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Originally posted by ugglesmcgruggles
When did I shop my WR on the trade forums? I made a post when I was considering signing somewhere else this offseason, but I never had my guy for trade. The reason I went CPU instead of talking to you about it was due to the fact that I retired all my role players from the team. It was the only way to do it. The roster only had 40 on it, so they couldn't be released. I am cutting back at GLB, and so I needed flex points for my top guys.

That's a crock. You still could have let a GM take over, then he/she could have done whatever they needed to do. Instead, you abandoned 40 players and left the league a team short. Shame on you, and worse for making BS excuses.
It is? O ok.
Originally posted by ugglesmcgruggles
It is? O ok.

Way to show your maturity
it is already done there is no reason to bitch about it now there is no way to change anything.
No but there is plenty of reason to call a dickhead a dickhead then watch him "not care" one post, then try and explain it away in another (and phail)
Originally posted by gameface25
No but there is plenty of reason to call a dickhead a dickhead then watch him "not care" one post, then try and explain it away in another (and phail)

Originally posted by gameface25
No but there is plenty of reason to call a dickhead a dickhead then watch him "not care" one post, then try and explain it away in another (and phail)

fair point
Originally posted by gameface25
No but there is plenty of reason to call a dickhead a dickhead then watch him "not care" one post, then try and explain it away in another (and phail)

Originally posted by ugglesmcgruggles
Yea, you know I really don't care.

Yeah, and you really sound like a great big douche, and once you start to grow hair in funny places, and stop bending over for every guy that stops by, then we might respect you, but then again, you are a bills fan, oops, you did it again, asshat!
Originally posted by cherrie
I think everyone is missing the point that gameface25 made... If the guy was getting bored, he should have dropped the team a lot sooner, instead of waiting until the season begun. Worse still, from what has been posted here, he COULD have posted on his team forum that he wanted to sell the team and gotten someone else to take the team and continue it where it was.

I don't care that he sent his players to another team... but there is a bigger picture here. You want to have fun in this game, and so do I and everyone else. The point is that you should also be considering everyone else, who is here giving YOU the opportunity to have fun... We help you by being here, and you should do the same.

cnl... please don't make further excuses for your friend. This is really a simple issue. In a COMMUNITY, which is what this is, there is more at stake than just yourself. You had players on the team to think about, which he did not, as well as all the other teams in this league.

Unfortunately, it is done now and there is nothing that can be done about it. At least people here are seeing what a (put whatever word you'd like here) ugglesmcgruggles really is.

I have reported him for gutting and collusion, lmao, what a dipexcrement, why would you tell people IN A PUBLIC FORUM THAT YOU GUTTED PLAYERS? Oh, and your post about doing it will follow this one so you can't erase it, just thought I would help you out!
Originally posted by ugglesmcgruggles
When did I shop my WR on the trade forums? I made a post when I was considering signing somewhere else this offseason, but I never had my guy for trade. The reason I went CPU instead of talking to you about it was due to the fact that I retired all my role players from the team. It was the only way to do it. The roster only had 40 on it, so they couldn't be released. I am cutting back at GLB, and so I needed flex points for my top guys.

Quote, your top guys, couldn't hold our P's jockstrap, oh, but he would lick it, wouldn't he.......
Originally posted by cnlfailure
That'd be because we go back to when we both got our teams for the first time in season 4 and have had a good rivalry ever since. Even when the Krakens swiped a promotion spot from the Voodooers two season ago, Uggles and I have always been on the same page about this game and how to get fun out of it.

Yes, the loss of a team this early in the season isn't helpful, but for whatever reason it's happened and a friend I'd made through the game asked if a couple of his guys could join my team. I'm sure you have a similar bond with the teams you spent your first few seasons with and I know for a fact that he'd have done the same for me if things were reversed.

cnl, damn, I had some respect for you, this guy, quote this, will screw you over in the long run, he is a douche, a crusty, yeast infected, bubble bursting one too!
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
cnl, damn, I had some respect for you, this guy, quote this, will screw you over in the long run, he is a douche, a crusty, yeast infected, bubble bursting one too!

I have more evidence to the contrary. What's done is done.

Originally posted by cnlfailure
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka

cnl, damn, I had some respect for you, this guy, quote this, will screw you over in the long run, he is a douche, a crusty, yeast infected, bubble bursting one too!

I have more evidence to the contrary. What's done is done.

The evidence being he brought his players to your team, LOL.
Why does it matter? So he sold his team and took his players in side the league? all that does is make one team stronger and give everyone else a bye week. It makes the league a little stronger doesn't because his freinds team improved so much? Maybe I am missing the point but at least he did nto wait until week 5 then gut which would screw over the team he had already played...

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