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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > Zeta Conference Rankings
Damnit, I had this awesome "we get no respect" speech I was gonna bust out.

In all seriousness, awesome write up, I know how much effort that takes and I appreciate it.
Nice write up - you gonna update these every game?
Since it seems people like it, I'll try to do something each game, yes.

My initial spreadsheet does a roster analysis, but since it already breaks down Pass/Run Offense/Defense, I was thinking it wouldn't be too hard to include team stats in it, though I'm leary of basing anything on stats until at least 3 games are in the books.
Looks like #3 and #4 will be swapping places next week... GO RAMEKINS!
Nice breakdown Sarg01. The Chenabogs were set up for low levels to develop together. Most of the people on this team are friends so there will be no bickering for PT. Already had a close one with the Rockies (9-10, damn extra point...). Looking forward to a competitive season.
Zeta Power Rankings - Week 2

One note, this week includes the first adjustments for margin of victory and overall record. As a result, there are some extremes due to big blowout wins that may not bear out over time - unless those teams can produce the same margins week in and week out.


1. Melbourne Thorny Devils - While the big blowout win was expected, it sure doesn't indicate any reason to drop them from the top spot.


2. NMI Ramekins - Sneaking up on Dunedin is enough for the #2 spot. They face the Chinese Bandits this week and hope for a big game to get them ready for Melbourne in week 3.

3. Tonga Thunderbirds - The roster is too powerful (and got substantially better again this week) to drop them any further, despite the 1 point loss to the Shrooms.

4. Four Horsemen - The big win over the Bandits was expected, but the Bandits roster score has doubled since I last looked at it. I'm not sure if that improvement came before or after the game.

5. El Fuego - They get a big bump off their big win, and have to be somewhat confident with Uluru and Redscape coming up.

6. Bikini Atoll Mushroom Clouds - Even a one-point win is a big win when it comes against Tonga. They have to be the favorites for the next two games against Christchurch and Mauna Kea, as well.

7. Dunedin Wolverines - Tough loss, but games against Tasmania and the Bandits should help the recovery process. The roster score went up this week, too.

8. Coney Island Warriors - Seems kind of cruel to drop them a spot after a 23 point win, but if they can upset Tonga for a second week in a row, they'll certainly be moving up.


9. Christchurch Knightmares - A big win over Redscape isn't a bad start to the season. Though with the Shrooms, Coney and Tonga in the next three weeks, they might have to be happy with what they've got.

10. Chinese Bandits - They went on a recruiting/levelling binge this week. The big question is did it happen before or after the 54 point loss? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here.

11. Redscape Diplomats - Big loss to the Knightmares hurts, but they still have a decent roster.

12. Tasmania Sand Gnats - 23-point loss to Coney Island is not the way they would have liked to see the season open.


13. Uluru Rockies - Congrats on the win! They just don't have the levels to be ranked higher than this, though.

14. Mauna Kea Chenabogs - They better rebound this week against Redscape or it'll be a long season.


15. Cimmerian Barbarians - Well, it was Melbourne, so if there's any way to take an 88 point defeat in stride, you should.

16. FPQA Rockers - Does this MMO have a reset button?

Updated Roster Rankings (game performance not considered)

1 73.2 Melbourne
2 61.2 Tonga
3 49.0 Dunedin
4 44.5 Horsemen
5 44.1 NMI
6 42.8 Bikini
7 41.3 Coney
8 41.0 Chinese
9 40.7 Fuego
10 36.0 Redscape
11 33.3 Tasmania
12 28.7 Christchurch
13 22.4 Mauna
14 19.8 Uluru
15 16.3 Cimmeria
16 10.0 FPQA
Last edited Jun 13, 2008 09:51:55

Well Sarge.... interesting power rankings - If you have written them to spark some arguments and fighting talk then you've done well -

13th!!!!!!!!!! The Rockies won don't you know? Even if it was by one point.. I tell you what, you've just given us a massive incentive to win the next game and prove you wrong..

El Fuego will wonder what the 'El just happened to them!!!

Originally posted by DJDom

13th!!!!!!!!!! The Rockies won don't you know?

If it makes you feel any better, I do have you ranked 9th in special teams.

can you please drop us in the rankings Sarg, we like the under dog role better!
4th? 4th? The BCS rankings aren't even that far off. How can you have a team with a loss ranked ahead of the Horsemen? Strength of schedule isn't a factor, so what gives? 4th? Don't get me wrong I know who's bed you sleep in but Tonga can't stay up top forever. (Sidebar) I love the idea of the power rankings. Thanks for the long hours and hard work. 4th? Ah four for the Four Horsemen. The Omens are shining and the fortunes shall be FOURtold.
Originally posted by TEUFELHOUNDEN
4th? 4th? The BCS rankings aren't even that far off. How can you have a team with a loss ranked ahead of the Horsemen? Strength of schedule isn't a factor, so what gives? 4th? Don't get me wrong I know who's bed you sleep in but Tonga can't stay up top forever. (Sidebar) I love the idea of the power rankings. Thanks for the long hours and hard work. 4th? Ah four for the Four Horsemen. The Omens are shining and the fortunes shall be FOURtold.

You'll get your chance to beat us in Week 8.
This is strictly based on roster talent, not last week's performance. Again, you keep winning, and you'll get your due. I tell you one thing, you just earned a big circle around the date of June 26th.
Originally posted by Sarg01
Zeta Power Rankings - Week 2

One note, this week includes the first adjustments for margin of victory and overall record. As a result, there are some extremes due to big blowout wins that may not bear out over time - unless those teams can produce the same margins week in and week out.


1. Melbourne Thorny Devils - While the big blowout win was expected, it sure doesn't indicate any reason to drop them from the top spot.


2. NMI Ramekins - Sneaking up on Dunedin is enough for the #2 spot. They face the Chinese Bandits this week and hope for a big game to get them ready for Melbourne in week 3.

3. Tonga Thunderbirds - The roster is too powerful (and got substantially better again this week) to drop them any further, despite the 1 point loss to the Shrooms.

4. Four Horsemen - The big win over the Bandits was expected, but the Bandits roster score has doubled since I last looked at it. I'm not sure if that improvement came before or after the game.

5. El Fuego - They get a big bump off their big win, and have to be somewhat confident with Uluru and Redscape coming up.

6. Bikini Atoll Mushroom Clouds - Even a one-point win is a big win when it comes against Tonga. They have to be the favorites for the next two games against Christchurch and Mauna Kea, as well.

7. Dunedin Wolverines - Tough loss, but games against Tasmania and the Bandits should help the recovery process. The roster score went up this week, too.

8. Coney Island Warriors - Seems kind of cruel to drop them a spot after a 23 point win, but if they can upset Tonga for a second week in a row, they'll certainly be moving up.


9. Christchurch Knightmares - A big win over Redscape isn't a bad start to the season. Though with the Shrooms, Coney and Tonga in the next three weeks, they might have to be happy with what they've got.

10. Chinese Bandits - They went on a recruiting/levelling binge this week. The big question is did it happen before or after the 54 point loss? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here.

11. Redscape Diplomats - Big loss to the Knightmares hurts, but they still have a decent roster.

12. Tasmania Sand Gnats - 23-point loss to Coney Island is not the way they would have liked to see the season open.


13. Uluru Rockies - Congrats on the win! They just don't have the levels to be ranked higher than this, though.

14. Mauna Kea Chenabogs - They better rebound this week against Redscape or it'll be a long season.


15. Cimmerian Barbarians - Well, it was Melbourne, so if there's any way to take an 88 point defeat in stride, you should.

16. FPQA Rockers - Does this MMO have a reset button?

Updated Roster Rankings (game performance not considered)

1 73.2 Melbourne
2 61.2 Tonga
3 49.0 Dunedin
4 44.5 Horsemen
5 44.1 NMI
6 42.8 Bikini
7 41.3 Coney
8 41.0 Chinese
9 40.7 Fuego
10 36.0 Redscape
11 33.3 Tasmania
12 28.7 Christchurch
13 22.4 Mauna
14 19.8 Uluru
15 16.3 Cimmeria
16 10.0 FPQA

Great ratings. How do you calculate them?
Originally posted by Revelation

Great ratings. How do you calculate them?

The primary component is a roster assessment based on level. It assembles a score for passing offense, rushing offense, passing defense, rushing defense and special teams. Eventually (post-week 4), these scores will be modified by statistics. Each score is determined by an individual formula. For instance, passing offense = QB 35%, WR1 10%, WR2 10%, WRDepth 10%, TE 10%, OLAverage 20%, LT 5%. Yes, the LT gets 5% to themselves and also is part of the OL Average.

The secondary component is margin of victory, modified by strength of opponent. Basically, I plug the results in for each team with the power ranking of their opponent. This produces an "expected" margin of victory, for instance #1 (Melbourne) vs. #15 (Cimmeria) had an expected margin of victory of 47 points. Exceeding expectations produces bonus points.

Had Melbourne only won by 46, they would have gotten no bonus from this section. It is technially possible (and indeed happened in Uluru-Mauna Kea) that both teams may get points from their game if the power ranking scores are very close and so is the margin of victory. Uluru did get about 60% more bonus than Mauna Kea, though, which is appropriate as they won.

Finally, I add a flat 3 points times the number of wins to get an overall score. At the moment, this is either 3 or 0. By end of season it could be 48 points, which is pretty big as the first two components max at 120 points.
Originally posted by Sarg01
Zeta Power Rankings - Week 2

10. Chinese Bandits - They went on a recruiting/levelling binge this week. The big question is did it happen before or after the 54 point loss? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here.


we knew we were in trouble since before the schedule was released. we are still working on bringing in some players. we MAY end up okay.
The Abyss
Originally posted by DJDom

Well Sarge.... interesting power rankings - If you have written them to spark some arguments and fighting talk then you've done well -

13th!!!!!!!!!! The Rockies won don't you know? Even if it was by one point.. I tell you what, you've just given us a massive incentive to win the next game and prove you wrong..

El Fuego will wonder what the 'El just happened to them!!!

I guess we changed your mind then? Oh and that 51 point beat down outta tell yea that maybe your one point win was luck
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 15:17:21

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