tail down field in hopes the RB will keep going straight, there is a such thing as a cutback lane, and someone has to take it. I'm not saying this is why Bort made it this way (because I dont know), but I like to know some weakside players will follow the play more laterally as it progresses, dots do a pretty good job of guarding the cutback.. So don't like your LB's and DE's getting stuck inside, and watch some of that video up top to see the opposite side field safety getting caught in on the action. A player will never 100% make every play perfectly, Dot's at all levels shouldn't either.

I vote all links listed in this thread do not fall under the Bug category.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard

We are pursuing this in another thread, please keep it there..
This issue has been DETERMINED NOT A BUG, I am closing.

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