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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > S9 Playoffs GG Thread:
3 tough games to get to the championship game... and it's basically an anticlimax to us. Now, we have a cakewalk whereas I was worrying my ass off through the playoffs to this point. Fortunately for us, Zeta is by far the better Conference and we've already played the best. Now, a ho hum game that can only be considered decent by talking trash... and even that is boring when considering it is talking trash to GLB's biggest cheat. Not even worth wasting my effort.
Originally posted by cherrie
3 tough games to get to the championship game... and it's basically an anticlimax to us. Now, we have a cakewalk whereas I was worrying my ass off through the playoffs to this point. Fortunately for us, Zeta is by far the better Conference and we've already played the best. Now, a ho hum game that can only be considered decent by talking trash... and even that is boring when considering it is talking trash to GLB's biggest cheat. Not even worth wasting my effort.

Ya Zeta is SO much better then Alpha. Wait you guys have 4 CPU teams and a slow build team. So 5 teams out of your 16 are trash a Bye weeks. In alpha we have 1 CPU team and all the team play hard. Alpha is way more competitive. I love the part where I am "GLB's biggest cheat" Still waiting for your dumb ass to explain how "I" cheated. Also still waiting to find out how your chat with tech support went after you tried to lie about me and pretended to KNOW bort on a personal level. We will kick the shit out of your stupid Cunt ass. I love you Internet Gangsters handing behind your keyboards. we do not need to cheat we have been playing fair since season 2 when I bought the team and we will always play the same way we always have. We are winners and our play on the field with prove that you are nothing more then a Big mouthed bitch that can not handle a real challenge like us.
Anyone want to see a joke? Green Street challenged my A LEAGUE TEAM!!! You just get funnier and funnier. You have no chance against decent teams, so you challenge teams which are really two levels below you. Why don't you just admit you are worthless and weak, LOL.

You have received a friendly scrimmage challenge from the Green Street Hooligans
Date Sent:
May 31, 2009 20:04:22
You have received a friendly scrimmage challenge from the Green Street Hooligans
Dear cherrie,

This is an automated message.

Your team, the Dublin Irishmen, has just received an offer from the Green Street Hooligans to play a friendly scrimmage match on day 40 at 14:00.

You can view and accept or reject this offer by going to the proposed scrimmage match's status page.

If you do not respond within 5 days, or by the day of the match, the match will be automatically rejected.

If you would like to send a message to the owner of the Green Street Hooligans you may simply reply to this message.
Originally posted by cherrie
Anyone want to see a joke? Green Street challenged my A LEAGUE TEAM!!! You just get funnier and funnier. You have no chance against decent teams, so you challenge teams which are really two levels below you. Why don't you just admit you are worthless and weak, LOL.

You have received a friendly scrimmage challenge from the Green Street Hooligans
Date Sent:
May 31, 2009 20:04:22
You have received a friendly scrimmage challenge from the Green Street Hooligans
Dear cherrie,

This is an automated message.

Your team, the Dublin Irishmen, has just received an offer from the Green Street Hooligans to play a friendly scrimmage match on day 40 at 14:00.

You can view and accept or reject this offer by going to the proposed scrimmage match's status page.

If you do not respond within 5 days, or by the day of the match, the match will be automatically rejected.

If you would like to send a message to the owner of the Green Street Hooligans you may simply reply to this message.

Well I figured since yu out level everyone in your league by 5-6 levels you might actual want to face a real team.

why do you not answer about your chat with Tech support? You can call me weak if you want but I am the one that has played by the rules and you are the one who is crying like a little bitch. Both of your teams (KOM and your actual team) outlevel almost everyone in your leagues but you throw stones at my Hooligans because of something TECH did. You do realize you just sound like a spoiled little bitch you are only upset because you will have to earn something for the first time this season. Ask around this league everyone I have dealt with has been a class act besides you and Gameface. Everyone could of complained but instead they ran their teams and have worked their butts off. The only team complaining has lost 1 game this season (you). Seems funny while I welcome playing you, you have cried all season and shown you are down right afraid of us. You know you will be out matched and even a lucky sim can not save you. All a lucky sim can do is make you lose by 18 instead of 45. One thing that makes me smile is knowing that for now on when you look at your trophy's and you seen the Season 9 silver trophy you will always have to think of us. I am sure you will cry about how you were wronged but it will not matter it is time to take your medicine. You are about to be punished for your disrespect and poor gamesmanship and I am glad we are the ones to shut your fucking mouth for good!
Edited by vetsgt02 on May 31, 2009 22:20:45
Internet fights are cool. Which one of you will take off the fake nails and pull out your weave first?
Originally posted by Ahoda
Internet fights are cool. Which one of you will take off the fake nails and pull out your weave first?

Oh I am having fun
ya come on now, if it wasnt for us razzing vets all season, this forum would be dead as hell
Originally posted by gameface25
ya come on now, if it wasnt for us razzing vets all season, this forum would be dead as hell

very true. I am actually having alot fun with this rival game. I hoped it would end like this and if you guys beat us I will tell you good job and take it like a man.
not IF, its WHEN, so get the crow ready
Originally posted by gameface25
not IF, its WHEN, so get the crow ready

We will see I think we can take you guys. I mean I will not lie Chevelle70's Return man could kill any team but I think as far as talent goes we are pretty even and it is going to come down toour GM's. I have complete faith in our OC and DC and think that we will come out ahead on this one. Reguardless thguh we have both had great seasons and if we did lose I would still be very rpoud of my team and players.
Originally posted by vetsgt02
Originally posted by gameface25

not IF, its WHEN, so get the crow ready

We will see I think we can take you guys. I mean I will not lie Chevelle70's Return man could kill any team but I think as far as talent goes we are pretty even and it is going to come down toour GM's. I have complete faith in our OC and DC and think that we will come out ahead on this one. Reguardless thguh we have both had great seasons and if we did lose I would still be very rpoud of my team and players.

I wouldnt say the teams are even.... our median level is like 50 while yours is 54, and being an overall 63 is quite a large jump from an overall 60, it takes alot to get those 3 points

Like I said, you have a 13-3 AAA playoff team at least, so saying the "talent" is pretty even is inaccurate

However, we wont let that stop us from obtaining the gold
Well, its playing right now. Soon we will know who is best. Good luck.
GG Green Street

Not wanting to comment right now really with it this fresh. Defense played well, offense didn't, nuff said really

I knew if we didnt get sacks and/or force Ints we would lose. But we held the score low enough that we should have won the game, I thought we would put up 35+

Good season
GG Green Street some of that crow is going to be hard to swallow I'd imagine.

Next time you need to punt more though
I wish we could have made them pay for being chickenshit to punt to PB, but ole well. He did get a KR TD at least

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