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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #3 > So How's your offseason been?
Just start taking offers off the table and tell them to get back to you if they feel like playing. That way the ball is in your court whether to sign them or not.
Originally posted by rellascout
Originally posted by fullyard

Originally posted by scooter12321

Still about 100 offers on the table, just no replies yet.

This really gets to me. IMO, I believe that there should be some kind of penalty to agents that don't sign prior to the first day of the preseason. On average, they have around 7-10 days of off season to sign. No reason to hold off forever. Sign the contract and let the teams start getting their chemistry back up.

Maybe the penalty should be something like, max 200k salary for the year or something.

Why should people be forced to sign? Makes no sense to me.

They don't need to necessarily be forced to sign but generally speaking they end up signing one of the contracts they recieved in the first few days. Waiting beyond 5 or 6 days and not responding to pm's is just stupid.

In order to appease the people who don't agree, how about instead of a penalty, there is some kind of incentive for signing early?
Originally posted by pittball1
Just start taking offers off the table and tell them to get back to you if they feel like playing. That way the ball is in your court whether to sign them or not.

I'm not currently in a bad position at the moment. We did very well with recruiting, just trying to grab one or two pieces that could help but are not necessary. I just hate recruiting in general. Got to do it though.

We're getting close in Hornell, just need a statement WR and a few more pieces.. Havent actually tinkered with the AI yet this season (been so busy trying to sign ppl) and it showed today with our shahhhhhlacking Vs. a team with 10 chem!!
I hear what you are saying but people have real lives. A lot of people who do not own teams etc do not always check in as often as owners would like.

Plus lots of people want to pick just the right team.
Originally posted by fullyard
Originally posted by rellascout

Originally posted by fullyard

Originally posted by scooter12321

Still about 100 offers on the table, just no replies yet.

This really gets to me. IMO, I believe that there should be some kind of penalty to agents that don't sign prior to the first day of the preseason. On average, they have around 7-10 days of off season to sign. No reason to hold off forever. Sign the contract and let the teams start getting their chemistry back up.

Maybe the penalty should be something like, max 200k salary for the year or something.

Why should people be forced to sign? Makes no sense to me.

They don't need to necessarily be forced to sign but generally speaking they end up signing one of the contracts they recieved in the first few days. Waiting beyond 5 or 6 days and not responding to pm's is just stupid.

In order to appease the people who don't agree, how about instead of a penalty, there is some kind of incentive for signing early?

Fullyard I totally agree bro!
Originally posted by rellascout
I hear what you are saying but people have real lives. A lot of people who do not own teams etc do not always check in as often as owners would like.

Plus lots of people want to pick just the right team.

Don't play an RPG game if you don't have time to play, that's what I think. Since you can't force people, an incentive is the way to go. If you are an agent that only has one or two players, it can't be that difficult to pick a team. If you are an agent that has 30-40 player, then you've got way too damn much going on and you have no freakin real life anyways.

I've gotten a few mid/low 40's players with nice builds to back up several spots....CB, DE, DT, LB, WR still no OT though. I am comfortable that if I get at least that we will be ready for the season. Quite thin, but everyone has a role filled effectively. Still have a lot of offers out there to upgrade if possible, but we are not holding our breath.
Now time to pick team name to fit this region.

Edited by Taylor87 on Jun 16, 2009 18:41:54
Originally posted by D_Bowe_Show
Well said boss! Good luck everyone!

Listen to him sucking up ... you alreay have the DC job no need to blow the owner now... Hey Bowe check your chin your hobby is showing

I only had like 2 FAs of my players this season. And when they were signed, i started to recruit for the African Pro League, but people are just so stupid. I sent out loads of offers to somewhat ok players with starting position, high signing bonus and great salery and then they choice a AA league instead? hmmm oh well...

if anyone has a 50+ CB, ive got a spot open

Been busy doing build recommendations and such for the SEA Pros, and trying to roll a decent build for my 4 new players.
Originally posted by Mattyk41
Originally posted by D_Bowe_Show

Well said boss! Good luck everyone!

Listen to him sucking up ... you alreay have the DC job no need to blow the owner now... Hey Bowe check your chin your hobby is showing

Actually, I'm the DC.

Originally posted by Mattyk41
Originally posted by D_Bowe_Show

Well said boss! Good luck everyone!

Listen to him sucking up ... you alreay have the DC job no need to blow the owner now... Hey Bowe check your chin your hobby is showing

Just cuz you had to blow your owner to get a GM job, doesnt mean thats how everyone else does it!
Originally posted by D_Bowe_Show
Originally posted by Mattyk41

Originally posted by D_Bowe_Show

Well said boss! Good luck everyone!

Listen to him sucking up ... you alreay have the DC job no need to blow the owner now... Hey Bowe check your chin your hobby is showing

Just cuz you had to blow your owner to get a GM job, doesnt mean thats how everyone else does it!

I think a big help for recruiting would be the ability for a team to set the max # of contracts accepted at a position before triggering the withdrawal of all outstanding contracts at that position. A team could send contracts to all worthy candidates without playing roulette and having too many contracts accepted. The incentive for agents to sign quicker would be waiting too late and having only poor teams left to choose from.
I've seen and seconded this idea in the suggestions forum and encourage all to add their support.
Recruiting as is SUCKS!

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