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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > WTF is the RO doing? - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Originally posted by RMiller517
It is a pursuit pathing issue, no doubt. The ball carrier changes directions radically from how he was moving to where he was going, and the linebacker adjusted radically, accordingly. It is frustrating, but it is part of how it is coded.

I'm going to give this a second verification and send it off.

better send it to catch. It's first verified as not a bug.

I think this issue is slightly different than other ones we've been dealing w/. It's more of a poor recalculation than anything else.
Originally posted by kuaggie
better send it to catch. It's first verified as not a bug.

I think this issue is slightly different than other ones we've been dealing w/. It's more of a poor recalculation than anything else.

Im not sure what you mean, both verifications were no bug. Im locking this up per Catch's instructions.

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