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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > what bonus SA is best for a KR/PR CB?
Any replays of Spin firing for a returner CB?
Edited by gostatemsu2005 on Mar 20, 2010 22:59:57
Originally posted by ReMeDy

I'm just frustrated no one has shown me any replays of a KR/PR juking. If its as great as people say it is, we should be able to see plenty of replays of it. I'm not meaning it as any show of disrespect. I'm just saying I have yet to see Juke work. I'm also speaking from first-hand experience with my own returner.

For Spin, actually I'm not sure if that's strength related. I didn't necessarily say it was, but rather the special teams sim has become more "break tackle" oriented. I feel agility and carrying is more spin dependent, so as a precaution, I'd value those over str.

this was posted in your last post about juking. I count 4 defenders falling down during this return and no missed tackles....
Originally posted by Pook

this was posted in your last post about juking. I count 4 defenders falling down during this return and no missed tackles....

Thats a WR returning the ball, not a CB.
Originally posted by mixmastermike
Thats a WR returning the ball, not a CB.

and the guy I quoted has been looking for a juke on a KR/PR...he didn't specify it should be a CB...and I don't see how this makes a difference anyways if returner can juke then a returner can juke....

how do CB's even get juke before the archetypes?
Edited by Pook on Mar 21, 2010 10:58:53
Originally posted by Pook
and the guy I quoted has been looking for a juke on a KR/PR...he didn't specify it should be a CB...and I don't see how this makes a difference anyways if returner can juke then a returner can juke....

how do CB's even get juke before the archetypes?

AEQ is how.
Originally posted by The Fromunda Cheeseheads
AEQ is how.

Obviously....sorry I didn't think of that at all
Originally posted by Pook

and the guy I quoted has been looking for a juke on a KR/PR...he didn't specify it should be a CB...and I don't see how this makes a difference anyways if returner can juke then a returner can juke....

On page 1 of this thread he does specify that he would like to see a replay of a CB return from this season with juke firing.

And I think if we have never seen a CB make dots fall down with fakes/jukes, it does make a difference, since we don't have trouble seeing WR/HB returners do it. Just trying to figure out if its worth picking Juke up as the bonus VA. It would be great to even see a returner CB with Spin actually firing tbh.
Originally posted by Pook

this was posted in your last post about juking. I count 4 defenders falling down during this return and no missed tackles....

Yea I remember that replay. I'm trying to find another preferably, but that's the best (and only one) I've seen so far. My problem with it is, one, it's indeed not a CB, and two, it wasn't from last season. As we know, Bort nerfed return men the beginning of this season, so that replay is a bit invalid. I'd like to preferably see a replay from this season. Bonus points if it's a CB, but I'd be happy with anyone juking to be honest.

Originally posted by mixmastermike
On page 1 of this thread he does specify that he would like to see a replay of a CB return from this season with juke firing.

And I think if we have never seen a CB make dots fall down with fakes/jukes, it does make a difference, since we don't have trouble seeing WR/HB returners do it. Just trying to figure out if its worth picking Juke up as the bonus VA. It would be great to even see a returner CB with Spin actually firing tbh.

THANK YOU! I'm glad someone else has noticed the lack of Juke and admitted to it . You get all these people who say they use Juke, yet never provide any evidence to suggest why they keep it. Some people just assume it works. I would never throw out random facts. I have a lot of inside sources and have seen the lack of jukes first-hand. Just because Juke works on offensive downs doesn't mean it works on Special Teams.

Anyways, I highly recommend Spin over Juke. It triggers a solid amount from what I've seen. Reddogrw from GLB Addicts heavily recommends it, saying, "It is activating a ton and right now (I am in) 3rd in AA in the ST MVP rankings and one of the 2 guys ahead (of him) is 13 levels above." In one game, it triggered four times against a fairly competitive opponent. He's also a CB: (spin triggers twice here)

I just recently added Spin, so I only have one replay of my guy doing it, but considering it was a playoff adversary and I only had 4 points in it at the time, I'd wager if you go +10 Spin with 80'ish agility and 60'ish carrying, you could see solid results. I'm not saying you'll be a spinning machine (maybe 4 spins per game?) but it's a helluva lot better than the alternative of zero Juke! =)
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:27:56
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:25:52
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:25:28
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:24:15
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:23:49
can you put up a link about Bort's nerfing returners? I never saw what he actually did specifically. this sounds almost like it should be in the Bugs forum. No evidence anywhere about a CB juke or fake should maybe be addressed specifically by one of those guys..
Originally posted by The Fromunda Cheeseheads
can you put up a link about Bort's nerfing returners? I never saw what he actually did specifically. this sounds almost like it should be in the Bugs forum. No evidence anywhere about a CB juke or fake should maybe be addressed specifically by one of those guys..

Mostly in the changelog. He's made several adjustments really, but for whatever reason either what he did or something totally unrelated has made return men more dumb (ie. running in a straight line). The closest mention to this is...:

Feb 5, 2010
- Use a middle ground value between old KR/PR forward push amount and new.

Feb 2, 2010
- Reduce vision radius on KR/PR and increase "go forward" bias, reducing stuttering on returns

I can attest to this change. My return man went from an awesome stud to dumb as bricks... Even when he does do something, it's only a subtle movement. Nothing fancy, despite being on 100% super elusive:

For frame of reference, he SHOULD look like the following... (from last season): (bserves the gaps; avoids first guy) (TD; this is a thing of beauty....) (at least he shies away to avoid the first guy)

Originally posted by
No evidence anywhere about a CB juke or fake should maybe be addressed specifically by one of those guys..

You're welcome to. Honestly, I hope they DONT fix it because I sold all my awesome Juke pieces several weeks ago, lol. That's one reason I'm so pissed. I wouldn't have sold them all and wasted all those shopping tokens if Juke wasn't broken in the first place.
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 01:24:16
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:47:17
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:46:36
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:46:04
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 00:45:36
the bugs forum is pretty useful. it brings things to their attention. that forum's mods are on there frequently.
Edited by The Fromunda Cheeseheads on Mar 22, 2010 01:51:46
Ok so with the archtype I went with head fake.. something drew me to it.. I already have a AE head fake and its done pretty good for me.. Season 13 ST mvp.. 2nd most punt TDs S14. So now i gotta sell it and find something esle.. I rolled a First Step.. or Agil +2 not fumble +2%.. so wait and keep looking or what
what level is your player? i'd keep looking if he is 30 or higher. the First step is good, but a second mod is really what you want to buy it.
alright thanks he is a 27
I personally wouldn't shop until you're at least lvl 40, just because you'll be so preoccupied with stat caps that SA's won't matter much. Plus, vision is a 3rd/4th priority (4th imho after spd, agi, and carrying) so for my guy when he was at lvl 27, his vision was too low to trigger SA's anyways.

Your time is better spent intense training, especially strength/carrying than shopping for low leveled AEQ items.
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 14:37:29
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 14:37:07
Edited by ReMeDy on Mar 22, 2010 14:36:40

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