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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Question about this league...
Originally posted by Whatsdafus
Originally posted by CWD40

Originally posted by Whatsdafus

Originally posted by PyscoJester13

Originally posted by silverandblackattack

What the heck else do people have to do in Texas besides drinking each others milk shakes?

Beat scrub teams filled with cry babies/losers and cheaters from Los Angeles?
Laught at ppl who think the raiders are any good anymore?
Enjoy the increasin job market while the rest of the country dips further into unemployment?
Enjoy the 9th highest GNP of any COUNTRY on the planet - without anything from the other 49 states?
I know there are lots more.. but I think you get the point.

- most obese state.
- most polluted state
- enjoy your 115 degree days!!!!


Texas was not the most obese state. They ranked #12 according to CalorieLab.

Top 10 most polluted US cities (reported by American Lung Association)
(By year-round particle pollution)
1) Los Angeles, California
2) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
3) Bakersfield, California
4) Birmingham, Alabama
5) Visalia/Porterville, California
6) Atlanta, Georgia
7) Cincinnati, Ohio
8) Fresno/Madera, California
9) Hanford/Corcoran, California
10) Detroit, Michigan

Funny that California has 5 out of the top 10, but you claim Texas is the most polluted.

The 115 degree weather is just a stupid statement, but of course your response proved how little you know on the subject. Don't let studies and facts get in the way of you talking out of your ass.

State law protects customers of investor-owned utilities from electricity disconnection during periods of excessive heat. The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) is reminding customers of this as numerous Texas communities experience record-breaking high temperatures.

Texas state law and PUC regulations prohibit investor-owned utilities from disconnecting service for nonpayment for at least two days after the National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for any county in the utility's service area.

On Wednesday the director of the National Weather Service's central region cautioned Texans to be aware of the physical problems caused by the current conditions of excessive heat and humidity. A number of Texas communities have had more than 20 consecutive days of high temperatures at or above 100.

A common NWS guideline for issuing a heat advisory is when the maximum daytime heat index is expected to meet or exceed 105 degrees F and the nighttime minimum heat index stays at or above 80 F.

To help customers avoid paying sharply higher summer bills, investor-owned utilities must offer deferred payment programs to all customers who contact their provider and explain why they are unable to make full payment, as long as they have not received more than two disconnect notices in the past year. These deferred payment plans allow for payment over at least three billing cycles. Level or average bill plans are also available that allow customers to pay amounts due in equal installments over the course of the year. Utilities may offer less restrictive qualification policies.

Customers of municipal utilities and electric cooperatives should contact their local provider for information on preventing disconnection.

The PUC encourages competition and customer choice while ensuring electric and telephone operations, services and rates are fair and reasonable.

Thats weather.... now let me find facts on your fat asses.

The 10 states with the highest obesity rates are:

1. Mississippi

2. Alabama

3. West Virginia

4. Louisiana

5. Kentucky

6. Tennessee

7. Arkansas

8. Indiana (tie for 8th)

9. South Carolina (tie for 8th)

10. Texas


Rank State Pounds
1. ALASKA 547,987,529
2. NEVADA 496,783,772
3. ARIZONA 328,676,277
4. TEXAS 244,460,108
5. OHIO 209,090,481
6. UTAH 173,157,779
7. FLORIDA 151,374,755
8. TENNESSEE 148,476,319
9. INDIANA 136,785,790
10. GEORGIA 126,580,488

Any other studies or facts you want to get in the way of my ass talking???
Steers and queers!!!!

Evidently you don't know what talking out of your ass means. You presented 3 things on this forum, and since you have forgotten I will remind you. They were:

- most obese state.
- most polluted state
- enjoy your 115 degree days!!!

All of those are false, and you actually posted material that directly contradicted the claims you made. So not only did I prove that you were talking out of your ass when you made the original claims, but now you have actually proved yourself wrong as well.

Amazing, but I am trying to figure out which part is more unreal. The fact that you are arguing with yourself, or the fact that you can't see that you are now arguing with yourself.

Again you posted this:

most obese state.

and this a little while later:

The 10 states with the highest obesity rates are:

1. Mississippi

2. Alabama

3. West Virginia

4. Louisiana

5. Kentucky

6. Tennessee

7. Arkansas

8. Indiana (tie for 8th)

9. South Carolina (tie for 8th)

10. Texas

So you proved yourself wrong.

You then posted this:

most polluted state

But followed that up with this:


Rank State Pounds
1. ALASKA 547,987,529
2. NEVADA 496,783,772
3. ARIZONA 328,676,277
4. TEXAS 244,460,108

Again proving the original statement you made wrong.

The 115 degree heat is really so stupid it isn't worth my time. I have lived here my whole life, and have never experienced the 115 degree heat that you speak of. Not only that the crap you posted said nothing about 115 degree heat, but it did mention 105.

That would be like me saying Death Valley speaks for all of Nevada and California. Or I could just say because Illinois had a record heat of 117 on July 14, 1954 that it must be really hot there.

Keep arguing with yourself about statements you have made. It is highly amusing for the rest of us.

Last edited Jun 11, 2008 10:24:16

- One of the most obese state. 10th in nation
- One of the most polluted state 4th in nation
- enjoy your 115 degree heat indexed days!!!

Happy there 10th obese, 4th polluted sweaty fat ass?
Last edited Jun 11, 2008 10:25:04
Holy crap did this thread take a wrong turn.
LMAO. This league. Never changes. Losers.
Originally posted by Whatsdafus

- most obese state.

And later. . . . .

The 10 states with the highest obesity rates are:

1. Mississippi

2. Alabama

3. West Virginia

4. Louisiana

5. Kentucky

6. Tennessee

7. Arkansas

8. Indiana (tie for 8th)

9. South Carolina (tie for 8th)

10. Texas

So which is it? The "most" obese state or "Number 10"?

And I hope to God you aren't from Illinois and talking shit about another state.

Do people even know Illinois exists as a state?

We do. I'm from Wisconsin and if we didn't have any National Parks, IL. people wouldn't have a place to vacation. That's okay though, spend you $$ here.
Originally posted by Xausted
We do. I'm from Wisconsin and if we didn't have any National Parks, IL. people wouldn't have a place to vacation. That's okay though, spend you $$ here.

Ahh the Dells. Tourist trap extrodinaire.
Ahhhh... Wisconsin dontcha know.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Ahhhh... Wisconsin dontcha know.

That's only when we are really drunk. LOL
Originally posted by silverandblackattack
Originally posted by Xausted

We do. I'm from Wisconsin and if we didn't have any National Parks, IL. people wouldn't have a place to vacation. That's okay though, spend you $$ here.

Ahh the Dells. Tourist trap extrodinaire.

I'm on the way to the Dells to help clean up the mess.
Wisconsin kicks dicks GO PACK!
Not that anyone really cares, but I prefer the 100+ degree weather down here in Texas. Good for time spend outside grilling or at the lake. I alse enjoy going wake boarding in January when it's 70 degrees outside. But that's just me.

When I want to cool off in the summer I go play ice hockey. ;-)
Last edited Jun 14, 2008 10:11:53
hey hey, everyone settle down, have a cheesesteak, and forget about it.

o wait, you guys dont have cheesesteaks, what the hell do youse eat out there?
BBQ and cold Shiner Bock beer beats a cheese steak any day.
I was always a HUGE Shiner Bock fan until I had the Shiner Hefeweizen. Damn..... excellent summer beer in a frozen stein.

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