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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > Pee Wee Gold League > Gold Passing Stats of great import
Originally posted by PING72
That was one of the main changes this offseason, the affect of hurries. BORT actually had it coded backwards for a long time...when a QB was pressured he threw a perfect Manning rocket-laser pass to the receiver. People were complaining, so now he made it so a hurry actually hurts the QB.

The problem is, PeeWee QB's could barely throw as that they become even worse when hurried (which happens a lot in PeeWee with all the strength built and low agiligy/vision OL) they become retarded.

my dots start out retarded though. what we need is a special ed teacher not a coach!
Originally posted by Thunder66
What should a rookie or freshman QB complete in the NFL/College 25%-30% (do you think they'd be drafted/played if that was the case??).

If the intention of GLB is for your QB to be 'average' (notice I don't say good or great) AT level 30-35, then WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF PEEWEE FOOTBALL??? just scrap the entire peewee league system and be done with it, if players are not meant to be competitive(or even barely functionable) until level 30+.

I'd be happy if peewee QB's could even complete 40-50% of passes in peewee football (not dominant by any means), and if you bring in the level argument then I'll bring in the defensive level argument (how can level 1-7 CB's/LB's/SS's/FS's stop them or even get in a position any where near them in order to stop them ....I mean defensive vision at those levels is almost non existent in which case defensive players should be running round like 'REAL PEEWEE/POP WARNER' kids on defense or 'chickens with there heads cut off'.

I'm disapointed that people just accept this is how it SHOULD be or that this is how its MEANT to be.... if so I don't want to play a game like that!

Well, if you think of PW, I see it more as just that, Peewee football. How many 10yr olds can really throw the ball that well, and if one can actually do that, how many completions are there actually. So according to the "GLB timeline", yes at 25-30 (college about) the QB's should be getting better and better. Not disagreeing there. But there shouldn't be all star QB's in PW. And yes, hurries need to be fix/recoded to work properly. As AB said, that's the main problem we're seeing atm.
Time Trial
Originally posted by nlthorne
Originally posted by Thunder66

What should a rookie or freshman QB complete in the NFL/College 25%-30% (do you think they'd be drafted/played if that was the case??).

If the intention of GLB is for your QB to be 'average' (notice I don't say good or great) AT level 30-35, then WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF PEEWEE FOOTBALL??? just scrap the entire peewee league system and be done with it, if players are not meant to be competitive(or even barely functionable) until level 30+.

I'd be happy if peewee QB's could even complete 40-50% of passes in peewee football (not dominant by any means), and if you bring in the level argument then I'll bring in the defensive level argument (how can level 1-7 CB's/LB's/SS's/FS's stop them or even get in a position any where near them in order to stop them ....I mean defensive vision at those levels is almost non existent in which case defensive players should be running round like 'REAL PEEWEE/POP WARNER' kids on defense or 'chickens with there heads cut off'.

I'm disapointed that people just accept this is how it SHOULD be or that this is how its MEANT to be.... if so I don't want to play a game like that!

Well, if you think of PW, I see it more as just that, Peewee football. How many 10yr olds can really throw the ball that well, and if one can actually do that, how many completions are there actually. So according to the "GLB timeline", yes at 25-30 (college about) the QB's should be getting better and better. Not disagreeing there. But there shouldn't be all star QB's in PW. And yes, hurries need to be fix/recoded to work properly. As AB said, that's the main problem we're seeing atm.

My 10 year old nephew can hit me with a 20 yard pass 80% of the time when I'm not moving and 50% of the time when I'm running a pattern.

Also, don't think of the name Pee Wee when you are thinking of the timeline, because it just isn't accurate. I don't think that Bort ever intended that the decline start when players were 21 years old, assuming that they are playing one year of their lives every season.
Keep in mind the whole "level of competition" factor as well. A Pee Wee QB shouldn't be able to throw a 50 yard bomb, but a Pee Wee DE shouldn't be able to just blow by the tackle or guard in front of him every play either. The simple fact is that DC's can put 11 guys in the box and send both safeties to the backfield like it was a track meet. Why? It's all because a QB can't complete a simple 5 yard pass to an uncovered target more than 20% of the time or so.

No one in Pee Wee is asking to be able to complete a 40 yard post pattern. Just let me complete a few HB screens where the guy doesn't fall down trying to catch it or after he catches it. Let me complete a WR drag route or a TE curl 50% of the time. That's enough to keep a defense honest.
Miracle pass last night!!
Man did I sleep good.

Of course notice the very next play a false start. Got me why?
Edited by Dtownokie on Oct 29, 2009 15:04:35
Edited because passing still sucks.......I just get a hard on when we do complete one.
Edited by Dtownokie on Oct 29, 2009 19:09:32
At lvl 6-7 our Copper QB completes 50% now, so stop whining seriously. The code has changed, deal with it. You can't throw all over and expect good results any more at lvl 1... QQ. As they say, evolve or go extinct. Sick of all you kids crying because there is a new challenge.
Originally posted by nlthorne
At lvl 6-7 our Copper QB completes 50% now, so stop whining seriously. The code has changed, deal with it. You can't throw all over and expect good results any more at lvl 1... QQ. As they say, evolve or go extinct. Sick of all you kids crying because there is a new challenge.

Are you talking about the one that has thrown for 78 yards in 8 games or the one that has thrown for 40 yards in 8 games?
For 78 Yards going Balls Out for sure!

We are a top 5 passing team in Gold against top DC's. It is jacked up imo.

Edited by Dtownokie on Oct 29, 2009 21:03:27
Again, you expect players at lvl 1-7 to throw for 300 yds a game? Get a damn clue. Really tired of all the whining. As they gain lvls the passing will improve. God forbid there be any kind of change in PW. Has you all with you panties in a bunch over nothing. Change what you do or don't play, pretty simple.

You should all be more worried with the hurry coding then the passing one. That's the one that could definitely use some work.
Edited by nlthorne on Oct 29, 2009 21:03:36
Originally posted by nlthorne
Again, you expect players at lvl 1-7 to throw for 300 yds a game? Get a damn clue. Really tired of all the whining. As they gain lvls the passing will improve. God forbid there be any kind of change in PW. Has you all with you panties in a bunch over nothing. Change what you do or don't play, pretty simple.

Don't force feed us your opinion............the masses believe passing sucks. You quit or buy you a team and air it out!

I forgot you had one.

Hamilton Tiger-cats 5-11-0

Interesting I don't see me talking derogatory to you anywhere in this thread. Good stuff.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink!
Edited by Dtownokie on Oct 29, 2009 21:36:28
So you're saying your just another chimp going with the masses Dtown? Obviously you can't read/think because I have no problem with the changes. As with most people I've adapted and gone about my business, not write a hundred QQ threads/posts. I also don't remember saying anywhere that throwing the ball all game should be viable in PW either, so next time you speak remove your head from a certain orifice before doing so.
Originally posted by Dtownokie
Are you talking about the one that has thrown for 78 yards in 8 games or the one that has thrown for 40 yards in 8 games?
For 78 Yards going Balls Out for sure!

We are a top 5 passing team in Gold against top DC's. It is jacked up imo.

Seriously, I don't know how many times I need to repeat this. No, a low lvl player should not be able to be able to put up 300 yard passing games. And as I've said before genius, half the bad throws are caused by the bugged hurry coding, not the pass coding. So if you're going to bitch, bitch about the right thing.
Originally posted by Dtownokie
Are you talking about the one that has thrown for 78 yards in 8 games or the one that has thrown for 40 yards in 8 games?
For 78 Yards going Balls Out for sure!

We are a top 5 passing team in Gold against top DC's. It is jacked up imo.

What team are you looking at, or are numbers just confusing for you?
Originally posted by Dtownokie
Don't force feed us your opinion............the masses believe passing sucks. You quit or buy you a team and air it out!

I forgot you had one.

Hamilton Tiger-cats 5-11-0

Interesting I don't see me talking derogatory to you anywhere in this thread. Good stuff.
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink!

LOL I didn't own that team, or have anything to do with the OC. Please try again.

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