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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Defenders set to Semi-Aggressive make sorry attempt for interception - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #477
Here.... not only does he go for the pick... but he gets the pick:

CB3 Corn Erback is set to Semi-aggressive.
CB2 Johnny Blanket is set to Aggressive.

CB3 Corn Erback jumps forward for the interception.
CB2 Johnny Blanket does NOT make an aggressive jump to the interception.
Edited by Androth on Feb 4, 2011 18:39:25 (LIKELY A BUG)
Here's another from from our Regional Pro team.
Again keep your eye on CB3, this time it's MY semi-aggressive Cornerback, so I can assure you the tactics are set to what I say they are, and it should prove to you that Corn Erback and Elijiah Hawk are both set to semi-aggressive, too.
I'll feed you any information you need about the player if it helps show that this behavior is not due to any build mistakes. A level 60 player should be able to make that play.
Where is the CB3 going in this move?

That... and look at the horrible positioninng by the aggressive cornerbacks Johnny Blanket and Slick Hammer in this play:
That is NOT making an attempt for an interception.
Feels kinda lonely in here.
Same semi-aggressive CB making an interception attempt, this time without any help over the top because of a pump fake
You've clearly provided a great many examples as well as the build info requested. I'm going to mark this as LIKELY A BUG and move it back to main.

In the mean time, might I make a suggestion? If CB3 is always supposed to be the "over the top" set him to never go for the pick.
Originally posted by Androth
You've clearly provided a great many examples as well as the build info requested. I'm going to mark this as LIKELY A BUG and move it back to main.

In the mean time, might I make a suggestion? If CB3 is always supposed to be the "over the top" set him to never go for the pick.

we tried that in season 16 or season 17 for a few games... set to medium, and that coverage setting has him running back 10 yards behind the receiver, it's clearly another broken setting that needs to be tested, but I've never used it enough to make a bugs thread about it.
Y'know there are times, when a CB just believes he can make the INT, sometimes they can do it, sometimes they miss and blow it badly.... It happens in all levels of Football...

For 7 years I played FS (4 years HS and 3 years University) - When our coach told us to not go for the INT, unless it was almost in your hands... CB's would forget that and, try and make that move and go for the ball. Sometimes they'd get a piece, for a PD, sometimes they'd get the ball, sometimes the would blow the play and let a TD through...

It sucks. I know - I've seen it all over the place...

For Semi-Aggressive this is the wording

Go for the PD frequently, but do not worry about the interception

That doesn't mean they WON'T go for the INT
The problem is three-fold.
Firstly, the semi-aggressive players are going for interceptions when they do not have help over the top, they ARE the help over the top.
Then, there are aggressive players in the area who are NOT going for the interception because the semi-aggressive players jumped in front when they shouldn't have, and no longer have help over the top.
Finally, when the semi-aggressive High Vision players go for interceptions they are completely out of position anyways and are only allowing for a greater change for a reception and NOT in a position to even make a deflection anymore which is their primary assignment.
Edited by stromstarhammer on Feb 6, 2011 06:08:09
This one isn't as good, but it happened again today to one of my own players and I don't think I've posted a replay of him yet.
Might just be a miscalculation on the deflection, but it looks to me like he was trying for the interception because he ends up in front of the WR
and another by the same FS
How much Jumping does this FS have?
46 lol
I just looked through a few of your games strom and this certainly isn't an epidemic. It happens every so often, but usually it appears the coverage is okay.

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