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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > Best A#3 Team: Coaches/Players Poll
Austin, and it's not really close!
Originally posted by lc512
Originally posted by JKates

Originally posted by slimjimzv

I think several of their players boosted before our game against them. But regardless, I'll have to agree. Austin is pretty darn solid.

A few have. Our QB/HB & 1 DT/MLB/CB. Everyone else is waiting.

I don't think it's as beneficial now that we're not getting tons of XP/game. It certainly would have been very beneficial in Seasons 1 and 2.

But it might get us one level up on where we would be if we boosted immediately. We'll see.

Trying to balance winning, playoffs, home field advantage, $$$, and late boosting.

I have a feeling you guys will be boosting somewhere between weeks 8-9.

Our goal is to win the playoffs, not necessarily ever regular season game.
Originally posted by JKates
Originally posted by lc512

Originally posted by JKates

Originally posted by slimjimzv

I think several of their players boosted before our game against them. But regardless, I'll have to agree. Austin is pretty darn solid.

A few have. Our QB/HB & 1 DT/MLB/CB. Everyone else is waiting.

I don't think it's as beneficial now that we're not getting tons of XP/game. It certainly would have been very beneficial in Seasons 1 and 2.

But it might get us one level up on where we would be if we boosted immediately. We'll see.

Trying to balance winning, playoffs, home field advantage, $$$, and late boosting.

I have a feeling you guys will be boosting somewhere between weeks 8-9.

Our goal is to win the playoffs, not necessarily ever regular season game.

Sweet. We'll take homefield if you want to give it to us.
I would be more than happy to take homefield too! Good call! LOL
Who said we were going to give it up?
Originally posted by JKates
Who said we were going to give it up?

Are you winking everytime or do you just have a twitch of some sort?
Originally posted by Lout84
Originally posted by krwynn

Thats easy. Austin is by far the best team. Week 5 will tell if the Cows are for real or not.

Why wouldn't week 4 tell if the Cows are real or not?

Agreed, I think we'll win this game against them on defense alone.
Originally posted by Sharkbait
Originally posted by JKates

Who said we were going to give it up?

Are you winking everytime or do you just have a twitch of some sort?
Originally posted by BucJordan
Originally posted by Lout84

Originally posted by krwynn

Thats easy. Austin is by far the best team. Week 5 will tell if the Cows are for real or not.

Why wouldn't week 4 tell if the Cows are real or not?

Agreed, I think we'll win this game against them on defense alone.

Which part of your defense are we supposed to struggle with?
Originally posted by Lout84
Originally posted by krwynn

Thats easy. Austin is by far the best team. Week 5 will tell if the Cows are for real or not.

Why wouldn't week 4 tell if the Cows are real or not?

I base that only on that I can't tell if the Panthers are contenders or pretenders yet. The Sniper game is the reason I'm thinking that way. I have a feeling you have the players, talent wise, but I suspect you may be messing with tactics to much. Thats just a hunch. It also looks as if you may have some players out of position based on their build. I had more info here but chose to delete it as I don't feel it fair to point it out to everyone. If you want the info, pm me. If not, thats fine too. But I would be more than happy to help.

Last edited Jun 17, 2008 15:05:06
Originally posted by JKates
Originally posted by BucJordan

Originally posted by Lout84

Originally posted by krwynn

Thats easy. Austin is by far the best team. Week 5 will tell if the Cows are for real or not.

Why wouldn't week 4 tell if the Cows are real or not?

Agreed, I think we'll win this game against them on defense alone.

Which part of your defense are we supposed to struggle with?

He wasn't talking about your team.. he is talking about the Cowbells.
Originally posted by krwynn
Originally posted by Lout84

Originally posted by krwynn

Thats easy. Austin is by far the best team. Week 5 will tell if the Cows are for real or not.

Why wouldn't week 4 tell if the Cows are real or not?

I base that only on that I can't tell if the Panthers are contenders or pretenders yet. The Sniper game is the reason I'm thinking that way. I have a feeling you have the players, talent wise, but I suspect you may be messing with tactics to much. Thats just a hunch. It also looks as if you may have some players out of position based on their build. I had more info here but chose to delete it as I don't feel it fair to point it out to everyone. If you want the info, pm me. If not, thats fine too. But I would be more than happy to help.

My point was that if the Cowbells lose to us in week 4, that will tell you that they are not an elite team because the Panthers are not an elite team. So you will not need to look at Week 5 in that instance. It is possible that the Panthers can beat the Cowbells and some people might even have us favored.
Last edited Jun 17, 2008 16:32:38
Originally posted by JKates
Originally posted by BucJordan

Originally posted by Lout84

Originally posted by krwynn

Thats easy. Austin is by far the best team. Week 5 will tell if the Cows are for real or not.

Why wouldn't week 4 tell if the Cows are real or not?

Agreed, I think we'll win this game against them on defense alone.

Which part of your defense are we supposed to struggle with?

As Lout84 already said, I was talking about More Cowbells, who I consider to be a good team but near our level of play and beatable. I think our defense made a statement when we held the ManBearPigs to negative rushing yards and 0 points, and I think we'll hold Cowbells to 10 points or less.

As for your team, there's not much doubt you guys are #1 right now, but we'll try to make it a game for you later in the season if we can. Either way I'll probably talk smack so forgive that
Last edited Jun 17, 2008 16:41:44
Originally posted by Lout84
Originally posted by krwynn

Originally posted by Lout84

Originally posted by krwynn

Thats easy. Austin is by far the best team. Week 5 will tell if the Cows are for real or not.

Why wouldn't week 4 tell if the Cows are real or not?

I base that only on that I can't tell if the Panthers are contenders or pretenders yet. The Sniper game is the reason I'm thinking that way. I have a feeling you have the players, talent wise, but I suspect you may be messing with tactics to much. Thats just a hunch. It also looks as if you may have some players out of position based on their build. I had more info here but chose to delete it as I don't feel it fair to point it out to everyone. If you want the info, pm me. If not, thats fine too. But I would be more than happy to help.

My point was that if the Cowbells lose to us in week 4, that will tell you that they are not an elite team because the Panthers are not an elite team. So you will not need to look at Week 5 in that instance. It is possible that the Panthers can beat the Cowbells and some people might even have us favored.

My thinking is that the 4th game still won't tell me much. You're both on the right track but to get the real feel for what your team is capable of is to see how it does against a team that has been consistant over a season or 2.

Last edited Jun 17, 2008 17:17:01
I think that a loss in week 4 will show that either one of our team's is still indeed inconsistent.

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