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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > CB just wanders across line of scrimmage - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG- #446

Originally posted by Pwned IRL
It looks to me like the MLB moves towards covering the HB, when the HB starts blocking he makes a movement over towards the TE but the play ends quickly.

MLB is set to cover the RB but the RB stays in to block and doesnt run a pass route. The MLB is staying put to cover HIS MAN.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
These two links are the only ones I feel something fishy may be going on.


Well I think they would at least revert to the last progression which would be a Zone by the way all the players are placed in these replays listed. I believe what that means is, they would cover the nearest zone.

I really don't see in any of these links where a player is standing still in an area there isn't a zone designed for.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Rikkhen
This play looks like he is set to QB SPY. The LOLB covered the TE on that play and the HB stayed in to block so the MLB stayed where he was to cover HB..
Set to cover HB but the HB doesnt go out on a route so the CB stays put. TE was picked up by LB

You can assign multiple players to cover 1 receiver. The whole point of assigning multiple progressions in coverage is so that players don't stand around with their thumbs up their rears being useless if their original assignment doesn't go out on pass plays.

Maybe Bort wants us all to use cover man or blitz or use cover man or zone with no secondary progression, (so they will be equally useless if their coverage responsibility stays in to block), but these types of issues were not occurring in the old DPC. It's a pretty big handicap when you are using new DPC and facing these issues while your opponents are using old DPC and aren't.

Those are players with very high vision, and the only reason that the delay isn't lasting longer is because at the WL, the QB rarely holds the ball longer than 20 ticks. If those plays would have gone 40 ticks, the SS and MLB would have continued to drift around the middle.

That SS play was 20 ticks (I went click by click and hand counted up to 40). The TE was held in to pass block left. In old DPC, players didn't skip more than 2 ticks in that secondary progression. At max you are talking 8-10 ticks before players would hit 3rd progression with the old DPC.

I don't have these problems on Pro team where I'm still using old DPC plays most of the time. It's only on team I took over for where I didn't have many usable old DPC plays to chose from.
Edited by Rage Kinard on Jan 21, 2011 23:07:36
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Rikkhen
MLB is set to cover the RB but the RB stays in to block and doesnt run a pass route. The MLB is staying put to cover HIS MAN.

yes, but with old DPC if you set the progression to

Cover HB strong or TE or WR2 or zone

If the HB stays in to block, the defender then moves to try and cover TE. If the TE stays in to block, the defender then moves to the 3rd progression and tries to cover the WR2.

Right now, there are many times in the new DPC when the players are not moving past the first progression when their assignment stays in to block.

I believe it is occurring on plays that call for the 1st or 2nd coverage assignment to run a route, but the OC or an audible is holding him in to block.

Once again, in the old DPC it didn't matter.

Well the main question I have, and you may not be able to answer is this..

If you set up 3-4 progressions for a SS..

HB Strong > FB Strong > TE > WR1

This would give a defender 4 possibilities to fail a vision check?

Say by the time he figures out the HB and FB are both blocking, and the TE is down field, should he take off running to pursue a player who is 20 yards away? Or would he immediately revert to the last default progression of Zone coverage?
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
Well the main question I have, and you may not be able to answer is this..

If you set up 3-4 progressions for a SS..

HB Strong > FB Strong > TE > WR1

This would give a defender 4 possibilities to fail a vision check?

Say by the time he figures out the HB and FB are both blocking, and the TE is down field, should he take off running to pursue a player who is 20 yards away? Or would he immediately revert to the last default progression of Zone coverage?

Good question
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
yes, but with old DPC if you set the progression to

Cover HB strong or TE or WR2 or zone

If the HB stays in to block, the defender then moves to try and cover TE. If the TE stays in to block, the defender then moves to the 3rd progression and tries to cover the WR2.

Right now, there are many times in the new DPC when the players are not moving past the first progression when their assignment stays in to block.

I believe it is occurring on plays that call for the 1st or 2nd coverage assignment to run a route, but the OC or an audible is holding him in to block.

Once again, in the old DPC it didn't matter.

I wish i had the answer to this but i don't. Maybe the progressions for the new DPC don't work like they did in the OLD DPC. But for now i am thinking this is working as intended. This is the first season we are all using the new DPC and there will be a few issues to iron out. Maybe this is one of them but until we know something for sure i will not say this IS or Isn't a bug.
Edited by Rikkhen on Jan 21, 2011 23:26:37
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
Well the main question I have, and you may not be able to answer is this..

If you set up 3-4 progressions for a SS..

HB Strong > FB Strong > TE > WR1

This would give a defender 4 possibilities to fail a vision check?

Say by the time he figures out the HB and FB are both blocking, and the TE is down field, should he take off running to pursue a player who is 20 yards away? Or would he immediately revert to the last default progression of Zone coverage?

He would start to chase the TE 20 yards away. - here the LOLB is assigned to cover TE or WR 2.

It's a screen and the TE comes out to block (which is his assignment on the play. He isn't being held in by the OC). The WR actually runs a route on screen plays, so once the LOLB passes the vision check, he starts to chase WR 2 even though he is far away.

If you notice, he passes the vision check on tick 5 (10 clicks in) and starts moving toward the WR.

Originally posted by Rage Kinard

He would start to chase the TE 20 yards away. - here the LOLB is assigned to cover TE or WR 2.

It's a screen and the TE comes out to block (which is his assignment on the play. He isn't being held in by the OC). The WR actually runs a route on screen plays, so once the LOLB passes the vision check, he starts to chase WR 2 even though he is far away.

If you notice, he passes the vision check on tick 5 (10 clicks in) and starts moving toward the WR.

Is that replay from your OLD DPC or the NEW DPC
Originally posted by Rage Kinard

He would start to chase the TE 20 yards away. - here the LOLB is assigned to cover TE or WR 2.

It's a screen and the TE comes out to block (which is his assignment on the play. He isn't being held in by the OC). The WR actually runs a route on screen plays, so once the LOLB passes the vision check, he starts to chase WR 2 even though he is far away.

If you notice, he passes the vision check on tick 5 (10 clicks in) and starts moving toward the WR.

So with the other plays that were sampled the player could be failing the second and third vision checks making himself look stupid, and eventually falling into the nearest Zone which is his last progression?
Rage and Radja, if you noticed, I gave this thread a file number.

What this means is, this thread has a minimum of 3 Verifications before its considered done.

We've yet to determine the 1st Verification, so you can expect this to be seen by at a minimum 3 Bugs Mods, and if all three don't agree you'll see a Coordinator come in and clean up, or possibly even Catch22.
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jan 21, 2011 23:34:14
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
So with the other plays that were sampled the player could be failing the second and third vision checks making himself look stupid, and eventually falling into the nearest Zone which is his last progression?

But it only occurs when

1. The offensive play in the playbook calls for a player to run a route
2. The player doesn't run the route because either the OC held him in (assigned blocking in OAI) or the player is audibled in to block

And it only occurs with the new DPC
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
But it only occurs when

1. The offensive play in the playbook calls for a player to run a route
2. The player doesn't run the route because either the OC held him in (assigned blocking in OAI) or the player is audibled in to block

And it only occurs with the new DPC

So as i stated a few minutes ago, Maybe this is something the new dpc dosent allow anymore or is something that was overlooked and needs to be fixed so i still think we need more info. We have the replays that show the issue at hand but we need someone with knowledge of the sim to chime in here imo.
Edited by Rikkhen on Jan 21, 2011 23:42:11
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Rikkhen
So as i stated a few minutes ago, Maybe this is something the new dpc dosent allow anymore or is something that was overlooked and needs to be fixed.

If it wasn't going to be allowed anymore then if you call for say the SS to cover HB strong or TE, he should act the same way if the HB runs a route to the weak side or if the HB stays in to block on a play is called which doesn't have the HB assigned to run a route.

However, he will only act that way if the play in the playbook calls for the HB to run a route to the strong side, but the HB doesn't run it.

Per Catch I can test for this on test server.

1st test unable to get behavior displayed in this thread to occur on test server. Will run more tests when time permits to see if behavior can be duplicated.
Edited by Rage Kinard on Jan 22, 2011 14:37:41

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