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Oh, gotcha. My bad.
Originally posted by Scapino
As early as the 2nd game???

We're looking forward to it

See you on the field.
Tongeys arent worthy....NEXT~
Im the Defensive Coordinator for the Tonga Thunderbirds and I tried to refrain from posting on this certain thread but I cant seem to hold it in any longer. Who the hell is melbourne? we have all played 4 games and you guys have won 4 and we have won 3. You have already encrusted the trophy with your names on it and simply cast off the remaining members of our conference as unjustified and unqualified opponents. I hope that you guys continue to have success up until our contest takes place. This is in no way a slap to our conference members but a challenge that we want you guys to be at the peak of your abilities so we can knock you off of your unjustifiable perks that you have self proclaimed. If it were the case that you beat us, then i will be the first to say job well done but I honestly and firmly dont think that will be the case. My defense is 2 deep and superior to your 1st and 2nd string offense. We will slow you down and make it tough for you to score points. You will not run rampant against my scheme and much to your dislike, you will lose. I will not be politically correct and say the right things and do the good will speeches. I will shoot it to you straight and I will try and kick your ass and completely shut you down.If any of your GM's , coordinators or owners would like to pm me then by all means feel free to do so. Have a good season and we are on the brink of our showdown
Last edited Jun 18, 2008 22:52:04
Originally posted by wchs63
Im the Defensive Coordinator for the Tonga Thunderbirds and I tried to refrain from posting on this certain thread but I cant seem to hold it in any longer. Who the hell is melbourne? we have all playes 4 games and you guys have won 4 and we have won 3. You have already encrusted the trophy with your names on it and simply cast off the remaining members of our conference as unjustified and unqualified opponents. I hop ethat you guys continue to have success up until our contest takes place. This i sin no way a slap to our conference members but a challenge that we want you guys to be at the peak of your abilities so we can knock you off of your unjustifiable perks that you have self proclaimed. If it were the case that you beat us, then i will be the first to say job well done but I honestly and firmly dont think that will be the case. My defense is 2 deep and superior to your 1st and 2nd string offense. We will slow you down and make it tough for you to score points. You will nor run rampant against my scheme and much to your dislike, you will lose. I will not be politically correct and say the right things and do the good will speeches. I will shoot it to you straight and iwill try and kick your ass and completely shut you down.If any of your GM's .coordinators or owners would like ot pm me then by all means feel free to do so. Have a good season and we are on the brink of our showdown

Why bother PMing behind the scenes when you've already put it out here in the open. I've had the game with Tonga circled since the start of the season, I think it will be a great game. I think you're wrong on the result, but it will be a good fight. You guys have a good defense, but our offense will be more than ready to pick it apart. Your bigger problem will not come from your side of the ball, but rather your offense trying to maintain drives versus our D. This will force your D on the field, tiring your guys out to the point where our offense can run free

I expect it to be a great game, but the result for us won't change -- I'll eat crow if we lose, but I'm confident we'll be able to solve Tonga on both sides of the ball when we do meet.
The truth of this story shall unfold for all to see.
'tis true - we've got other matches in between to prepare for first, but don't worry, we'll have a special gameplan just for you
Originally posted by SCACE
Originally posted by wchs63

Im the Defensive Coordinator for the Tonga Thunderbirds and I tried to refrain from posting on this certain thread but I cant seem to hold it in any longer. Who the hell is melbourne? we have all playes 4 games and you guys have won 4 and we have won 3. You have already encrusted the trophy with your names on it and simply cast off the remaining members of our conference as unjustified and unqualified opponents. I hop ethat you guys continue to have success up until our contest takes place. This i sin no way a slap to our conference members but a challenge that we want you guys to be at the peak of your abilities so we can knock you off of your unjustifiable perks that you have self proclaimed. If it were the case that you beat us, then i will be the first to say job well done but I honestly and firmly dont think that will be the case. My defense is 2 deep and superior to your 1st and 2nd string offense. We will slow you down and make it tough for you to score points. You will nor run rampant against my scheme and much to your dislike, you will lose. I will not be politically correct and say the right things and do the good will speeches. I will shoot it to you straight and iwill try and kick your ass and completely shut you down.If any of your GM's .coordinators or owners would like ot pm me then by all means feel free to do so. Have a good season and we are on the brink of our showdown

Why bother PMing behind the scenes when you've already put it out here in the open. I've had the game with Tonga circled since the start of the season, I think it will be a great game. I think you're wrong on the result, but it will be a good fight. You guys have a good defense, but our offense will be more than ready to pick it apart. Your bigger problem will not come from your side of the ball, but rather your offense trying to maintain drives versus our D. This will force your D on the field, tiring your guys out to the point where our offense can run free

I expect it to be a great game, but the result for us won't change -- I'll eat crow if we lose, but I'm confident we'll be able to solve Tonga on both sides of the ball when we do meet.

I have to say, I love this kind of banter! Makes me look forward to those Independence Day fireworks a lot more!

If you can tire our defense out, I say go for it. They know how to stay off the field, since we've run 30 fewer defensive plays fewer than any other team in this league. We're third in the league in offensive plays per game, averaging over 100, so they know how to stay out there and move the chains, especially on third down.

It'll be a great game, and likely an instant classic for this new league. I don't see either team getting out of the 20s, and I don't see either team scoring less than 20. For we also will have a special gameplan to make sure that will happen!

great to hear collins

Keep in mind my goal right now vs. some of the clubs isn't to keep our D off the field - I want them gaining their fair share of XP so they can grow as players. Wes will make sure you get headaches while watching the Thorny Devils pluck the Thunderbirds
Originally posted by wchs63
Im the Defensive Coordinator for the Tonga Thunderbirds and I tried to refrain from posting on this certain thread but I cant seem to hold it in any longer. Who the hell is melbourne? we have all played 4 games and you guys have won 4 and we have won 3. You have already encrusted the trophy with your names on it and simply cast off the remaining members of our conference as unjustified and unqualified opponents. I hope that you guys continue to have success up until our contest takes place. This is in no way a slap to our conference members but a challenge that we want you guys to be at the peak of your abilities so we can knock you off of your unjustifiable perks that you have self proclaimed. If it were the case that you beat us, then i will be the first to say job well done but I honestly and firmly dont think that will be the case. My defense is 2 deep and superior to your 1st and 2nd string offense. We will slow you down and make it tough for you to score points. You will not run rampant against my scheme and much to your dislike, you will lose. I will not be politically correct and say the right things and do the good will speeches. I will shoot it to you straight and I will try and kick your ass and completely shut you down.If any of your GM's , coordinators or owners would like to pm me then by all means feel free to do so. Have a good season and we are on the brink of our showdown

I am the Defensive Coordinator for the Melbourne Thorny Devils.

My post is going to be fairly long because I have a couple things to say, bear with me though because I think it will be worth it. First off this imaginary rivalry with our imaginary football players is fun and spices up the game, so the more Tongans and Melbourneites we get posting and talking smack, the more fun it will be when we meet.

Secondly, DC to DC, bring it. If you guys are banking on your defense performing better then ours, then in the interest of making the game more competitive I feel obligated to tell you that you need a new plan. I also feel obligated to tell you that there is such a thing as a paragraph and if you use them more liberally, or at all, it might be easier for your players to comprehend and therfore execute, your amazing defensive schemes.

Now in an effort to help you guys improve before our showdown I am going to break a couple things down for you:

1. Defensive plays per game. This is the statistic you threw out. You show some acumen in understanding that as far as real football is concerned this is a very important statistic and definitly something to be proud of. However, here you are also exposing your lack of understanding in how this simulation game penalizes you for leading the league in that statistic.

For more on this, check out my post in the suggestions forum: it would be in your best interest, considering the fact that you run a good defense, to support me in getting the XP distribution for defense changed.

2. If you are serious about having the best possible team and winning conference championships you need to be more farsighted, it is not about simply winning each game, it is about getting your players in the best possible position to perform well in the playoffs, which means they need XP to level, this is even more important with lower level players, like those in this league.

I for example, am trying with the Thorny Devils, to get our defense MORE plays right now, the optimum gameplan at this point would allow your opponent to slowly move down the field, allowing your D to gain XP and would then shut your opponent down before they have an oppurtunity to score.

I am actually disappointed that we are averaging so few plays per game, we are only getting 4 more plays per game then you guys are, which means I have to get more creative to find ways to play BAD defense, while still not allowing opponents to score. It is retarded to have to think that way, but if your goal is to move up the ladder, you need to start thinking that way.

3. This brings up another point, you convienently forgot to mention, points allowed, THE MOST IMPORTANT STATISTIC OF ALL. A statistic where the Blaze lead and Melbourne is a close second, the Thunderbirds are doing good but not great in this department.

As far as smack talk is concerned you brought up our teams records. The difference between 3-1 and 4-0 speaks for itself.

To summarize; This is a silly little computer game, we are all here to have fun, you are obviously a good and attentive coordinator, but every player on the Thorny Devils, are educated on and involved in gameplanning and if you want to match imaginary football game wits with us, you need to step it up.

*This was intended to be fun and in good spirits and also genuinly informative, any other owners, D coordinators or players who play for teams with good defenses should check out that post in the suggestions forum and add your $0.02*

Last edited Jun 19, 2008 12:52:59
Originally posted by sxewesley
Originally posted by wchs63

Im the Defensive Coordinator for the Tonga Thunderbirds and I tried to refrain from posting on this certain thread but I cant seem to hold it in any longer. Who the hell is melbourne? we have all played 4 games and you guys have won 4 and we have won 3. You have already encrusted the trophy with your names on it and simply cast off the remaining members of our conference as unjustified and unqualified opponents. I hope that you guys continue to have success up until our contest takes place. This is in no way a slap to our conference members but a challenge that we want you guys to be at the peak of your abilities so we can knock you off of your unjustifiable perks that you have self proclaimed. If it were the case that you beat us, then i will be the first to say job well done but I honestly and firmly dont think that will be the case. My defense is 2 deep and superior to your 1st and 2nd string offense. We will slow you down and make it tough for you to score points. You will not run rampant against my scheme and much to your dislike, you will lose. I will not be politically correct and say the right things and do the good will speeches. I will shoot it to you straight and I will try and kick your ass and completely shut you down.If any of your GM's , coordinators or owners would like to pm me then by all means feel free to do so. Have a good season and we are on the brink of our showdown

I am the Defensive Coordinator for the Melbourne Thorny Devils.

My post is going to be fairly long because I have a couple things to say, bear with me though because I think it will be worth it. First off this imaginary rivalry with our imaginary football players is fun and spices up the game, so the more Tongans and Melbourneites we get posting and talking smack, the more fun it will be when we meet.

Secondly, DC to DC, bring it. If you guys are banking on your defense performing better then ours, then in the interest of making the game more competitive I feel obligated to tell you that you need a new plan. I also feel obligated to tell you that there is such a thing as a paragraph and if you use them more liberally, or at all, it might be easier for your players to comprehend and therfore execute, your amazing defensive schemes.

Now in an effort to help you guys improve before our showdown I am going to break a couple things down for you:

1. Defensive plays per game. This is the statistic you threw out. You show some acumen in understanding that as far as real football is concerned this is a very important statistic and definitly something to be proud of. However, here you are also exposing your lack of understanding in how this simulation game penalizes you for leading the league in that statistic.

For more on this, check out my post in the suggestions forum: it would be in your best interest, considering the fact that you run a good defense, to support me in getting the XP distribution for defense changed.

2. If you are serious about having the best possible team and winning conference championships you need to be more farsighted, it is not about simply winning each game, it is about getting your players in the best possible position to perform well in the playoffs, which means they need XP to level, this is even more important with lower level players, like those in this league.

I for example, am trying with the Thorny Devils, to get our defense MORE plays right now, the optimum gameplan at this point would allow your opponent to slowly move down the field, allowing your D to gain XP and would then shut your opponent down before they have an oppurtunity to score.

I am actually disappointed that we are averaging so few plays per game, we are only getting 4 more plays per game then you guys are, which means I have to get more creative to find ways to play BAD defense, while still not allowing opponents to score. It is retarded to have to think that way, but if your goal is to move up the ladder, you need to start thinking that way.

3. This brings up another point, you convienently forgot to mention, points allowed, THE MOST IMPORTANT STATISTIC OF ALL. A statistic where the Blaze lead and Melbourne is a close second, the Thunderbirds are doing good but not great in this department.

As far as smack talk is concerned you brought up our teams records. The difference between 3-1 and 4-0 speaks for itself.

To summarize; This is a silly little computer game, we are all here to have fun, you are obviously a good and attentive coordinator, but every player on the Thorny Devils, are educated on and involved in gameplanning and if you want to match imaginary football game wits with us, you need to step it up.

*This was intended to be fun and in good spirits and also genuinly informative, any other owners, D coordinators or players who play for teams with good defenses should check out that post in the suggestions forum and add your $0.02*

To address some of your points:

1. I am, and have been, quite cogniscant of the fact that it is in the best interests of XP-earning for the defense to have a significant number of plays per game. However, I am not going to, nor will ever, complain that my defense averages 67.3 plays per game. That's a testament to the offense for having long, continuous drives. That is also a testament to the defense for forcing its fair share of 3-and-outs. I will not sabotage my gameplan to get the defense more plays, either. My goal is winning, not evening out the number of plays one unit receives. Player development certainly plays its fair share in that, but I guarantee you that we're doing exactly what we intend with regards to player development. You need not worry yourself about that.

2. The GMs, players, and I have had numerous, in-depth talks with regards to having our players in the best possible position for the playoffs. Just because I'm not going on a forum and arrogantly preaching our tactics doesn't mean that I've not considered and acted. You never let the enemy know your plan, and I'm more than a little peeved at that brazen arrogance. We will run our team as we see fit, players and GMs both.

3. I could give a flip about how many points my team allows, as long as we win the game and move closer to our ultimate goal of a league championship. I'd MUCH rather win 49-48 than lose 3-0. As far as that easily-skewable statistic goes, we're doing fine in that, thank you. We've allowed 34 points in 4 games. Whoop-de-doo. Yes, other teams have done better. You're one of them, congratulations. The team we did give up 17 on is undefeated, and were it not be for a one-point swing, that'd be us. But it's not, and you're right, we're 3-1, and two teams in the league are 4-0.

I know the point of this game is to have fun, and I've had an absolute blast running this team and bantering with you guys, but I absolutely despise having my intelligence called into question (I know you give me some credit above, and I thank you for that, but the last half of your article is nowhere near as complimentary). I get very, very defensive about that. But if you think that you're going to mop the floor with us in this "battle of wits", you've got a RUDE awakening coming your way. We may fall to you, yes, and I can live with that. But NO TEAM in this league will walk all over us, as you suggest you will do.

Edit: I know you said this article was to be taken in good fun, but I have a very difficult time seeing how it may construed as such.

Last edited Jun 19, 2008 14:46:59
I thought this might happen.

I was addressing your DC, not you, in the same manner he addressed us, I thought he wanted to chime in on the smack talk and I responded in a tongue in cheek manner. Taken literally I sound like an arrogant, patronizing douche bag. It was not intended to be taken literally, it is smack talk.

About the defensive plays per game; Please help do something about it. It is a broken piece in an otherwise awesome game and it is something that needs to be fixed.

Maybe it would have been better in retrospect for me to make two entirely seperate posts, one on smack talk and one on the defensive plays issue. Considering your DC mentioned it first though, I thought it would work well to lump the two things together.

I was wrong about that, sorry.

This will be one hell of a matchup when our teams do meet and twice as fun now for all the BS that is flying around imo.

Originally posted by sxewesley
I thought this might happen.

I was addressing your DC, not you, in the same manner he addressed us, I thought he wanted to chime in on the smack talk and I responded in a tongue in cheek manner. Taken literally I sound like an arrogant, patronizing douche bag. It was not intended to be taken literally, it is smack talk.

About the defensive plays per game; Please help do something about it. It is a broken piece in an otherwise awesome game and it is something that needs to be fixed.

Maybe it would have been better in retrospect for me to make two entirely seperate posts, one on smack talk and one on the defensive plays issue. Considering your DC mentioned it first though, I thought it would work well to lump the two things together.

I was wrong about that, sorry.

This will be one hell of a matchup when our teams do meet and twice as fun now for all the BS that is flying around imo.

I respect the post you made. We're fine. To quote Muhammad Ali: "I ain't got no quarrel with them Vietcong". Except you all are Thorny Devils. We'll probably have another round here in the distant future, haha!

Two posts here would've probably been the right move. I understand why you'd want to combine them, for they're both related.

I'd be very willing to fix the defensive XP per game. There should be an incentive for a defense that plays total fewer plays than the defense around it. Of course, that's the goal, because it means that your team's functioning properly. There's a reason 3-and-outs are preferable to being on the wrong side of a 15-play drive, am I right? Likewise, as I own a kicker and a punter, I definitely see the kicker/punter game-earned XPs are out-of-whack, as well. There needs to be a multiplier, since kickers and punters see the field about six times less than the average player.

If nothing else, this matchup will be the game of the year. You all will be favored, and rightfully so. You all will likely win, and rightfully so. But just maybe, we'll be able to pull it out. We have some tricks up our sleeves (that I won't elaborate on, of course), so it'll be interesting. I love it. I love my team, and this league. Owning a team's been a blast.

And the smack talk is fun . Too bad I have a hard time recognizing it sometimes!

Last edited Jun 19, 2008 15:36:24
my suggestion in the thread is combine all player XP into a team pool (game XP only), then split that total 50/50 (half to offense/kicker, half to defense/punter), still distributed by total plays so the players that are in the game more get the most. This way you can concentrate on trying to win the game - yes, players will still want to be in the game as much as possible to max XP, but the actual number won't matter as much, and the team can concentrate on winning instead of the # of plays drama. It will also allow both sides of the ball to improve together, they are playing together right?
WOw, is it getting hot in here?

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