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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > Spot's Game of the Week: Week 3...
Originally posted by firehazard
Originally posted by TideSpot

He just strikes me as a complete prick.....

Nah, I think he's just new to the internet.

Nah....someone new to the internet is usually innocent and unassuming......

For someone to be a prick that is new to the internet, means they are very likely assholes off the's genetics.....
Last edited Apr 28, 2009 22:10:58
Originally posted by gazizza
Originally posted by firehazard

Tide has a point. Complaining about immaturity only encourages it as it validates their lame responses. Just ignore if if you don't like it and it will disappear with time.

edit- Don't be so new to the internet.

While I agree that Tide and yourself have valid points, conanrex's is also valid. I don't know how much you guys frequented OAA#2 before coming here, but it was much classier/informative/fun than it is now. And I'm not saying that it's all of the new teams that came up as I was looking forward to the renewed matchups and posts from most of you, but it does suck having to deal with racist, nonsensical drivel that some are posting on here.

Also, what happened to Brad? He doesn't post anything and wins his first two games, is this going to become a superstitious type thing for him where we'll only hear from him once he loses again?

Not sure what you mean bye much classier. I've been in OAA#2 for a few seasons, and there was always trash talking. Except maybe last year since everyone knew Florida was going to cruise. Now I'm not saying that there was any racism before, and there's no need for it. But people are going to talk trash, and I'm all for it.
Originally posted by Cutbait
Originally posted by gazizza

Originally posted by firehazard

Tide has a point. Complaining about immaturity only encourages it as it validates their lame responses. Just ignore if if you don't like it and it will disappear with time.

edit- Don't be so new to the internet.

While I agree that Tide and yourself have valid points, conanrex's is also valid. I don't know how much you guys frequented OAA#2 before coming here, but it was much classier/informative/fun than it is now. And I'm not saying that it's all of the new teams that came up as I was looking forward to the renewed matchups and posts from most of you, but it does suck having to deal with racist, nonsensical drivel that some are posting on here.

Also, what happened to Brad? He doesn't post anything and wins his first two games, is this going to become a superstitious type thing for him where we'll only hear from him once he loses again?

Not sure what you mean bye much classier. I've been in OAA#2 for a few seasons, and there was always trash talking. Except maybe last year since everyone knew Florida was going to cruise. Now I'm not saying that there was any racism before, and there's no need for it. But people are going to talk trash, and I'm all for it.

By all means, please keep the trash talking, I have absolutely no issue with that. Even heated debate is well inline with what most forums are there for.

This is probably feeding into them, but yeah, the racist remarks are what really upset me. I know that words are just words and that racist remarks shouldn't bother me as a white American, but the fact that they throw them around without any sort of consideration for an entire forum of people is mind boggling to me. If there is one person out there who could read something and truly get offended by it, why even say it? Is it that funny to be able to hide behind your computer while you write whatever you can to get a rise out of people?

Again, I'm really happy that most of our fellow OA#3 members/teams are all battling again. I'll just be done with this issue and try to ignore those that I find offensive.

Glad to see the Spot's Games of the Week again, great write-up.
Originally posted by TideSpot
Originally posted by gazizza

While I agree that Tide and yourself have valid points, conanrex's is also valid. I don't know how much you guys frequented OAA#2 before coming here, but it was much classier/informative/fun than it is now. And I'm not saying that it's all of the new teams that came up as I was looking forward to the renewed matchups and posts from most of you, but it does suck having to deal with racist, nonsensical drivel that some are posting on here.

Now that's the way it should be said....well said Gaz.....

I'm not really sticking up for anyone, I'm a big fan of the middle road...

I know, and also ocassionaly have to remind myself, that this is just a forum, from a harmless football game. Lot's of different folks post here, from all kinds of different walks of life, and everyone is different, and they are also entitled to their opinions, and their own goofy and quirky sense of humor. Also, as much as I love football, if all we did was talk football constantly on these forums, I would be bored to tears, and definitely wouldn't participate in these forums. I have plenty of Bama websites to talk about football till I'm shitting little crimson colored, football shaped turds!!!

Granted, as a respectable and somewhat normal adult, I'm offended by certain things, comments, opinions, ideas, what have you. But, just like in these forums, I also experience these things in my real life encounters with other folks, as does everyone else that lives in America, and I choose to ignore them. If folks become obscene, and go beyond what is in the realm of normal and accepted behavior, then of course that needs to be moderated and controlled.

But for conanrex to post that this forum needs to be moderated, because folks posting are not up to his level of intelligence, reeks of arrogance, and aristocracy. And to make a blanket statement that we are all 13 year olds, really irks me. He just strikes me as a complete prick.....

You're putting words in conans mouth and taking things out of context. The reason I lumped you into the batch of immature posts is because you followed up with one yourself about my GM and my team. You're contradicting yourself and not following your own advice above.

There's nothing wrong with people trash talking. It fuels excitement and gets people into the game. But direct attacks and slanderous remarks are uncalled for and against GLB policy. It's these remarks that aren't blanket statements but acts of immaturity and thus why conan mentions "13 something brats". He could have been more careful in his wording but when the others are throwing out "Clit" and "twat" it's kind of a lost cause.

Just the fact that you and others responded in vehement fashion shows you were offended by his remarks and decided to lash out instead of taking your own advice to ignore it. I'm not calling you or any one else out as bad guys but don't be hypocritical and point the finger at someone else.
Originally posted by GiantBucs
Originally posted by TideSpot

Originally posted by gazizza

While I agree that Tide and yourself have valid points, conanrex's is also valid. I don't know how much you guys frequented OAA#2 before coming here, but it was much classier/informative/fun than it is now. And I'm not saying that it's all of the new teams that came up as I was looking forward to the renewed matchups and posts from most of you, but it does suck having to deal with racist, nonsensical drivel that some are posting on here.

Now that's the way it should be said....well said Gaz.....

I'm not really sticking up for anyone, I'm a big fan of the middle road...

I know, and also ocassionaly have to remind myself, that this is just a forum, from a harmless football game. Lot's of different folks post here, from all kinds of different walks of life, and everyone is different, and they are also entitled to their opinions, and their own goofy and quirky sense of humor. Also, as much as I love football, if all we did was talk football constantly on these forums, I would be bored to tears, and definitely wouldn't participate in these forums. I have plenty of Bama websites to talk about football till I'm shitting little crimson colored, football shaped turds!!!

Granted, as a respectable and somewhat normal adult, I'm offended by certain things, comments, opinions, ideas, what have you. But, just like in these forums, I also experience these things in my real life encounters with other folks, as does everyone else that lives in America, and I choose to ignore them. If folks become obscene, and go beyond what is in the realm of normal and accepted behavior, then of course that needs to be moderated and controlled.

But for conanrex to post that this forum needs to be moderated, because folks posting are not up to his level of intelligence, reeks of arrogance, and aristocracy. And to make a blanket statement that we are all 13 year olds, really irks me. He just strikes me as a complete prick.....

You're putting words in conans mouth and taking things out of context.

Gee OMFG thanks conan for clearing everything up! O wait ur not conan....GTFO CONAN IMPOSTER

Originally posted by GiantBucs
Originally posted by TideSpot

Originally posted by gazizza

While I agree that Tide and yourself have valid points, conanrex's is also valid. I don't know how much you guys frequented OAA#2 before coming here, but it was much classier/informative/fun than it is now. And I'm not saying that it's all of the new teams that came up as I was looking forward to the renewed matchups and posts from most of you, but it does suck having to deal with racist, nonsensical drivel that some are posting on here.

Now that's the way it should be said....well said Gaz.....

I'm not really sticking up for anyone, I'm a big fan of the middle road...

I know, and also ocassionaly have to remind myself, that this is just a forum, from a harmless football game. Lot's of different folks post here, from all kinds of different walks of life, and everyone is different, and they are also entitled to their opinions, and their own goofy and quirky sense of humor. Also, as much as I love football, if all we did was talk football constantly on these forums, I would be bored to tears, and definitely wouldn't participate in these forums. I have plenty of Bama websites to talk about football till I'm shitting little crimson colored, football shaped turds!!!

Granted, as a respectable and somewhat normal adult, I'm offended by certain things, comments, opinions, ideas, what have you. But, just like in these forums, I also experience these things in my real life encounters with other folks, as does everyone else that lives in America, and I choose to ignore them. If folks become obscene, and go beyond what is in the realm of normal and accepted behavior, then of course that needs to be moderated and controlled.

But for conanrex to post that this forum needs to be moderated, because folks posting are not up to his level of intelligence, reeks of arrogance, and aristocracy. And to make a blanket statement that we are all 13 year olds, really irks me. He just strikes me as a complete prick.....

You're putting words in conans mouth and taking things out of context. The reason I lumped you into the batch of immature posts is because you followed up with one yourself about my GM and my team. You're contradicting yourself and not following your own advice above.

There's nothing wrong with people trash talking. It fuels excitement and gets people into the game. But direct attacks and slanderous remarks are uncalled for and against GLB policy. It's these remarks that aren't blanket statements but acts of immaturity and thus why conan mentions "13 something brats". He could have been more careful in his wording but when the others are throwing out "Clit" and "twat" it's kind of a lost cause.

Just the fact that you and others responded in vehement fashion shows you were offended by his remarks and decided to lash out instead of taking your own advice to ignore it. I'm not calling you or any one else out as bad guys but don't be hypocritical and point the finger at someone else.

The internet really isn't that serious.
Originally posted by GiantBucs

You're putting words in conans mouth and taking things out of context. The reason I lumped you into the batch of immature posts is because you followed up with one yourself about my GM and my team. You're contradicting yourself and not following your own advice above.

There's nothing wrong with people trash talking. It fuels excitement and gets people into the game. But direct attacks and slanderous remarks are uncalled for and against GLB policy. It's these remarks that aren't blanket statements but acts of immaturity and thus why conan mentions "13 something brats". He could have been more careful in his wording but when the others are throwing out "Clit" and "twat" it's kind of a lost cause.

Just the fact that you and others responded in vehement fashion shows you were offended by his remarks and decided to lash out instead of taking your own advice to ignore it. I'm not calling you or any one else out as bad guys but don't be hypocritical and point the finger at someone else.

Are you gay? You come across as kinda gay. Not that I'm interested, I'm just a non gay sort of way....just want to make that clear......a very non gay way....

Advice from an 8 year old...

I thought that it's quite ironic. Admittedly I said clit instead of "mistaken equal." However had conanrex simply ignored a simple word, which in actuality has little meaning. It would have ended there. Instead he brought out the troll in me, of course responding with "twat" wasn't serious. I, being an 8 year old, whom has not yet reached the peak of maturity for my age group, am more immature than conanrex by ten-fold. Naturally I made the blunder of submitting to temptation. He lacked the foresight to see that by complaining, he revealed to me what irks him most. And that is the reason for the obscenities. I would suggest, keeping complaints (to people whom you have no chance at persuading) to yourself, you only act as a catalyst. However, what do I know? I am naught but an immature 8 year old.
Last edited Apr 29, 2009 01:09:28
Originally posted by sssylvessster
Advice from an 8 year old...

I thought that it's quite ironic. Admittedly I said clit instead of "mistaken equal." However had conanrex simply ignored a simple word, which in actuality has little meaning. It would have ended there. Instead he brought out the troll in me, of course responding with "twat" wasn't serious. I, being an 8 year old, whom has not yet reached the peak of maturity for my age group, am more immature than conanrex by ten-fold. Naturally I made the blunder of submitting to temptation. He lacked the foresight to see that by complaining, he revealed to me what irks him most. And that is the reason for the obscenities. I would suggest, keeping complaints (to people whom you have no chance at persuading) to yourself, you only act as a catalyst. However, what do I know? I am naught but an immature 8 year old.

You make no sense to me wether you are 8 years old, 18 years old, 38 years old, or 68 years old......which is about par for the course for me.....

Originally posted by sssylvessster
Advice from an 8 year old...

I thought that it's quite ironic. Admittedly I said clit instead of "mistaken equal." However had conanrex simply ignored a simple word, which in actuality has little meaning. It would have ended there. Instead he brought out the troll in me, of course responding with "twat" wasn't serious. I, being an 8 year old, whom has not yet reached the peak of maturity for my age group, am more immature than conanrex by ten-fold. Naturally I made the blunder of submitting to temptation. He lacked the foresight to see that by complaining, he revealed to me what irks him most. And that is the reason for the obscenities. I would suggest, keeping complaints (to people whom you have no chance at persuading) to yourself, you only act as a catalyst. However, what do I know? I am naught but an immature 8 year old.


Lets play with my reptaur toys sometime!
Originally posted by firehazard
Originally posted by GiantBucs

Originally posted by TideSpot

Originally posted by gazizza

While I agree that Tide and yourself have valid points, conanrex's is also valid. I don't know how much you guys frequented OAA#2 before coming here, but it was much classier/informative/fun than it is now. And I'm not saying that it's all of the new teams that came up as I was looking forward to the renewed matchups and posts from most of you, but it does suck having to deal with racist, nonsensical drivel that some are posting on here.

Now that's the way it should be said....well said Gaz.....

I'm not really sticking up for anyone, I'm a big fan of the middle road...

I know, and also ocassionaly have to remind myself, that this is just a forum, from a harmless football game. Lot's of different folks post here, from all kinds of different walks of life, and everyone is different, and they are also entitled to their opinions, and their own goofy and quirky sense of humor. Also, as much as I love football, if all we did was talk football constantly on these forums, I would be bored to tears, and definitely wouldn't participate in these forums. I have plenty of Bama websites to talk about football till I'm shitting little crimson colored, football shaped turds!!!

Granted, as a respectable and somewhat normal adult, I'm offended by certain things, comments, opinions, ideas, what have you. But, just like in these forums, I also experience these things in my real life encounters with other folks, as does everyone else that lives in America, and I choose to ignore them. If folks become obscene, and go beyond what is in the realm of normal and accepted behavior, then of course that needs to be moderated and controlled.

But for conanrex to post that this forum needs to be moderated, because folks posting are not up to his level of intelligence, reeks of arrogance, and aristocracy. And to make a blanket statement that we are all 13 year olds, really irks me. He just strikes me as a complete prick.....

You're putting words in conans mouth and taking things out of context. The reason I lumped you into the batch of immature posts is because you followed up with one yourself about my GM and my team. You're contradicting yourself and not following your own advice above.

There's nothing wrong with people trash talking. It fuels excitement and gets people into the game. But direct attacks and slanderous remarks are uncalled for and against GLB policy. It's these remarks that aren't blanket statements but acts of immaturity and thus why conan mentions "13 something brats". He could have been more careful in his wording but when the others are throwing out "Clit" and "twat" it's kind of a lost cause.

Just the fact that you and others responded in vehement fashion shows you were offended by his remarks and decided to lash out instead of taking your own advice to ignore it. I'm not calling you or any one else out as bad guys but don't be hypocritical and point the finger at someone else.

The internet really isn't that serious.

You are a wizzard harry!


1 2 3

There's a zombie on your lawn x3
We don't want zombies on the lawn

I know your type: tall, dark and dead
You wanna bite all the petals off of my head
And then eat the brains of the one who planted me here "NOOOOOOOOOOO"
I'm just a sunflower but see me power an entire infantry
You like the taste of brains
We don't like zombies

i used to play football "play football"
Road cones protect my head "go on his head"
i have a screen door shield "screen door shield"
We are the undead

There's a zombie on your lawn x3
We don't want zombies on the lawn

Maybe it's time to re-evalutate
i know you have a lot of food on your plate
Brains are quite rich in cholesterol
You're dead so it doesn't matter
Instead we'll use this solar power
To make a lawn defense at any hour

I like your tricycle "tricycle"
There's butter on my head " butter on his head"
I'm gonna eat your brains "no no no no"
We are the undead

There's a zombie on your lawn x3
We don't want zombies on the lawn
I am interested if anyone is, in fact, gay.
Originally posted by TideSpot

Are you gay? You come across as kinda gay. Not that I'm interested, I'm just a non gay sort of way....just want to make that clear......a very non gay way....

Wow, it's amazing how quickly you changed from seeming perfectly decent into a giant douche.
wow, barely 3 games into the season. And we all hate each other. Can't wait for the playoff fireworks!

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