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Forum > Champion League > 10/25 USAPL All-Stars vs CPL All-Stars
WTF iz gameplanning?
Chaos Knight
Originally posted by blln4lyf
I didn't GP for you guys either tbh, haven't all season. But keep making excuses.

That's ok, it's more the lulz when we actually give half a damn during the playoffs. Bonn Dynamo was in your position last season, as the unbeatable juggernaut (aside from the last game for some reason, given their record). Yet who has the only ultimate dotball trophy so far?
Man, people here are really concerned with previous seasons aren't they. Makes me wonder if it's season 11 or season 12 currently.

Edited by chronoaug on Oct 24, 2009 09:24:28
Originally posted by ksychic
Originally posted by jrry32

[ ] Haliblack doesn't actually care
[x] Haliblack making excuses in case they lose

Fail use of checkboxes tbh

Gave up on your team tbh
Originally posted by chronoaug
Man, people are really concerned with previous seasons aren't they.


Yea, I don't think people have quite realized what happens with the sim change...I mean look at Bonn this season compared to last year...
Originally posted by Chaos Knight
Originally posted by blln4lyf

I didn't GP for you guys either tbh, haven't all season. But keep making excuses.

That's ok, it's more the lulz when we actually give half a damn during the playoffs. Bonn Dynamo was in your position last season, as the unbeatable juggernaut (aside from the last game for some reason, given their record). Yet who has the only ultimate dotball trophy so far?

It's actually more lulz that you guys pretend you don't care.
Chaos Knight
Originally posted by jrry32
It's actually more lulz that you guys pretend you don't care.

I don't speak for the team. It's just more fun to see you guys bitch when we win in the end I guess. Guess I do care to an extent but the vast majority barely pay attention until Gart drops an elbow from the sky once the real games begin (i.e. playoffs). Even then, not a ton of response.
this conversation gets more lame each season...
Originally posted by Chaos Knight
Originally posted by jrry32

It's actually more lulz that you guys pretend you don't care.

I don't speak for the team. It's just more fun to see you guys bitch when we win in the end I guess. Guess I do care to an extent but the vast majority barely pay attention until Gart drops an elbow from the sky once the real games begin (i.e. playoffs). Even then, not a ton of response.

FYI the only ones that need to "care" are the OC and the DC...The rest of the team having a don't care attitude doesn't mean much.. The fact that your 2nd string NT is not passionate about every game really isn't showing up in the final score.

You'd think after 11 seasons people would have finally figured out how this troll works, but they just keep coming back for more.

<3 you guys
Edited by Wylker on Oct 24, 2009 09:41:19
Chaos Knight
Originally posted by coachviking
FYI the only ones that need to "care" are the OC and the DC...The rest of the team having a don't care attitude doesn't mean much.. The fact that your 2nd string NT is not passionate about every game really isn't showing up in the final score.

It's the owner of Soda Popinski himself. Maybe they'll go for the jab at the beginning of Round 2 instead of the uppercut for once.
Originally posted by Wylker
You'd think after 11 seasons people would have finally figured out how this troll works, but they just keep coming back for more.

<3 you guys

Ever figured that people know you're trolling and are just trying to bait you guys for response because they have nothing better to do?
Originally posted by Chaos Knight
Originally posted by coachviking

FYI the only ones that need to "care" are the OC and the DC...The rest of the team having a don't care attitude doesn't mean much.. The fact that your 2nd string NT is not passionate about every game really isn't showing up in the final score.

It's the owner of Soda Popinski himself. Maybe they'll go for the jab at the beginning of Round 2 instead of the uppercut for once.

You hit like a girl.
Originally posted by coachviking
FYI the only ones that need to "care" are the OC and the DC...The rest of the team having a don't care attitude doesn't mean much.. The fact that your 2nd string NT is not passionate about every game really isn't showing up in the final score.

when you have as many pieces in place as Haliblack, the care level of the OC diminishes greatly because scouting becomes non existent as you can basically manhandle most teams out there with whatever you want to becomes more like a game to which you just want to see everyone do great rather than trying to find holes in the defense.

so its not that Gart likely doesnt care...because im sure he does...its just that the effort put into his plan likely ends after game 1 and starts up again at game 17.
I'll be on both teams. I win, kthxbai.

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