the concept of GLB in general is a joke!
the formulas of age and levels is BS! ...the game would be a lot more exciting as a whole if it was 1 season and done! ...this is why peewee has worked so well up until now, but bort has been doing all he can to make peewee less attractive and higher levels more attractive to us ...and this is real reason why the sims have been so fucked up over the past few seasons imo! ...bort wants to get us spenders hooked on career players and focussed on moving up to the world league ...the whole idea of investing in career players is what would keep us committed to coming back and investing more and more money season after season, whereas 1 and done is just for one season and then we would have the luxury of quiting anytime we want without the burden of being compelled to stick with a player for 3years, spending more to build him up for the elite levels and then hoping that he is not fail's borts little scam!
...and my message to bort:
haven't you noticed that peewee agents have dwelled in peewee for so long for a reason?'s not coz it is cheaper, coz as the gold league has shown, we are prepared to spend lots of cash for the privelage's coz of the convenience of having it all wrapped up into one season ...the whole package! ...not having to wait on building players for 6seasons to get to the pro leagues! ...there are better ways to achieve success by making a system that works for all of us and not just for you! ...your system sucks! ...1 & done IMO!