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Originally posted by jallowe
Yeah!!! That's right blame Bush for Clinton's fuck up!! Really, you need to know what you are talking about before spouting off.

Damn.....I am not talking politics....ignore my post.

BTW....Fear the Whores!!

What do you know of how much reading/investigating I've put in to form my opinions? How old do you think I am? What do you know about my life experiences? I'd say the general content/quality of your posts here speak volumes of the depth and breadth of knowledge/experience behind YOUR opinions. Let's just try to keep it civil in here. OK?
For the record, I'm no fan of the Clinton's but I'd love for you to expound upon "Clinton's f--- up" and how it relates to the current economic/world situation. Honestly. What do you mean? If you don't want to talk politics and want your post ignored then refrain from clicking that blue "Post" button.
NOONE should be allowed to express an opinion without being prepared to provide evidence to support it. ALWAYS challenge what those in authority put forward as "fact" without adequate evidence. The founding fathers did it and intended for us to continue doing it. The reluctance of the American people to ask the hard questions of their leaders is largely the cause of our current crisis.
I'm not posting this to just start an argument, but in the hope that I might wake up one more young mind to the fact that we as a nation remain ignorant of the actions/motivations of those who represent us at our own peril and our future generations. GET INFORMED YOUNG PEOPLE! There ARE powers, principalities, and spiritually wicked people in high places who desire your effective enslavement to further their own self interests.
Originally posted by dook
You probably think Bush was the reason for 9/11 huh?

There's no evidence that says he WASN'T the reason....

In fact, conspiracy theories included, there is ample enough evidence to at least hold a light to what happened and the subsequent events....

Originally posted by dook
Originally posted by Lionsfan14

Yea Bush was a fucking great Pres.!!! I'm not going to argue political views with you tho.. Not on GLB.. You have yours and i have mine.. When a Democrat and a Republican argue nother ever gets solved, it'd be the same thing if 2 small children bickered about whose dad is stronger (obviously mine is but..) so i won't bash Bush in the forum anymore..

You probably think Bush was the reason for 9/11 huh?

Are you here to post factual evidence that Bush didn't?

Edited by Lionsfan14 on Sep 28, 2009 14:16:48
Edited by Lionsfan14 on Sep 28, 2009 14:16:27
Why should I? You can't post factual evidence that he did. Typical bigot.

I bet you blame Bush for the housing crisis as well.
Originally posted by dbreeze
What do you know of how much reading/investigating I've put in to form my opinions? How old do you think I am? What do you know about my life experiences? I'd say the general content/quality of your posts here speak volumes of the depth and breadth of knowledge/experience behind YOUR opinions. Let's just try to keep it civil in here. OK?
For the record, I'm no fan of the Clinton's but I'd love for you to expound upon "Clinton's f--- up" and how it relates to the current economic/world situation. Honestly. What do you mean? If you don't want to talk politics and want your post ignored then refrain from clicking that blue "Post" button.
NOONE should be allowed to express an opinion without being prepared to provide evidence to support it. ALWAYS challenge what those in authority put forward as "fact" without adequate evidence. The founding fathers did it and intended for us to continue doing it. The reluctance of the American people to ask the hard questions of their leaders is largely the cause of our current crisis.
I'm not posting this to just start an argument, but in the hope that I might wake up one more young mind to the fact that we as a nation remain ignorant of the actions/motivations of those who represent us at our own peril and our future generations. GET INFORMED YOUNG PEOPLE! There ARE powers, principalities, and spiritually wicked people in high places who desire your effective enslavement to further their own self interests.

I still say Fear the Whores!
Originally posted by valakar
I still say Fear the Whores!

yeah, lets not get sidetracked here. stay focused on the important things, like, whores and how they are to be feared
Edited by boobager on Sep 29, 2009 01:04:10
Originally posted by dook
Why should I? You can't post factual evidence that he did. Typical bigot.

I bet you blame Bush for the housing crisis as well.

Now your calling me a bigot.. Where in my post (or posts) did i blame Bush for 9/11 or the housing crisis.. You said i did, the only thing i said was prove he didn't (which by the way wasn't me saying he did) Your a clear-cut moron! Your obviously 12.. Go troll a different forum!

Originally posted by dbreeze
What do you know of how much reading/investigating I've put in to form my opinions? How old do you think I am? What do you know about my life experiences? I'd say the general content/quality of your posts here speak volumes of the depth and breadth of knowledge/experience behind YOUR opinions. Let's just try to keep it civil in here. OK?
For the record, I'm no fan of the Clinton's but I'd love for you to expound upon "Clinton's f--- up" and how it relates to the current economic/world situation. Honestly. What do you mean? If you don't want to talk politics and want your post ignored then refrain from clicking that blue "Post" button.
NOONE should be allowed to express an opinion without being prepared to provide evidence to support it. ALWAYS challenge what those in authority put forward as "fact" without adequate evidence. The founding fathers did it and intended for us to continue doing it. The reluctance of the American people to ask the hard questions of their leaders is largely the cause of our current crisis.
I'm not posting this to just start an argument, but in the hope that I might wake up one more young mind to the fact that we as a nation remain ignorant of the actions/motivations of those who represent us at our own peril and our future generations. GET INFORMED YOUNG PEOPLE! There ARE powers, principalities, and spiritually wicked people in high places who desire your effective enslavement to further their own self interests.

Here is some info for you.
Originally posted by

The Community Reinvestment Act (or CRA, Pub.L. 95-128, title VIII, 91 Stat. 1147, 12 U.S.C. § 2901 et seq.) is a
United States federal law that requires banks and savings and loan associations to offer credit throughout their entire
market area and prohibits them from targeting only wealthier neighborhoods with their services, a practice known as
"redlining." The purpose of the CRA is to provide credit, including home ownership opportunities to underserved
populations and commercial loans to small businesses. It has been subjected to important regulatory revisions.
The CRA was passed into law by the 95th United States Congress in 1977 as a result of national grassroots pressure
for affordable housing, and despite considerable opposition from the mainstream banking community. The CRA
mandates that each banking institution be evaluated to determine if it has met the credit needs of its entire community.
That record is taken into account when the federal government considers an institution's application for deposit
facilities, including mergers and acquisitions.
The bill encouraged the Federal National Mortgage Association, commonly known as Fannie Mae, to enable mortgage
companies, savings and loans, commercial banks, credit unions, and state and local housing finance agencies to lend
to home buyers. It also encouraged the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, commonly known as Freddie Mac,
to buy mortgages on the secondary market and sell them as mortgage-backed securities on the open market.
Enter Bill Clinton
In 1995, as a result of interest from President Bill Clinton's administration, the implementing regulations for the CRA
were strengthened by focusing the financial regulators' attention on institutions' performance in helping to meet
community credit needs.
These revisions with an effective starting date of January 31, 1995 were credited with substantially increasing the
number and aggregate amount of loans to small businesses and to low- and moderate-income borrowers for home
loans. These changes were very controversial and as a result, the regulators agreed to revisit the rule after it had been
fully implemented for seven years. Thus in 2002, the regulators opened up the regulation for review and potential
Part of the increase in home loans was due to increased efficiency and the genesis of lenders, like Countrywide, that
do not mitigate loan risk with savings deposits as do traditional banks using the new subprime authorization. This is
known as the secondary market for mortgage loans. The revisions allowed the securitization of CRA loans containing
subprime mortgages. The first public securitization of CRA loans started in 1997 by Bear Stearns. The number of CRA
mortgage loans increased by 39 percent between 1993 and 1998, while other loans increased by only 17 percent.
Other rule changes gave Fannie and Freddie extraordinary leverage, allowing them to hold just 2.5% of capital to back
their investments, vs. 10% for banks. By 2007, Fannie and Freddie owned or guaranteed nearly half of the $12 trillion
U.S. mortgage market. Thus leading us to the problems of today.
Just like all other administrations, the effect of a presidency often isn't felt until after he leaves office. Clinton reaped
the benefits of the Reagan/Bush era, and George W. Bush, is having to deal with the problems created by his
predecessor and are now coming to fruition.

Also, Bush administration tried repeatedly to get a regulatory agency set up to watch over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but were repeatedly blocked by Democrats Senator Christopher Dodd and Congressman Barney Frank.

One other note...

Fear the Whores!!!
If y'all want to argue about political issues, here you go:

That's just it.. I don't want to argue about politcal views and a couple other have stated they don't either but, when words are being put into my mouth and i'm being called a bigot it's very obvious i'm going to post in my defense.. I'd much rather get back to fearing the Whores or talking about whether or not somebody is planning to do weekly predictions (yes i know, the Whores will go 16-0 and win the championship) and or league rankings..
MV Thunder
Rubber Duck
Originally posted by Lionsfan14
That's just it.. I don't want to argue about politcal views and a couple other have stated they don't either but, when words are being put into my mouth and i'm being called a bigot it's very obvious i'm going to post in my defense.. I'd much rather get back to fearing the Whores or talking about whether or not somebody is planning to do weekly predictions (yes i know, the Whores will go 16-0 and win the championship) and or league rankings..

Only thing to be worried about the Whores!!

is you dont catch a STD,other then that just alot of hot air
I don't blame Bush Jr ...I blame the whole stinking Clan from Daddy on down ..he's the one that let Osama come here get a great education then leave .... Florida the housing market issues started under ....JEB Bush .... 9/11 was due to our issues from Daddy bush not Clinton ...ok he was a little lax on watching potentials BUT under him what signs did we have that anyone was planning anything truly ... well except Monica on her next Cigar stop Tour Saddam was lil bush fixing daddies mistake and we still yet have to find WMD's in that dust bowl ...if we left that mess be osama more than likely would be dead and gone BUT Nope our boys are still cleaning up a BIG BUSH MESS...we should have shaved that snatch after the first 4 years

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