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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > CB pathing after INT takes him to the middle of the field - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
FYI the CB's rushing slider was set to -82 on the elusive side of things.

this has been like this for over 5 seasons. the intercepter (if outside the hash) tends to path towards the hash automatically, then seems to reset its vision and takes the least resistant path. which tends to be the sideline route.
Stray Doug
Improved pathing and/or vision checks for players upfield seems like a great suggestion here, but I don't see anything that isn't intended... as Nib indicated this looks like evade pathing more concerned about the player who is chasing (and closer)... the 2nd of the 3 I think he continues inside to avoid the player being blocked (in case block gets broken).

No question room for improvement here, but even if we agree things can be done better that's not the same thing as a bug. This is how the current code is intended to work. The unintended consequence is insufficient avoidance of the upfield mass of players. It could be refined and improved, but the current code is not bugged, it is working as intended (imo). I know it's a bit of a fine distinction sometimes and frustrating, but "working as intended" is not the same as "working exactly perfectly how we would like it to work".

If the CB was stopping in their tracks or not avoiding defenders at all, it would be a bug. Instead the issue here is that the sort of "priority of avoidance" could be improved (for example, too much focus on the chasing player, not enough on the ones upfield), but the avoidance code itself is working as it's supposed to as far as I can tell.

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