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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > WC game 6 power rankings 5/6
Originally posted by Squicken
Originally posted by crowbar832001

#7 New Cologne Bears--------(3-3)-----(7)----#9 New World Order------------The Bears have it rolling right now. The only thing that can stop them from making the playoffs right now is themselves. They should handle the Order with no problem.

Oh yeah? Good game though Bears, I guess my DC just came up with exactly the right answer for this game. Good luck the rest of the way, I feel like it's going to be a tight race.

Not to take anything away from you guys as that was a nice win but since I have been in this league for the past 3 seasons the Bears and Mutants are the 2 hardest teams to figure out. One game they look like world beaters and the next game it looks like anybody can beat them. I am not trying to take shots at anybody with that statement, but honestly most teams you play here you know what you are going to get with these 2 you don't. I am glad I played both already.
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
GREAT GAME ESKIMO HUNTERS! Was actually a really good game, despite the score. Give GREAT information, especially for tweaking mechanics and playoff material.

Yes it was. I had several goals to make it a cometitive game. I am not going to list them for 2 reasons 1) If we do meet in the playoffs I might be able to try certain things again that worked. 2) It is not fair to you guys if I give a "how to beat Alberta" book. Let others learn for themselves. So I will leave my answers vague, but my goals where to minimize turnovers and to minimize points off turnovers. We had 2 turnovers and no points off turnovers. So I was happy about that.

14 point difference by GLB standards is by no means a blowout and I know where my team stands and I think I found somethings I can improve on.

Great game Alberta. My hats are off to you. This game was a high level learning experience for my team and we are now a better team for having played you. Good luck the rest of the season and I hope for a playoff rematch.
Last edited May 9, 2009 07:49:04
Originally posted by Mattarchy
#1 Alberta Mounties (6-0) vs #4 Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters (6-0)

GREAT STs matchup here.

Special Teams MVP
Player Position
Paris Hilton CB
Dalton Hillard Jr HB

So much for that special teams matchup huh?

Yellowknife KR Yds Avg TD PR Yds Avg TD
HB Dalton Hillard Jr 6 152 25.3 0 2 38.5 19.3 0
Alberta KR Yds Avg TD PR Yds Avg TD
CB Paris Hilton 4 124 31 0 7 95 13.6 0

Dalton averaged 8.3 yards less on KR and averaged exactly half of what he normally does on PR (38.6 yards)
Paris averaged 11.4 yards less on KR and averaged 27.3 yards less on PRs

Neither scored a TD and both fumbled once.

We neutralized each other in this one.
wrong spot
Last edited May 9, 2009 10:29:05

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