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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > Buying players from a gutted PRO team?
Originally posted by Lotsa Stickem
you mean to tell me that any one of you as an owner wouldn't jump on a person that was coming from a team that was being gutted???...#1 I came from the gutted team...i was not the owner..Who gives a F%&*...I chose the team I wanted to go to, like any player should far as the level of play...i will be taking a hit on XP, because my player is a little above the league average, but I chose to play here, because of the group of guys that are on the team...Call it what you want SCACE, i don't give a F%&K about your opinion...GON

And the award for the dumbest post in this thread goes to...

Lotsa Stickem
you must be important to give awards away...good for should be proud of that....
Originally posted by Lotsa Stickem
you must be important to give awards away...good for should be proud of that....

I'm important enough for you to dignify with a response. Which is more than enough for me. I thought you were "GON", or whatever that jibberish was at the bottom of page 1. Have fun rebuilding that big chemistry hit it took to get your QB and HB there!

Last edited Jun 19, 2008 19:55:25
You know collins we have had our differences in other threads but for a change of pace I agree with you.
I agree with Lotsa. Who cares...

I'm glad to see other teams are starting to bring in good talent, should make this league better. I'm kind of tired already of everyone kissing Melbourne's ass around here just because they have higher level guys than some other teams in their division.

I know I am not done yet with my team either and I have no problem with another owner getting good guys to his team even if he got a gutted guy.
Lotsa Stickem
say what you will, it's gonna happen anyway, regardless of what I have to say..i'm playing for the bandits..i'm here to have fun not have e-arguments about team gutting
Originally posted by boomer2182
I agree with Lotsa. Who cares...

I'm glad to see other teams are starting to bring in good talent, should make this league better. I'm kind of tired already of everyone kissing Melbourne's ass around here just because they have higher level guys than some other teams in their division.

I know I am not done yet with my team either and I have no problem with another owner getting good guys to his team even if he got a gutted guy.

You don't read these forums enough if you think I kiss Melbourne's ass. Heh, SCASE and sxywesley will admit as much. If you look in the other top thread, you'll see why. I respect them and the team, of course, and know they're talented. All the top teams in the league are. But Tonga kisses no one's ass .

I'm not done with my team, either. I'm trying to trade for well-built players, and I've scavaged the forum to find high-quality players to finish off the offense and defense. As has been discussed in the suggestions forum (look at the mammoth sticky dedicated to the topic), there's something a little unethical about it.

If you think I'm jealous, that's not it, either. That QB's a stud, but his receivers are going to be tightly-covered by the elite secondaries in this league. The linebacker's good, but he's just one LB in a sea of average ones. The RB? Big whoop, our #1 HB will be equally as good when he boosts.

And I'm glad to agree with you, Nirav. For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. That's physics, baby!

Edit: If Lotsa Nothing wasn't here to start an argument, his message would've given an articulate explanation (akin to Boomer's above) as to why cherry-picking players from pro leagues and placing them on AA-League teams is acceptible. Instead, you filled yours with smack talk and the 13-year-old-boyish "F$&K". I say that, 'cause a real man would've spelled it out *JOKE*.

Last edited Jun 19, 2008 20:11:19
Naming his QB Gon Orea pretty much says it all. Maybe you could name the next player you create Ret. For a last name, how about Ard. That would work nicely imo.
Originally posted by carumba10
Naming his QB Gon Orea pretty much says it all. Maybe you could name the next player you create Ret. For a last name, how about Ard. That would work nicely imo.

Thats was funny, even though it came from a Tonga Thunderbird
Fuck! Im a real man!
Originally posted by Lotsa Stickem
say what you will, it's gonna happen anyway, regardless of what I have to say..i'm playing for the bandits..i'm here to have fun not have e-arguments about team gutting

This is the type of attitude that is bringing the world down...its going to happen anyway, so I might as well do it too.
Lotsa Stickem
I don't feel like I should have to explain myself to you...but I will...I think you are mistaken in more ways than one. yes, I was a GM of a team. That team did trade a lot of players, the majority. The part where you are wrong is the fact that I had anything to do with the decision to do so. As a matter of fact, I was in a position to make the best moves for the team once the decision was made. That position for me, was to take the best offers for the players that were being traded, and get the best possible trade and value added player to a team that I truly had no control over. All said and done, the team was only missing a few key components, which I had every intention of staying GM on to help rebuild. I was in the process of rebuilding that team since Day 1 when i was acquired by them. That took spending my own money...real money, to build players, finding friends to join, who spent real money, acquiring talented players who seemed at first to enjoy the game. If you own a team, which I am not sure if you do...I would assume so, but I hate to assume, you understand the difficulty it is to try and recruit talented players on this isn't about throwing a hefty salary...I tried that, it isn't about being nice and understanding to players...I did is about the player wanting to play for a team that is already a winner, and be in a position to win. We were in a division that we could not compete in...Our starting players who consisted of mostly lvls 16-18 could not and will never be able to compete with a full roster full of level 17-22. It si literally impossible...I spent hour after hour rebuilding a team...A GUTTED TEAM in south america pro league. I feel like I did a decent job at doing so too. The players I was able to grab were level 14-21. I agve them an expectation that was playing time and gaining exp with decent contracts...By the end I was sending out PM's to each free agent available levels 18+ with huge contracts, but still unable to sign not a sole...>We went from a team consitent of lvl 8-lvl 16-18 on the starting roster in 1.5 seasons.....the team when i left it...not under my doing, was a lot lower level yes...but it was also left with 9.3 million dollars to do something with..I could have signed a contract with anyone on the team to a contract that was low, but with a bonus level abnormally high to benefit those players...i didn't...I am not that type of a matter of fact I took my two players to an LSU based team, because I am an LSU fan, not because they are winners (their current record is 1-2)...I am taking a hit in XP because my player QB is at a higher level than the league average. To be honest, I am sick of dealing with players like you scace...who thinks everything is about how you feel...grow some f*(ng balls...enjoy playing against a lvl 22 qb...if i wanted to, every single one of my players who are capable of playing in the oceania group 2 AA league and brought them to the bandits...but i didn't...because i was looking for the interest of the team i was GMing at the time...stupid me, because i'd love to have every single one of my guys on this team not only because it's easier to manage from a player perspective, but so that it gives me more fire to beat up on idiots like you. ANY owner that wouldn't go after a higher positioned player from a team that is trading it's players would be an idiot...
Originally posted by Lotsa Stickem
I don't feel like I should have to explain myself to you...but I will...I think you are mistaken in more ways than one. yes, I was a GM of a team. That team did trade a lot of players, the majority. The part where you are wrong is the fact that I had anything to do with the decision to do so. As a matter of fact, I was in a position to make the best moves for the team once the decision was made. That position for me, was to take the best offers for the players that were being traded, and get the best possible trade and value added player to a team that I truly had no control over. All said and done, the team was only missing a few key components, which I had every intention of staying GM on to help rebuild. I was in the process of rebuilding that team since Day 1 when i was acquired by them. That took spending my own money...real money, to build players, finding friends to join, who spent real money, acquiring talented players who seemed at first to enjoy the game. If you own a team, which I am not sure if you do...I would assume so, but I hate to assume, you understand the difficulty it is to try and recruit talented players on this isn't about throwing a hefty salary...I tried that, it isn't about being nice and understanding to players...I did is about the player wanting to play for a team that is already a winner, and be in a position to win. We were in a division that we could not compete in...Our starting players who consisted of mostly lvls 16-18 could not and will never be able to compete with a full roster full of level 17-22. It si literally impossible...I spent hour after hour rebuilding a team...A GUTTED TEAM in south america pro league. I feel like I did a decent job at doing so too. The players I was able to grab were level 14-21. I agve them an expectation that was playing time and gaining exp with decent contracts...By the end I was sending out PM's to each free agent available levels 18+ with huge contracts, but still unable to sign not a sole...>We went from a team consitent of lvl 8-lvl 16-18 on the starting roster in 1.5 seasons.....the team when i left it...not under my doing, was a lot lower level yes...but it was also left with 9.3 million dollars to do something with..I could have signed a contract with anyone on the team to a contract that was low, but with a bonus level abnormally high to benefit those players...i didn't...I am not that type of a matter of fact I took my two players to an LSU based team, because I am an LSU fan, not because they are winners (their current record is 1-2)...I am taking a hit in XP because my player QB is at a higher level than the league average. To be honest, I am sick of dealing with players like you scace...who thinks everything is about how you feel...grow some f*(ng balls...enjoy playing against a lvl 22 qb...if i wanted to, every single one of my players who are capable of playing in the oceania group 2 AA league and brought them to the bandits...but i didn't...because i was looking for the interest of the team i was GMing at the time...stupid me, because i'd love to have every single one of my guys on this team not only because it's easier to manage from a player perspective, but so that it gives me more fire to beat up on idiots like you. ANY owner that wouldn't go after a higher positioned player from a team that is trading it's players would be an idiot...

1. Yes, I own a team and I built it through recruiting, through getting to know agents on this site and building relationships with those agents to bring players in when I got my team. It can be done if you put the effort in.

2. I have zero problem with any team in this division improving their roser, I expect the competition to try to improve. I have an issue with the SA PRO owner who gutted his team and left a new owner with nothing but cash (you admit in your post that throwing cash at a player hasn't worked for you, an owners best assets are the players under his control). So this team has now been built, gutted, built a bit again, and then gutted again. Do you even comprehend the position you supported putting a new owner into? If the Bandits had found a lvl 22 QB through free agency or a legitimate (see: non-gutting) trade, this thread wouldn't exist and we'd all be talking about the improvement to their club and Sarg would be talking about the team jumping in rankings.

3. Read this thread, you aren't taking an XP hit at this point:

4. You don't know me. You don't know how I am as an owner, but feel free to ask the players on my team how I treat them. You don't know what I do for Oceania as a region. You don't know what I do for other teams in this game to help them improve and succeed. You don't know how active I am on the forums trying to offer suggestions to improve the game. You call me an idiot for not trading for a higher level player just because he's available - I (and I'm sure my players) call me a good owner for committing to them as a team that will grow together and not jumping every time a higher level replacement becomes available. You say you are sick of players like me, yet you don't even know me.

What do I know about you? I know you contributed to the gutting of a team. I know you left a new owner in a pretty shitty situation (granted, it could have been worse, I agree, but it ain't pretty regardless). So maybe you should look in the mirror and "grow some fucking balls" as you so eloquently put it.

Can't wait for tomorrow - enjoy your HB in the backfield on his ass sucking thumb for mommy and your QB needing to see the team shrink for interceptionitis.
I love Chinese, Quite frankly, all you did was stick your finger in the hole of the dyke, the asswhippin shall still be distributed to the bandits. Seeya on your ass tommorow.
Last edited Jun 19, 2008 23:01:59
Originally posted by Lotsa Stickem
I don't feel like I should have to explain myself to you...but I will...I think you are mistaken in more ways than one. yes, I was a GM of a team. That team did trade a lot of players, the majority. The part where you are wrong is the fact that I had anything to do with the decision to do so. As a matter of fact, I was in a position to make the best moves for the team once the decision was made. That position for me, was to take the best offers for the players that were being traded, and get the best possible trade and value added player to a team that I truly had no control over. All said and done, the team was only missing a few key components, which I had every intention of staying GM on to help rebuild. I was in the process of rebuilding that team since Day 1 when i was acquired by them. That took spending my own money...real money, to build players, finding friends to join, who spent real money, acquiring talented players who seemed at first to enjoy the game. If you own a team, which I am not sure if you do...I would assume so, but I hate to assume, you understand the difficulty it is to try and recruit talented players on this isn't about throwing a hefty salary...I tried that, it isn't about being nice and understanding to players...I did is about the player wanting to play for a team that is already a winner, and be in a position to win. We were in a division that we could not compete in...Our starting players who consisted of mostly lvls 16-18 could not and will never be able to compete with a full roster full of level 17-22. It si literally impossible...I spent hour after hour rebuilding a team...A GUTTED TEAM in south america pro league. I feel like I did a decent job at doing so too. The players I was able to grab were level 14-21. I agve them an expectation that was playing time and gaining exp with decent contracts...By the end I was sending out PM's to each free agent available levels 18+ with huge contracts, but still unable to sign not a sole...>We went from a team consitent of lvl 8-lvl 16-18 on the starting roster in 1.5 seasons.....the team when i left it...not under my doing, was a lot lower level yes...but it was also left with 9.3 million dollars to do something with..I could have signed a contract with anyone on the team to a contract that was low, but with a bonus level abnormally high to benefit those players...i didn't...I am not that type of a matter of fact I took my two players to an LSU based team, because I am an LSU fan, not because they are winners (their current record is 1-2)...I am taking a hit in XP because my player QB is at a higher level than the league average. To be honest, I am sick of dealing with players like you scace...who thinks everything is about how you feel...grow some f*(ng balls...enjoy playing against a lvl 22 qb...if i wanted to, every single one of my players who are capable of playing in the oceania group 2 AA league and brought them to the bandits...but i didn't...because i was looking for the interest of the team i was GMing at the time...stupid me, because i'd love to have every single one of my guys on this team not only because it's easier to manage from a player perspective, but so that it gives me more fire to beat up on idiots like you. ANY owner that wouldn't go after a higher positioned player from a team that is trading it's players would be an idiot...

Paragraphs would be a good start. Get ready for the ass whoopin' of a lifetime. Hope you don't tuck tail and run back to suck the teet of South America Pro.
Last edited Jun 19, 2008 23:08:29

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