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Originally posted by Georgiablitz4747
Originally posted by BigRagu DTD

sent...this time it will not be close

It shouldn't be and it never should have been when you already boosted. I don't care how many custom plays you had in, should have never been that close.

Correct. I hope he doesn't get his feelings hurt when he losses to a first time owner and a bunch of unboosted players.
Originally posted by AC_31
Originally posted by Georgiablitz4747

Originally posted by BigRagu DTD

sent...this time it will not be close

It shouldn't be and it never should have been when you already boosted. I don't care how many custom plays you had in, should have never been that close.

Correct. I hope he doesn't get his feelings hurt when he losses to a first time owner and a bunch of unboosted players.

Hellyeah to that!
Originally posted by Georgiablitz4747
It shouldn't be and it never should have been when you already boosted. I don't care how many custom plays you had in, should have never been that close.

He didn't boost until before Week 2's game... but thanks for your input.
Originally posted by adamantenigma

He didn't boost until before Week 2's game... but thanks for your input.

BS. Almost the entire team was level 4's when we played.
Originally posted by AC_31
BS. Almost the entire team was level 4's when we played.

Well, I hate to be nit-picky, but that's actually not the case. The HBs were boosted prior to the Week 1 game, and a couple of players on defense, so I'll give you that... but I don't believe constitutes as the "entire team".

Ragu didn't boost the full roster until 12.13 (not sure whether it was before the Week 2 game, or right after)... and I believe I'd know, you know, since I'm actually on the team and sort the Depth Chart. I shot him a message yesterday asking why he would pull the trigger so early.
Originally posted by adamantenigma

Well, I hate to be nit-picky, but that's actually not the case. The HBs were boosted prior to the Week 1 game, and a couple of players on defense, so I'll give you that... but I don't believe constitutes as the "entire team".

Ragu didn't boost the full roster until 12.13 (not sure whether it was before the Week 2 game, or right after)... and I believe I'd know, you know, since I'm actually on the team and sort the Depth Chart. I shot him a message yesterday asking why he would pull the trigger so early.

Premature Booster................
I really have not even had to try avoiding touching the KoK. It's never been a habit or practice of mine to touch anyones KoK. But keep asking..... You can't blame a guy for asking. Someone here might bite.
Originally posted by sigepmagicmike
peewee is srs biznis

Indeed... I had no idea it was so cut-throat. Apparently we must all slow-build and use the same tactics, or all hell breaks loose and people get bent out of shape.

Originally posted by BigRagu DTD
Premature Booster................

Ahhh... you have that problem, eh? Sorry to hear .

Originally posted by cawthon
I really have not even had to try avoiding touching the KoK. It's never been a habit or practice of mine to touch anyones KoK. But keep asking..... You can't blame a guy for asking. Someone here might bite.

Bite? No, no biting.
Originally posted by adamantenigma

Well, I hate to be nit-picky, but that's actually not the case. The HBs were boosted prior to the Week 1 game, and a couple of players on defense, so I'll give you that... but I don't believe constitutes as the "entire team".

Ragu didn't boost the full roster until 12.13 (not sure whether it was before the Week 2 game, or right after)... and I believe I'd know, you know, since I'm actually on the team and sort the Depth Chart. I shot him a message yesterday asking why he would pull the trigger so early.

Again, BS. I looked over the roster before I scouted the game and it was mostly level 4's. We had discussions in our team forum about the majority of the team being boosted.

I could care less about what tactics you use. Boost early, boost late, I don't care. This is a thread dedicated to the self over-hyped KOK. I'm here to bring you guys back down to reality.
Originally posted by AC_31
Again, BS. I looked over the roster before I scouted the game and it was mostly level 4's. We had discussions in our team forum about the majority of the team being boosted.

I could care less about what tactics you use. Boost early, boost late, I don't care. This is a thread dedicated to the self over-hyped KOK. I'm here to bring you guys back down to reality.

did he say he wants to go down on the Kok.......
Originally posted by AC_31
Again, BS. I looked over the roster before I scouted the game and it was mostly level 4's. We had discussions in our team forum about the majority of the team being boosted.


Well, hey, if you're actually taking the time to scout your Week 1 Pee Wee opponents, then you've obviously got more time on your hands for GLB than I... so I'll relent and let you have the "almost the entire team" boost for the sodom devils game that you're claiming. I know that it occurred after Thursday morning because that's when I reset the Depth Chart, but whether it was Thursday night or right around the Week 2 game... apparently you'd know, since you scouted the team.

Originally posted by AC_31
I could care less about what tactics you use. Boost early, boost late, I don't care. This is a thread dedicated to the self over-hyped KOK. I'm here to bring you guys back down to reality.

Did it work? Did you teach Ragu a lesson yet?

My involvement with this thread has been the audacity to correct what I felt to be errant statements on your part. Your insistence persists, and it makes me question if I'm the one who was inaccurate, and if that's the case then I apologize... but I'm not sure how that classifies as "self over-hype" on my part.
Originally posted by adamantenigma

Did it work? Did you teach Ragu a lesson yet?

My involvement with this thread has been the audacity to correct what I felt to be errant statements on your part. Your insistence persists, and it makes me question if I'm the one who was inaccurate, and if that's the case then I apologize... but I'm not sure how that classifies as "self over-hype" on my part.

Think it has more to do with the OP. People get tired of that one team that comes in ever season proclaiming they are god's gift to glb.
Originally posted by Georgiablitz4747
Think it has more to do with the OP.

You down with OPP?

I'm not here to make trouble... I'm here for da booze and da loose women. Pee Wee's got a lot of that, yeah?
Originally posted by adamantenigma

Well, hey, if you're actually taking the time to scout your Week 1 Pee Wee opponents, then you've obviously got more time on your hands for GLB than I...

As you sit in front of your PC typing long winded responses in a Pee Wee league forum...

Yes, believe it or not, I enjoy this game. I scout and game plan for almost every opponent. I find humor in players/teams like yourself who think your above game planning, when in reality you are just too simpleminded to do so.

Originally posted by AC_31
Yes, believe it or not, I enjoy this game. I scout and game plan for almost every opponent. I find humor in players/teams like yourself who think your above game planning, when in reality you are just too simpleminded to do so.

Right... as always.

You sure got me there.

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