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First off, I never sent the challenge request and I don't care what happens with any team other than the Blue right now, so talk all the trash that you want to about teams in other leagues. This guy = doesn't care. Winona lost a lot of players due to the lack of customer service on this site. Our owner decided that he did not want to put any more money into this game and a few other owners (friends in real life) did the same. Snaza did the best job that he could to recruit players to fill out the roster and keep the team competitive. I think that they're a lost cause, but he works his butt off to keep them relevant and you have to at least applaud him for that.

Wanker is right though. I made the move because I felt that we had a chance to move up and I would do it again if given the chance. Call me pathetic if you want to. BTW, the players that I moved down were backups on our roster, not starters. I didn't bring them down to dominate; rather, just to fill holes. Again, please do a little research before you post. It makes you look silly. I have 5 guys that are level 40 or above on my roster right now and we're more than holding our own in a league with teams that can say the same thing about level 50+ players on their roster.

The fact that you care so much about a scrimmage where a pro team beat a AAA team is what I consider pathetic.

BTW, just drop the "b" from your name. It suits you better.
Last edited May 6, 2009 14:27:38
Originally posted by bighookworm
First off, I never sent the challenge request and I don't care what happens with any team other than the Blue right now, so talk all the trash that you want to about teams in other leagues. This guy = doesn't care. Winona lost a lot of players due to the lack of customer service on this site. Our owner decided that he did not want to put any more money into this game and a few other owners (friends in real life) did the same. Snaza did the best job that he could to recruit players to fill out the roster and keep the team competitive. I think that they're a lost cause, but he works his butt off to keep them relevant and you have to at least applaud him for that.

Wanker is right though. I made the move because I felt that we had a chance to move up and I would do it again if given the chance. Call me pathetic if you want to. BTW, the players that I moved down were backups on our roster, not starters. I didn't bring them down to dominate; rather, just to fill holes. Again, please do a little research before you post. It makes you look silly. I have 5 guys that are level 40 or above on my roster right now and we're more than holding our own in a league with teams that can say the same thing about level 50+ players on their roster.

The fact that you care so much about a scrimmage where a pro team beat a AAA team is what I consider pathetic.

BTW, just drop the "b" from your name. It suits you better.

Maybe you should tell Snaza to shut his fucking trap then. That way we can go back to not giving a shit about any of your teams.
Originally posted by bhall43
Originally posted by bighookworm

First off, I never sent the challenge request and I don't care what happens with any team other than the Blue right now, so talk all the trash that you want to about teams in other leagues. This guy = doesn't care. Winona lost a lot of players due to the lack of customer service on this site. Our owner decided that he did not want to put any more money into this game and a few other owners (friends in real life) did the same. Snaza did the best job that he could to recruit players to fill out the roster and keep the team competitive. I think that they're a lost cause, but he works his butt off to keep them relevant and you have to at least applaud him for that.

Wanker is right though. I made the move because I felt that we had a chance to move up and I would do it again if given the chance. Call me pathetic if you want to. BTW, the players that I moved down were backups on our roster, not starters. I didn't bring them down to dominate; rather, just to fill holes. Again, please do a little research before you post. It makes you look silly. I have 5 guys that are level 40 or above on my roster right now and we're more than holding our own in a league with teams that can say the same thing about level 50+ players on their roster.

The fact that you care so much about a scrimmage where a pro team beat a AAA team is what I consider pathetic.

BTW, just drop the "b" from your name. It suits you better.

Maybe you should tell Snaza to shut his fucking trap then. That way we can go back to not giving a shit about any of your teams.

Ahhh, does baby need his pacifier?
Contrary to your belief, Snaza is an adult and can do what he wants to. I'm not his mom and I'm not going to act like it either. He posts some things that I would not, but that is his choice. He is a friend of mine in real life and I will continue to have his back based on that.

Why do you care about our teams, anyway? We're not even in the same league as one of your teams and we're not in the same conference as another one, so who cares about us and what we do?

I don't read every post in this forum. In fact, I try to skip over the childish arguments unless it has something to do with me or my team. I don't know who started it, but you can't claim that your team is without fault here in this forum. It was funny when it started but I for one am tired about hearing about your death ray, how many carries Wendingo should have received, blah, blah, etc.

I do want to say that I'm still rooting for LXA in games because I feel that we share a bond being slowbuild teams that were promoted into A this season.

I just wish that some of your owners/GMs weren't so damned arrogant.
*Just now enters the scene*

What'd I miss???
Originally posted by BabyTigas
*Just now enters the scene*

What'd I miss???

This is everything in a few words.

Snaza can't be arrogant

LXA(minus Drifter) + Friends can be arrogant and get mad when others take their limelight (if that's what we really want to call it).
Last edited May 6, 2009 15:10:15
Originally posted by Aholewanker
Originally posted by BabyTigas

*Just now enters the scene*

What'd I miss???

This is everything in a few words.

Snaza can't be arrogant

LXA(minus Drifter) + Friends can be arrogant and get mad when others take their limelight (if that's what we really want to call it).

Wait a minute, wait a minute..... LXA actually got mad???? THE league of EXTRAORDINARY assholes got upset because they've been "out-assholed"???
Last edited May 6, 2009 15:45:51
Originally posted by BabyTigas
Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by BabyTigas

*Just now enters the scene*

What'd I miss???

This is everything in a few words.

Snaza can't be arrogant

LXA(minus Drifter) + Friends can be arrogant and get mad when others take their limelight (if that's what we really want to call it).

Wait a minute, wait a minute..... LXA actually got mad???? THE league of EXTRAORDINARY assholes got upset because they've been "out-assholed"???

no... if you really want to know I'll give you cliff notes

*snaza decides to talk shit about a SEA Pro team even though his team is in AAA

*Snaza Assumes most of us are associated with said team

* we Correct him

* He then makes a wild claim that he has beat half the teams in pro anyway so he must be on par with most of us anyway right?

*Snaza himself sends a scrim request to BLPP

* BLPP accepts and dominates....

* Snaza says he knew he would lose and it was a chance for him to learn something....
Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by BabyTigas
Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by BabyTigas

*Just now enters the scene*

What'd I miss???

This is everything in a few words.

Snaza can't be arrogant

LXA(minus Drifter) + Friends can be arrogant and get mad when others take their limelight (if that's what we really want to call it).

Wait a minute, wait a minute..... LXA actually got mad???? THE league of EXTRAORDINARY assholes got upset because they've been "out-assholed"???

Can you idiots read at all? Sanaza makes wild claims, sends out a challenge, gets his ass handed to him, then claims victory, and we are the assholes? Bookworm admits to being a pathetic slug dropping his AAA guys to an A League and we are arrogant? Whatever. You are are almost too stupid to make fun of. Where is Boltz?
Originally posted by g-bay-be
Originally posted by BabyTigas

Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by BabyTigas

*Just now enters the scene*

What'd I miss???

This is everything in a few words.

Snaza can't be arrogant

LXA(minus Drifter) + Friends can be arrogant and get mad when others take their limelight (if that's what we really want to call it).

Wait a minute, wait a minute..... LXA actually got mad???? THE league of EXTRAORDINARY assholes got upset because they've been "out-assholed"???

no... if you really want to know I'll give you cliff notes

*snaza decides to talk shit about a SEA Pro team even though his team is in AAA

*Snaza Assumes most of us are associated with said team

* we Correct him

* He then makes a wild claim that he has beat half the teams in pro anyway so he must be on par with most of us anyway right?

*Snaza himself sends a scrim request to BLPP

* BLPP accepts and dominates....

* Snaza says he knew he would lose and it was a chance for him to learn something....

...... awesome
Originally posted by Snaza
Originally posted by boomer82

Originally posted by durakbane

Who are those "Bandar Lampung Pigskin Pirates?" They seem like a really good team!


Wow... thank you for proving my point you dumb sons of bitches.

We just played a top 25 team in ALL of GLB... and only lost by that much...

Yeah.. I'd call that a win.

By the way... How are LXA doing again?

Yeah... thought so.


For the record, calling someone a dumb son of a bitch isn't someone trying to be arrogant, as aholewanker would imply, its antagonizing. Also if you are going to claim that a scrim loss to a top team is GLB is a 'win'....then this is a loss:

So, in those terms, I'd say that LXA is doing just fine...since we are counting scrimmages.
Last edited May 6, 2009 18:46:58
Originally posted by Outlaw Dogs
Originally posted by BabyTigas

Originally posted by Aholewanker

Originally posted by BabyTigas

*Just now enters the scene*

What'd I miss???

This is everything in a few words.

Snaza can't be arrogant

LXA(minus Drifter) + Friends can be arrogant and get mad when others take their limelight (if that's what we really want to call it).

Wait a minute, wait a minute..... LXA actually got mad???? THE league of EXTRAORDINARY assholes got upset because they've been "out-assholed"???

Can you idiots read at all? Sanaza makes wild claims, sends out a challenge, gets his ass handed to him, then claims victory, and we are the assholes? Bookworm admits to being a pathetic slug dropping his AAA guys to an A League and we are arrogant? Whatever. You are are almost too stupid to make fun of. Where is Boltz?

Ah, reverting to the old "You're stupid" insults.
I was hoping you guys would have something more clever to say. That was foolish.

Arrogant regarding all the posts about your fucking gay ass death ray and your half decent team.
But Aholewanker, where would that put your team? We are also a half decent team. I never claimed otherwise.
Then again, I don't boast about my team nearly every chance I get.

From what I see, most you guys are GM'ing teams that you don't even have players on, to no doubt get all those trophies that everyone cares so much about. The same trophies that mean you're a winner in real life.

Yes, that scrim was a loss. I do also believe that each side had said that no real game planning was/had been done so if you really want to brag about it, feel free. Good job, you won.

Yeah wanting to get out of BBB makes Bighookworm pathetic. How does that make him arrogant? I don't see the correlation. Do you even know what arrogant means? You clearly don't if you used arrogant in that way. I'll drop some knowledge on you. Try to not let it hurt you.

Straight from (This way we have a notable source)
   /ˈærəgənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [ar-uh-guhnt] Show IPA
1. making claims or pretensions to superior importance or rights; overbearingly assuming; insolently proud: an arrogant public official.
2. characterized by or proceeding from arrogance: arrogant claims.

You question my intelligence when you don't even comprehend what being arrogant means.

Why don't you:
Go to your local library;
Collect some of your thoughts;
Research what it all means;
Get back to me.

Did I use any other words that you don't know the meaning of? Comprehend? Boast?

P.s. This forum is most filled with you guys stroking each others, and your own epeens. It's quite sad really.
Do you guys get out much? Who am I kidding. I bet you all have webcams so you can all watch each other stroking your real peens. Whatever floats your boat...
Originally posted by Aholewanker

P.s. This forum is most filled with you guys stroking each others, and your own epeens. It's quite sad really.
Do you guys get out much? Who am I kidding. I bet you all have webcams so you can all watch each other stroking your real peens. Whatever floats your boat...

Pot calling the kettle black. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and insight. There's always one individual who decides that he can provide clarity and maturity for the rest of us. Your pretentious attitude doesn't make you look anymore intelligent than anyone else in these forums, only more 'stroking of your own epeen.'....ironic really.
Originally posted by durakbane
Originally posted by Aholewanker

P.s. This forum is most filled with you guys stroking each others, and your own epeens. It's quite sad really.
Do you guys get out much? Who am I kidding. I bet you all have webcams so you can all watch each other stroking your real peens. Whatever floats your boat...

Pot calling the kettle black. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and insight. There's always one individual who decides that he can provide clarity and maturity for the rest of us. Your pretentious attitude doesn't make you look anymore intelligent than anyone else in these forums, only more 'stroking of your own epeen.'....ironic really.

Ah using idioms are we?
Try this one:
Fighting fire with fire.

Does it bother you?
Originally posted by Aholewanker

Ah using idioms are we?
Try this one:
Fighting fire with fire.

Does it bother you?

Why would it? Most people tend to skim through long winded posts (with condescending overtones) that aren't really saying much....its just as bad as trying to read Rickey's posts....tedious and usually a waste of the time it took to get through it.

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