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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > CARDINAL-ALBERTA-MOOSE
Originally posted by Mattarchy

Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
The ones you NEED to look out for are not the ones who have the #1 Offense or what not, it's the team that plays squarely, no matter where the ball is placed. Knowing the past of the Grizzlies, I can honestly say they know the walk...and going off of the Eskimo Hunters film...YUM! They're no dummies either. The Gamecocks on the other hand have so much more they could improve on, and have been fortunate up to this point w/ their schedule. In no way will it last. It's still early, and Pete (Bort) could throw a wrench at us and screw one of us up.

I told you. Stop looking at my film....we suck....besides we have a trick for you guys. We will have an advantage when we play Alberta. It will be 12 vs 10. The weather calls for heavy rains in Yellowknife when Alberta is going to be in town. I have instructed my 5th WR DeMain Man after a play to punch Jack Tatum in the mouth and knock him out cold and then stand in the FS spot George Clooney style in Leatherheads, but I said wait till the right moment as he is yelling out "ASSASSIN".
Last edited May 6, 2009 10:38:59
Originally posted by crowbar832001
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk

The ones you NEED to look out for are not the ones who have the #1 Offense or what not, it's the team that plays squarely, no matter where the ball is placed. Knowing the past of the Grizzlies, I can honestly say they know the walk...and going off of the Eskimo Hunters film...YUM! They're no dummies either. The Gamecocks on the other hand have so much more they could improve on, and have been fortunate up to this point w/ their schedule. In no way will it last. It's still early, and Pete (Bort) could throw a wrench at us and screw one of us up.

I told you. Stop looking at my film....we suck....besides we have a trick for you guys. We will have an advantage when we play Alberta. It will be 12 vs 10. The weather calls for heavy rains in Yellowknife when Alberta is going to be in town. I have instructed my 5th WR DeMain Man after a play to punch Jack Tatum in the mouth and knock him out cold and then stand in the FS spot George Clooney style in Leatherheads, but I said wait till the right moment as he is yelling out "ASSASSIN".

Crow, I'll have Robert Mcknight try that today, we need all the help we can get. I'll let you know how it woks out.

Originally posted by crowbar832001

I told you. Stop looking at my film....we suck....besides we have a trick for you guys. We will have an advantage when we play Alberta. It will be 12 vs 10. The weather calls for heavy rains in Yellowknife when Alberta is going to be in town. I have instructed my 5th WR DeMain Man after a play to punch Jack Tatum in the mouth and knock him out cold and then stand in the FS spot George Clooney style in Leatherheads, but I said wait till the right moment as he is yelling out "ASSASSIN".

HAHAHA! That's classic, haha...I'll bring the Tylenol ...just incase...

has it always said cardinal-alberta-moose or was it edited?
Originally posted by Kite188
o_O has it always said cardinal-alberta-moose or was it edited?

it has said that the whole time
i could have sworn it said moose jaw-alberta only before.

anywya, should be changed to, yellowknife,moosejaw,alberta,thunder bay sharks , gamecocks, wizards IMO
Originally posted by Kite188
o_O i could have sworn it said moose jaw-alberta only before.

anywya, should be changed to, yellowknife,moosejaw,alberta,thunder bay sharks , gamecocks, wizards IMO

I agree with the one before the first smiley face
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk

I'm one of those 'hot shots who messed up'. I made a BIG boo boo today on my other team. The added pressures in life can get to me, even on this game....Grrr @ Me, haha. Mistakes WILL happen and ANY of the Top Teams could screw up. The ones you NEED to look out for are not the ones who have the #1 Offense or what not, it's the team that plays squarely, no matter where the ball is placed. Knowing the past of the Grizzlies, I can honestly say they know the walk...and going off of the Eskimo Hunters film...YUM! They're no dummies either. The Gamecocks on the other hand have so much more they could improve on, and have been fortunate up to this point w/ their schedule. In no way will it last. It's still early, and Pete (Bort) could throw a wrench at us and screw one of us up.

Dude.........we've never even made THE PLAYOFFS. We're definitely not flawless..........but we're much improved, and I'll take that all day. We'll find out where we really are soon enough. To this point, we've taken care of business.
Originally posted by mlc121478
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk


I'm one of those 'hot shots who messed up'. I made a BIG boo boo today on my other team. The added pressures in life can get to me, even on this game....Grrr @ Me, haha. Mistakes WILL happen and ANY of the Top Teams could screw up. The ones you NEED to look out for are not the ones who have the #1 Offense or what not, it's the team that plays squarely, no matter where the ball is placed. Knowing the past of the Grizzlies, I can honestly say they know the walk...and going off of the Eskimo Hunters film...YUM! They're no dummies either. The Gamecocks on the other hand have so much more they could improve on, and have been fortunate up to this point w/ their schedule. In no way will it last. It's still early, and Pete (Bort) could throw a wrench at us and screw one of us up.

Dude.........we've never even made THE PLAYOFFS. We're definitely not flawless..........but we're much improved, and I'll take that all day. We'll find out where we really are soon enough. To this point, we've taken care of business.

I'm always a sucker for an underdog story so I am pulling for you guys to keep it up......except against us.
Just based on who we've played I'd say:

1) Moose Jaw
2) Alberta
3) Cardinal
Uh Oh! Someone lit the brittle straw on fire in the Gamecock house Now we're starting to get the top teams up here bumpin some heads....Only two more weeks until the Mounties leave for Saskatoon and A.) have a chicken dinner, or B.) face a grave defeat. I KNOW you guys have the fight

Glad to see you up in the mix though ALOT of the League Froums I'm TYPICALLY active in are dead....nobodies REALLY interacting anymore...
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
Uh Oh! Someone lit the brittle straw on fire in the Gamecock house Now we're starting to get the top teams up here bumpin some heads....Only two more weeks until the Mounties leave for Saskatoon and A.) have a chicken dinner, or B.) face a grave defeat. I KNOW you guys have the fight

Glad to see you up in the mix though ALOT of the League Froums I'm TYPICALLY active in are dead....nobodies REALLY interacting anymore...

We're looking forward to the challenge.

We need to have a "Hottie of the Day" post or something like that in the forum.

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