Originally posted by presvedder
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by Skanker irl
Anyone who cries over me blocking their PMs = ultimate puss.
Wah, wah, wah.Yeah, we make you block us from PMs because we're scared.
Wait watSpelling fail Apparently you don't understand the usage of "wat" vs "what."
I think it started on 4chan or something. I picked it up from a forum I used to belong to (or "a forum to which I used to belong" if you're gonna go that far).I don't understand the mean of "wat" vs "what" either to be fair. Yeah but you weren't jumping into a conversation between two other people to try and call one of those people out.
It's basically used when you're identifying a logical error (that's why I used it here) or if a message has some incoherence or something of that nature.
It's basically saying "your post makes no sense"