Originally posted by Iceman16
Originally posted by coachviking
Originally posted by sunshineduck
I remember when you were original and witty SSD......actually now that I think about it, I don't remember you ever being witty or original, my bad.
Well, when people aren't on the same posting team, they usually dislike each other.
Unless you're Haliblack, and can actually distinguish between good and bad posting. Examples: Feudel (universally shitty), Ahrens (fine in MEM circles).
Still trying to figure out who deemed Gart's Minions the all mighty judges of posting quality. Just because you and the rest of Hali says it over and over and over and over again, does not make it so.
On to the Ahrens point, he is a Monmouth GM because he has always been a straight up guy with me and actually does know a thing or two about dot ball. His posting skills or lack there of, never came into play.