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I am not buying into anything all i said was that if the agent was on both teams that he owed it too both teams to say something to both owners that he was on both teams which has happened before here on G
Guam and the agents informed both teams in fact i have also been in the same situation and had a player on two teams playing each other i messaged both owners and let them know i was going to be neutral in the game.
It does not seem like that was done in this case so i said that it could look suspicious.
I will not name names but it was attempted on Guam. We got a message from a guy saying that he had been away from the game for awhile but wanted to get back into the game and wanted to GM for Guam. when we checked out his profile he was all ready a current Gm for a team we were playing in a game in 2 games from then.
also when my guys go on vacation they let me know!
I am not saying any of this was handled right on many different levels including on Sehorns part but i understand why it happened on all sides. {Lack of communication}
I call bullshit on my name being involved in it, My thoughts on Sehorn are out there. So I have no reason to have my name run thru the ringer like that and that agent that Sehorn did that 2 is on a team I gm, but how many damn teams do I OC, I am like 12-3 in the playoffs, I guess I am cheating in the all, or maybe, just maybe, I have a bit of ability.
Originally posted by jlrock
I call bullshit on my name being involved in it, My thoughts on Sehorn are out there. So I have no reason to have my name run thru the ringer like that and that agent that Sehorn did that 2 is on a team I gm, but how many damn teams do I OC, I am like 12-3 in the playoffs, I guess I am cheating in the all, or maybe, just maybe, I have a bit of ability.

I've known him for a long ass time. I seriously doubt the claims against him as in my experiance this isnt the type of guy he is.

Seems like someone is grasping 4 straws
Did that same agent give info to all the teams that out game planned Sehorn? So thats how we beat the Outlaws...I was wondering where the missing money from my team funds went...

I'll have to talk to Dan...
Originally posted by jlrock
I call bullshit on my name being involved in it, My thoughts on Sehorn are out there. So I have no reason to have my name run thru the ringer like that and that agent that Sehorn did that 2 is on a team I gm, but how many damn teams do I OC, I am like 12-3 in the playoffs, I guess I am cheating in the all, or maybe, just maybe, I have a bit of ability.

Don't let them get under your skin Rock! I have been with this team for not very long. Traded before the deadline, Rock is top Notch! There is no hanky panky going on! Just Class! getmoreho is one of the best DC I have seen, I use to compete against him in Canada when I was helping out the U.C. Evil Monkeys. The dude just straight up game plans man! jlrock comes up with some great game plans too.

It's just sad you have to get fingers pointed at you ofr great game planning and can't get a great game out of them. What happened to that? Maybe it looked like we were in your huddle cause your play calls are very predictable! Maybe anybody can see the things you are going to try.

Keep up the Good work Rock and don't take this crap from anybody! Our team knows the truth and we all stand behind you.
Originally posted by gunner_lile
Originally posted by jlrock

I call bullshit on my name being involved in it, My thoughts on Sehorn are out there. So I have no reason to have my name run thru the ringer like that and that agent that Sehorn did that 2 is on a team I gm, but how many damn teams do I OC, I am like 12-3 in the playoffs, I guess I am cheating in the all, or maybe, just maybe, I have a bit of ability.

Don't let them get under your skin Rock! I have been with this team for not very long. Traded before the deadline, Rock is top Notch! There is no hanky panky going on! Just Class! getmoreho is one of the best DC I have seen, I use to compete against him in Canada when I was helping out the U.C. Evil Monkeys. The dude just straight up game plans man! jlrock comes up with some great game plans too.

It's just sad you have to get fingers pointed at you ofr great game planning and can't get a great game out of them. What happened to that? Maybe it looked like we were in your huddle cause your play calls are very predictable! Maybe anybody can see the things you are going to try.

Keep up the Good work Rock and don't take this crap from anybody! Our team knows the truth and we all stand behind you.

I am sure you will see more of that SEHORN. My guys stand behind me for many reasons.

I pay for eq when its needed, not when its convienient.
I don't shit on them like you did that other owner
I fucking win when it counts unlike you.

Thanks for that response, makes me feel appreciated for what me and Getmore do.
Edited by jlrock on Jul 25, 2009 19:01:21
Originally posted by jlrock
I call bullshit on my name being involved in it, My thoughts on Sehorn are out there. So I have no reason to have my name run thru the ringer like that and that agent that Sehorn did that 2 is on a team I gm, but how many damn teams do I OC, I am like 12-3 in the playoffs, I guess I am cheating in the all, or maybe, just maybe, I have a bit of ability.

He is the OC for my team and ive known him for quite awhile now , and i doubt he would pull some shit like this, he knows his stuff when it comes to the offense and seems to me his record speaks for itself. IT would seems the guy is pissed he lost the game and looking for an excuse as to why.
Originally posted by James42688
Originally posted by jlrock

I call bullshit on my name being involved in it, My thoughts on Sehorn are out there. So I have no reason to have my name run thru the ringer like that and that agent that Sehorn did that 2 is on a team I gm, but how many damn teams do I OC, I am like 12-3 in the playoffs, I guess I am cheating in the all, or maybe, just maybe, I have a bit of ability.

I've known him for a long ass time. I seriously doubt the claims against him as in my experiance this isnt the type of guy he is.

Seems like someone is grasping 4 straws

thanks James,

sour grapes for sure, can't bring himself to say good game, you beat us. James whats so bad is the owner of that team is straight up, came in congratulated and moved on. This is sad.
jlrock OC's for my team and let me tell you, he's the best GLB mind that I know. He wipes the floor with team's defenses all the time and I can say that from being on multiple teams that he's OC'd. His QBs are constantly the passing yard and TD leaders each season and his backs are generally involved in the MVP races. The guy has shown nothing but integrity and has actually lost an OC spot from a team I was on bc of his integrity. Great guy here that would never cheat for a win. Where's the fun in that anyway?
Edited by burkelb40 on Jul 25, 2009 19:10:10
blah blah blah blah, Sehorn

Your thread is dripping with lame excuses, you stink of desperation.

I know both of these agents you are calling into question, jlrock moreso than mighty moles, but I can tell you that they are stand up characters.

You on the other hand... it is VERY obvious you are looking for an excuse for getting your ass kicked.

Take your loss like a man and stop accusing good guys of cheating.

I fucking hate people like you.
Edited by euchrid on Jul 29, 2009 18:18:38 (removed slur)
Edited by MogusMaximus on Jul 25, 2009 19:22:39
I've known JlRock for some time and has found him to have impeccable integrity. If there was spying going on it was without his knowledge and would not have been condoned. You have no evidence to accuse them of cheating and unless you do you shouldn't do so. You got beat, deal with it. It might be because they did a good job of game planning. Rock could have claimed the same thing going the other direction and said "serves you right to lose by putting a spy on our team". Have some CLASS and acknowledge that you got beat by a better team. I've DC'd several teams with JlRock and he always does his homework and is, most of the time, anal about other members doing their homework. I say that to his credit. So before you go posting things in a public forum and accusing people calling their integrity into question, maybe you should take the time to get to know the person first and foremost, and look at all the options and possibilities of what may have happened. It is my opinion that you owe JLRock a public apology for insulting his inteligence and integrity. That's all I have to say about that.
Originally posted by MogusMaximus
I know both of these agents you are calling into question, jlrock moreso than mighty moles, but I can tell you that they are stand up characters.

jlrock(and getmoreho) came to OC/DC a team in Canada AA#2 and transformed nearly all of the players(season 1 and 2 vets) into competitive builds, finally giving us a chance. THEY gave it their all, but WE simply didn't have what it took for a trophy, so we decided to start over with a drop to the minors. They found homes for every player that didn't plan on retiring, some of which went to Sackville Blitz which I've found is a very outstanding team full of great agents, and also stayed on as OC/DC for the rebuilt team.
Originally posted by jlrock
I call bullshit on my name being involved in it, My thoughts on Sehorn are out there. So I have no reason to have my name run thru the ringer like that and that agent that Sehorn did that 2 is on a team I gm, but how many damn teams do I OC, I am like 12-3 in the playoffs, I guess I am cheating in the all, or maybe, just maybe, I have a bit of ability.

I hope you are not referring that to me because i have said nothing about you and have not drug your name into anything.
please verify who your references are towards.
Originally posted by MogusMaximus
blah blah blah blah, Sehorn you sound like a mincy faggot.

Your thread is dripping with lame excuses, you stink of desperation.

I know both of these agents you are calling into question, jlrock moreso than mighty moles, but I can tell you that they are stand up characters.

You on the other hand... it is VERY obvious you are looking for an excuse for getting your ass kicked.

Take your loss like a man and stop accusing good guys of cheating.

I fucking hate people like you.

This pretty much sums it up. I am here to vouch for jlrock's character; his track record is well documented and speaks for itself. That this thread exists in the first place is a complete joke.
No you have been above the fray, you did not bring my name into it he did. But it should be obvious by now, hammer has met nail and Sehorn makes me think of that song, what is it uhh, ooo

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