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Forum > CB Club > Rate My CB > lvl 17 CB. Need advice
All you do is fuck up forums. You've already flat out said that you go into forums just to piss people off. You told ME that. wtf makes you think I'll listen to any advice you offer? I piss people off by being very forward but I DO give my honest opinions. Thats the different between me and you. Well, and simple fact that you brown nose quite a bit. Fuck that. Can you undersand that I don't want your advice? I opened this thread for advice. I made it clear that I didn't want yours, so why are are still running your mouth? Any negativity you have or say towards me bounces off like rubber. There's no effect and you are wasting your fucking time. Now buh bye

Edited by Packers27 on Aug 13, 2009 18:22:13
Can anyone else give me more advice on this player? Ipretty much have the idea of what I'm gonna do this time since I screwed up on the last one. I know I'm in the right direction but I want someone thats had CB success to match their opinions with my plans.
hello again

the advice i gave you is the best advice. i do chirp idiots liek you but i give good advice as well. you may intend to give good advice but in reality you dont realize what your tellign ppl is wrong and you r too ignorant to realize it. what i told you is the best possible advice. it addresses the issue of how to get the most speed using the least possible sp. if you think this is shitty advice then jsut keep creating forums until someone tells you different advice, but i doubt you would even listen to that
Edited by Baskerville on Aug 14, 2009 08:29:00
If you know you are headed in the right direction then stop bumping. You've got all the opinions you need. Your build is average to make it better get agility to 68 and get speed to 74 also. Then work on vision now stop bumping
Coach RW
Originally posted by dawgs23_34
If you know you are headed in the right direction then stop bumping. You've got all the opinions you need. Your build is average to make it better get agility to 68 and get speed to 74 also. Then work on vision now stop bumping

He's just lonely guys...

There, There fudge-packer27...I can hire a crack whore to give you a hug if you like and stop all this bickering. She can wipe your blubbering lips with her skanky dress if you like.
Originally posted by Coach RW
Originally posted by dawgs23_34

If you know you are headed in the right direction then stop bumping. You've got all the opinions you need. Your build is average to make it better get agility to 68 and get speed to 74 also. Then work on vision now stop bumping

He's just lonely guys...

There, There fudge-packer27...I can hire a crack whore to give you a hug if you like and stop all this bickering. She can wipe your blubbering lips with her skanky dress if you like.

I already got one over here. How do you think you came along??

Originally posted by Baskerville
hello again

the advice i gave you is the best advice. i do chirp idiots liek you but i give good advice as well. you may intend to give good advice but in reality you dont realize what your tellign ppl is wrong and you r too ignorant to realize it. what i told you is the best possible advice. it addresses the issue of how to get the most speed using the least possible sp. if you think this is shitty advice then jsut keep creating forums until someone tells you different advice, but i doubt you would even listen to that

You said that you give the BEST AVAILABLE ADVICE?? Did you realize that you actually said that?? The advice I'd give myself is better than your advice. Your first step would SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED AND MORE SPEED. Umm..... NO. You're wrong. I am working on speed already. Actually he's got plenty of speed right now.

My plans for him is much better than your advice. Our advice is totally different but you can say thats because I don't know what I'm talking about. Its funny to me because I agree with most of other's advice, just not yours. Hmmm... I wonder why? You hardly give good advice.

Originally posted by Packers27
Originally posted by Baskerville

hello again

the advice i gave you is the best advice. i do chirp idiots liek you but i give good advice as well. you may intend to give good advice but in reality you dont realize what your tellign ppl is wrong and you r too ignorant to realize it. what i told you is the best possible advice. it addresses the issue of how to get the most speed using the least possible sp. if you think this is shitty advice then jsut keep creating forums until someone tells you different advice, but i doubt you would even listen to that

You said that you give the BEST AVAILABLE ADVICE?? Did you realize that you actually said that?? The advice I'd give myself is better than your advice. Your first step would SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED AND MORE SPEED. Umm..... NO. You're wrong. I am working on speed already. Actually he's got plenty of speed right now.

My plans for him is much better than your advice. Our advice is totally different but you can say thats because I don't know what I'm talking about. Its funny to me because I agree with most of other's advice, just not yours. Hmmm... I wonder why? You hardly give good advice.

Well, you don't have enough speed, you never will unless you invest. There are recievers out there with a lot better speed, I just brought mine to the 68 cap and my speed is 85, yours is 79. There are recievers out there a hell of a lot faster than mine, so if you want to compete listen to advice people give you.
Originally posted by dawgs23_34
Originally posted by Packers27

Originally posted by Baskerville

hello again

the advice i gave you is the best advice. i do chirp idiots liek you but i give good advice as well. you may intend to give good advice but in reality you dont realize what your tellign ppl is wrong and you r too ignorant to realize it. what i told you is the best possible advice. it addresses the issue of how to get the most speed using the least possible sp. if you think this is shitty advice then jsut keep creating forums until someone tells you different advice, but i doubt you would even listen to that

You said that you give the BEST AVAILABLE ADVICE?? Did you realize that you actually said that?? The advice I'd give myself is better than your advice. Your first step would SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED AND MORE SPEED. Umm..... NO. You're wrong. I am working on speed already. Actually he's got plenty of speed right now.

My plans for him is much better than your advice. Our advice is totally different but you can say thats because I don't know what I'm talking about. Its funny to me because I agree with most of other's advice, just not yours. Hmmm... I wonder why? You hardly give good advice.

Well, you don't have enough speed, you never will unless you invest. There are recievers out there with a lot better speed, I just brought mine to the 68 cap and my speed is 85, yours is 79. There are recievers out there a hell of a lot faster than mine, so if you want to compete listen to advice people give you.

My natural speed is at 61 and speed of 79 so its not like I'm that far behind. I'm in a lvl13 league and I've been working on speed. Yeah, I might be a bit behind but I built my vision too since the competition for him is weak. I'm on the same path as anyone else. I just have more vision. How in hell do I keep building speed when 5 SP doesn't do anything but bump it up to +1? I've been boosting it with EQ. Surely,you don't keep training for it? I haven't boosted yet so that will help. You act like I'm way behind on speed because I'm at 61, not 68. What do you think I'm working on? I'd like to see what the vision looks like when others go your path. Need that too just as much
Edited by Packers27 on Aug 14, 2009 17:42:22
Well it doesn't cost 5 SP, it costs 3. If you ask any good player builder they will tell you 99% of the time for main attributes try to get it there as soon as possible. That's why your player is behind because you focused on vision instead of speed. My WR is a little behind just not quite as much as your because I got my #1 attribute up immediatly just not my 2nd which I will work on.
invested in SAs way too early

retire and start again, unless you enjoy playing in casual leagues
Originally posted by Geoffers
invested in SAs way too early

retire and start again, unless you enjoy playing in casual leagues


I might not have 200 speed but you won't hold on to the ball if I hit you. Thats the kind of defense I play in.

1-0 BABY

Keep hatin'
greatest ever
Iron Maiden
Stop bumping old threads

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